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The Changing Face of Tourism: Ecotourism

Overpopulation, industrialization, urbanization and environmental pollution have disastrous effects on Nature and wildlife. Nowadays we often hear such words as nature tourism, green tourism, sustainable tourism, bio-tourism, ecologically responsible tourism, educational tourism and cultural tourism. But sometimes we don't fully understand their meaning. All these terms have much in common but they are not synonyms with ecotourism which probably involves a little of all of them.

Ecotourism is one of the fastest-growing sectors of the tourism industry. The International Ecotourism Society defines ecotourism as 'responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people.' Ecotourism has a save-the-planet goal. Unfortunately there are very few pristine and unpolluted areas left in the world and they must be protected. Ecotourism is a travelling to natural destinations with rare flora and fauna.

Environmental organizations say that ecotourism is 'nature-based, sus-tainably managed, conservation supporting, and environmentally educated'. It gives the tourist the opportunity to broaden his mind, to discover new ways of life, to meet interesting people, to improve his or her knowledge in history and geography. Ecotourism provides funds for conservation and benefits the economic development of local communities as tourists provide jobs to local people, use local transportation, inns and markets and make voluntary contributions. Besides, ecotourism helps people understand the environment around them, makes them respect different cultures and be careful with Nature. It is an unforgettable experience which is rewarding at the same time.

Ecotourism is for environment-conscious people who love Nature, understand the negative influence of conventional tourism on the environment and want to minimize it. Ecotourism promotes recycling, energy efficiency, water conservation, safe disposal of waste and garbage and creation of economic opportunities for the local communities.

However ecotourism may have some negative aspects. The increasing number of tourists may damage the local environment. Some tourists don't understand the negative consequences of their visits. Many of them don't know how to behave and don't follow the main rule of ecotourism 'Leave nothing behind you except footprints and take nothing away except photographs'. They pollute drinking water, pick up rare flowers, disturb wild animals, purchase souvenirs made from the skin of endangered animals or leaves of rare plants. Searching for 'untouched places' tourists move off the beaten path and scare away animals.

First and foremost ecotourism is education. That is why before visiting some remote area tourists should learn as much as they can about its flora, fauna, local people, history, culture and traditions. It is also useful to learn a few words of the local language. The more information you learn, the more you will get out of your trip. It is very important to be open-minded and respectful.

Don't forget about conservation and careful attitude to the environment in your everyday life. Follow the rule, 'Preserve and improve'. And remember that Nature is very fragile and we ought to take great care of it.

(‘Открывая мир с английским языком. Современные темы для обсуждения. Готовимся к ЕГЭ’ Юнёва С.А. )

B) Read the following sentences and circle TRUE or FALSE.

1) Ecotourism is not so popular nowadays as it was in the 90s of the 20th century.
2) Ecotourism has a save-the-planet goal.
3) Fortunately, there are a lot of pristine and unpolluted areas in the world.
4) Ecotourism benefits the economic development of local communities.
5) Ecotourism is for people who are tired of conventional tourism.
6) The main rule of ecotourism is 'Pick up as many rare plants as you can.'
7) First and foremost ecotourism is entertainment.
8) The more information you learn, the more you will get out of your trip.

C) Complete each sentence (A-H) with one of the endings (1-8).

A. The International Ecotourism Society defines ecotourism as
B. Ecotourism is a travelling to
C. Environmental organizations say that ecotourism is
D. Ecotourism helps people
E. Ecotourism is for environment-conscious people who
F. Ecotourism promotes
G. Searching for 'untouched places' tourists
H. Before visiting some remote area tourists should

1. recycling, energy efficiency, water conservation, safe disposal of waste and garbage and creation of economic opportunities for the local communities.
2. understand the environment around them, makes them respect different cultures and be careful with Nature.
3. move off the beaten path and scare away animals.
4. 'nature-based, sustainably managed, conservation supporting, and environmentally educated'.
5. 'responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well-being of local people.'
6. learn as much as they can about its flora, fauna, local people, history, culture and traditions.
7. love Nature, understand the negative influence of conventional tourism on the environment and want to minimize it.
8. natural destinations with rare flora and fauna.


D) Give the definitions of the following words.

• overpopulation
• industrialization
• urbanization
• environmental pollution
• flora
• fauna
• recycling
• conservation

E) Answer the questions.

1) Why do overpopulation, industrialization, urbanization and environmental pollution have disastrous effects on Nature and wildlife?
2) Why is ecotourism popular nowadays?
3) What are the main goals of ecotourism?
4) What opportunities does ecotourism give to the tourist?
5) How does ecotourism benefit the economic development of local communities?
6) What are the negative aspects of ecotourism?
7) Can we say that ecotourism has the power to educate? Why?
8) Why is it important not to forget about conservation and careful attitude to the environment in our everyday life?


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