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CONFUSABLES (Words and phrases with multiple meaning)
8. Fill in the gaps with the words from the box.
1. It was Lord Rutherford was the founder of ‘philosopher’s stone’, … by which artificial gold could be made if desired. 2. A Hungarian-born scientist Imre Lakatos came up with an expression quasi-empirical, which … that even though there are no true experiments that can be carried out in mathematics, something similar does take place. 3. Lord Kelvin, though a physicist, was also no … mathematician. 4. Statistical approach often deals with … values. 5. Most contemporaries of Einstein admitted that the … of his theories was beyond them. 6. The idea of atoms was … new in the 18th century. In fact, it has been around for well over 2000 years. 7. … physicists have also come to appreciate that the values of many of the constants may be the result of mere happenstance, acquired during random events and elementary particle process early in the history of the universe. 8. Poor Leonardo was constantly interrupted by visits from the … King, who walked through the tunnel that connected his Amboise palace to Leonardo’ house.
9. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the meaning of well 1. In 1875-8, Hibbs produced a series of papers which dazzlingly elucidated the thermodynamic principles of, well, nearly everything. 2. Such systems are commercially available and have components on length scales of many microns – the acceleration sensors in airbags being a well known example. 3. The idea of atoms was by no means new in the 18th century. In fact, it has been around for well over 2000 years. 4. Drexler argued that if biology works as well as it does, researchers ought to be able to do much better. 5. Proteins, for example, function so well as enzymes because the particular sequence of amino acids has been selected by evolution from a myriad of possibilities. 6. To make sense of this seeming paradox, Bohr – who like Einstein was a philosopher as well as a scientist – developed a view he called “complementarity”. 7. Until well into the second half of the nineteenth century, the formula H2J2 might mean water to one scientists and hydrogen peroxide to another. 8. After several tests and improvements of the new well detector the spectroscopy scientist thought that eventually he would be able to say: ”all is well that ends well”.
GRAMMAR REFERENCE (GR) Grammar terms used in Grammar Reference Noun − существительное; Verb − глагол; Transitive Verbs − переходный глагол; Intransitive Verb − непереходный глагол; Auxiliary Verb − вспомогательный глагол; Adjective − прилагательное; Adverb − наречие; Conjunction − союз; Preposition − предлог; Particle − частица; Participle − причастие; Subject − подлежащее; Predicate − сказуемое; Direct Object − прямое дополнение; Indirect Object − косвенное дополнение; Attribute − определение; Noun Attribute/Compound Noun − атрибутивная цепочка существительных (левое определение); Adverbial Modifier of Place − обстоятельство места; Adverbial Modifier of Time − обстоятельство времени; Passive Voice − страдательный залог; Causation − каузативные конструкции; Subjunctive Mood − сослагательное наклонение; Conditional sentences − условные предложения; Noun Substitute − слово-заместитель существительного. The structure of a sentence I wrote him a letter yesterday at the post office. Subject Predicate Indirect Object Direct Object Adverbial Modifier of Time Adverbial Modifier of Place Active and Passive Forms I wrote him a letter about the conference yesterday. (Active Form) He was written a letter to. A letter was written to him. (Passive form)
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