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Read the text and fill in the gaps with an appropriate form of the words in brackets. Bill Gates

Bill Gates was born and grew up in Seattle, Washington USA. His father, William H. Gates II was a Seattle attorney and his mother, Mary Maxwell Gates was a school teacher and chairperson of the United Way charity. Gates and his two sisters had a comfortable 1… (upbring), with Gates being able to attend the exclusive secondary "Lakeside School".

  Bill Gates started studying at Harvard University in 1973 where he met up with Paul Allen. Gates and Allen worked on a version of the programming language BASIC that was the basis for the MITS Altair (the first microcomputer available). He did not go on to graduate from Harvard University as he left in his junior year to start what was to become the largest computer software company in the world – Microsoft Corporation. After dropping out of Harvard Bill Gates and his partner Paul Allen set about 2…(revolutionize) the computer industry. Gates believed there should be a computer on every office desk and in every home.
    In 1975 the company Micro-soft was formed, which was an abbreviation of microcomputer software. It soon became simply "Microsoft" and went on to completely change the way people use computers. Microsoft helped to make the computer easier to use with its developed and purchased software, and made it a 3…(commerce) success. The success of Microsoft began with the MS-DOS computer operating system that Gates licensed to IBM. Gates also set about protecting the royalties that he could acquire from computer software by 4 … (aggress) fighting against all forms of software piracy, effectively creating the retail software market that now exists today. With his great success in the computer software industry also came many 5…(criticize). With his 6… (ambition) and aggressive business philosophy, Gates or his Microsoft lawyers have been in and out of courtrooms fighting legal battles almost since Microsoft began. The Microsoft monopoly sets about completely 7... (dominate) every market it enters through either acquisition, aggressive business tactics or a combination of them.

  Being the richest man in the world has enabled Gates to create one of the world's largest charitable foundations. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has an 8…(endow) of more than $28 billion, with donations totaling more than $1 billion every year. Their aim is to "bring innovations in health and learning to the global community". Bill Gates continues to play a very active role in the workings of the Microsoft Company, but has handed the position of CEO over to Steve Ballmer. Gates now holds the positions of "Chairman" and "Chief Software Architect". He has started that he plans to take on fewer responsibilities at Microsoft and will eventually devote all his time to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. In 2006, the second richest man in the world, Warren Buffett pledged to give much of his vast fortune to the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. Their foundation tries to improve health in poor countries.


8. Translate the text into English:

   Компьютер — машина для проведения вычислений. При помощи вычислений компьютер способен обрабатывать информацию по заранее определённому алгоритму. Кроме того, большинство компьютеров способны сохранять информацию и осуществлять поиск информации, выводить информацию на различные виды устройств вывода информации. Своё название компьютеры получили по своей основной функции — проведению вычислений. Однако в настоящее время полагают, что основные функции компьютеров — обработка информации и управление.

Архитектура компьютеров может непосредственно моделировать решаемую проблему, максимально близко (в смысле математического описания) отражая исследуемые физические явления. Так, электронные потоки могут использоваться в качестве моделей потоков воды при моделировании дамб или плотин. Подобным образом сконструированные аналоговые компьютеры были обычны в 60-х годах XX века, однако сегодня стали достаточно редким явлением. В большинстве современных компьютеров проблема сначала описывается в математических терминах, при этом вся необходимая информация представляется в двоичной форме (binary waveform), после чего действия по её обработке сводятся к применению простой алгебры логики. Поскольку практически вся математика может быть сведена к решению булевых переменных (logical variables), достаточно быстрый электронный компьютер может быть применим для решения большинства математических задач.


GRAMMAR PRACRICE: Auxiliary Verbs (GR-6, p.200; 25, 26, 27 p. 210)


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