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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Ex. 21. Describe a time when you experienced very bad weather


You should say:

• where you were and who you were with

• what the weather was like

• what you did in the situation

And explain how you felt during the experience.


Follow-up questions:


1. What types of natural disasters are of most concern where you live?

2. What consequences can a serious natural disaster have?

3. Have you ever experienced a natural disaster yourself?

4. What well-known recent natural disasters can you think of?

5. How do you think you would feel if you were caught up in a natural disaster?

6. What would you do if there were an earthquake right now?

7. What do you think of 'danger lovers' and 'thrill seekers' who go chasing after storms?


Unit 8. Informational technologies of XXI century


Ex. 1. Discuss the following points.

1. What is the Internet?
2. When and where did the history of Internet begin?
3. Why was the Internet designed?
4. What is modem?
5. Where are most of the Internet host computers?
6. What is the accurate number of internet users?
7. What is the most popular Internet service today?
8. What are other popular services available on the Internet?
9. What is the most important problem of the Internet?
10. Why is there no effective control in the Internet today?
11. Is there a commercial use of the network today?

12. What can cause the overload of the telephone system?
13. What was the main purpose of the Internet up to the 90s?
14. Do we need to have a computer to get access to the Internet today?
15. What is the alternative way to get access to the Internet today?


Ex. 2. Read the following short passage about laptop computers and fill in the gaps with suitable linking expressions from the box below. The first is done for you.


The Laptop Computer

Laptop computers used to be the favourite ‘toy’ of business people on the go when they first came out. Now they are so affordable that everyone has one these days. They have become less a luxury and more a necessity. Which begs the question; why?

Well, for a start, they are portable, which means we can take them with us wherever we go. (1) ______as well as________, of course, they are extremely practical; they give us access to potentially thousands of important work and personal documents at the press of a few buttons. (2) ______________ to this, with the internet becoming such an important part of our lives, having online access no matter where you go has become essential - that’s where the laptop comes in.

(3 )______________ can you take it with you on business trips, but you can (4)______________ bring it away with you on holidays. This gives you the ability to check your emails, (5) ______________your social network and chat sites, (6)______________.

(7) ______________, technology has come so far today that it even allows you to have video calls with friends and colleagues using your laptop’s webcam and in-built microphone. (8) ______________ from that, your laptop is also a portable entertainment system these days, too. (9) ______________ being able to play music, it also allows you to stream online films and watch DVDs. (10)______________, if you have a USB connector for your phone, you can also use it as a phone charger on the go. In truth, if you have a laptop with you, you have the world at your fingertips as well.

In addition         As well as        Furthermore        Too Not to mention   As well as           In addition         Apart Also         Not only


Ex. 3. Work in groups. Discuss these questions.


1 In what ways do social networking sites help people's social lives?

2 What problems can social networking sites cause?

3 How is social networking affecting teenagers and children, do you think?



Ex. 4. A) Before you read, check these words / phrases with your teacher or in a dictionary.

a collection          lonely       loneliness      bullying       be addicted to

B) Read the article. Which of the ideas that you discussed are mentioned in the article?

These days, millions of people organise their lives on social networking sites like Facebook, Google+ or Twitter, and many of them can't go a day - or even an hour - without checking for status updates. But what effect is this having on society and how is it changing the way we see our friends?

The scientist Robin Dunbar suggests that the largest number of active social relationships a person's brain can deal with is 150. However, most people have hundreds, sometimes even thousands, of Facebook friends, partly because making friends online is so easy. When you receive a friend request, you just click 'Confirm' and you have a new person to add to your collection of online friends. But do you really want to be friends with the person, or are you just trying to appear more popular? To illustrate the point, the Burger King chain of restaurants in the USA offered to give people a free burger if they deleted 1 o friends from their Facebook page. Amazingly, over 530,000 people did just that, which shows how little some people value many of these online friendships.

Experts are also concerned that spending so much time online is making children feel lonelier than ever before. According to a children's charity in the UK, the number of calls they receive about loneliness from teenage boys has gone up by 500% compared to five years ago. The charity also reports that online bullying is also increasing. In another report, a third of people at university said they spent too much time communicating online and not enough in person. So it's not surprising that young people who are addicted to social networking sites find it harder to form strong, long-lasting relationships. For them, to be offline is to be disconnected from their network of friends, which can be very hard to cope with.

Of course, you don't have to be at school or university to use social networking sites. Many professional people use networking sites like Linkedin to make work contacts. And of course being part of a global professional network means that people can make the most of opportunities anywhere in the world. So if you're a designer working in Dublin or an engineer who's moving to Egypt, the online community is one of the most effective ways to help your career.

Social networking sites are one of the most amazing success stories of the internet and Facebook now has over a billion users all over the world. However, the effect these sites are having on our friendships is changing our society forever.


C) Read the article again. Answer these questions.


1 Why doesn't Robin Dunbar think we can have 1,000 friends?

2 Why does the writer think some people collect friends?

3 How did people get a free burger from Burger King?

4 What does the British children's charity say about loneliness and online bullying?

5 What do some young people find difficult to cope with?

6 Why do professional people use sites like Linkedin?


D) Work in pairs. Compare answers. Do you agree with the points discussed in the article? Why?/Why not?





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