Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
Translate the sentences paying attention to the functions of the auxiliary verbs.
1. Maxwell realized that the theory had profound philosophical implications, and he may not have risked publishing it had there not already been good precedent. 2. The Nobel Prize ceremonies (white ties and tails, of course, tuxedoes are so declasses) are occasions for ladies to show off their finery. And they had better. For the television broadcast includes the fashion commentary, and woe betide the lady, whose couture is not haute enough. 3. Mathematics had just entered its modern phase with Descartes’ publication of Analytical Geometry in 1647, and was still for many years to be of such modest extent that a gifted man could reasonably hope to do good work in both the pure and applied divisions. 4. Supernovae are important to galactic ecology, for it is here that atoms of heavy elements are forged and then blasted into space, to be incorporated into latter-day stars and planets. 5. It is perfectly possible to imagine a universe in which mathematical equations have nothing to do with the workings of nature. Yet the marvelous thing is that they do. 6. Henning Brand tried to distill gold from urine. (The similarity of colour seems to have been the factor in his conclusions). He did not yield gold, but a strange and interesting thing did happen. The substance began to glow after some time. 7. One of Gauss’s disciples used to put the book under his pillow before going to bed in the hope − frequently fulfilled − that he would wake up in the night to find that a re-reading made things clear. 8. Dalton asked that when he died, his eyes should be examined to discover the reason for his color blindness, because he believed the fault could be the fluid in his eyes that was blue. 9. Alfred Nobel, a Swedish chemist, happened to spill some nitroglycerine liquid by mistake while lifting the bottle of it from the box of fine powder called Kieselguhr. It should have exploded, as it is very easy set off. But instead it formed a paste with the powder. 10. Unexplained is the curious fact that rules of numbers developed here on Earth should also enable us to generate nuclear power and calculate the mass of the Magellanic Clouds.
10. Choose the suitable word should or would 1. Stern’s method was to settle, after deep thought, on the next experiment. He should/would then design the apparatus, which he should/would invite his assistants or students to construct. 2. Fermat should /would often write to other mathematicians asking if they had the ingenuity to match his solutions. These challenges and the fact that he should/ would never reveal his own calculations caused others a great deal of frustration. 3. Chemistry was still closely connected with alchemists searching for what they called ‘philosophers’ stone’, should/would turn ordinary base metal into gold.
11. Translate the sentences paying attention to the functions of one/ones 1. One sir Courtney Boyle was reported to have deplored in an article in Macmillan magazine that barbarous usages had crept into the language. 2. A huge amount of industrial activity is based on chemical equations, each one describing an interaction whose details can be inferred but almost never observed with a naked eye. 3. It is said that Copernicus was handed the new book for the first time when he briefly recovered consciousness, and that he died with it in his hands: one can but hope the story is true 4. One implication is that the constants we observe may not, in fact, be the truly fundamental ones. 5. Charles Babbage began his lifelong quest to create a mechanical calculating engine one evening in 1821. 12. Translate the sentences paying attention to the functions of that. 1. The orthodox view was that of Creationists. The creationists believed that every species was created by God at once – and that each was perfectly designed by him to suit the conditions in which it lived. 2. Deciphering DNA structure seeded a revolution that changed biology forever. 3. The circumstances of a controlled experiment are controlled by the observer to isolate that part of a phenomenon or a reaction he wishes to observe and the conditions under which they happen. 4. This test was, after all, not that important and other work was waiting to be done.
13. Choose the suitable word to fill the gaps. (GR-27,28 p.211) 1. Favourable variations tend to be preserved, and unfavorable …to be destroyed resulting in the formation of new species 2. One key idea that emerges in Ada’s notes is the notion that the Engine might have far wider applications than purely mathematical … . 3. The American physicist John Archibald Wheeler encapsulated complementarity by quoting an eighteenth-century thinker, the Abbe of Galiana: “… cannot bow in front of somebody without showing …back to somebody else.” 4. Gauss’ explanation recalls that by Newton. Asked how he had made his discoveries in astronomy surpassing …of all his predecessors, Newton replied: “By always thinking about them.” 14. Choose the suitable word former /latter Identical forms − serpentine and chrysotile asbestos. While the former/latter is a harmless mineral that consists of flat sheets of atoms, the former/latter contains nano-scale tubes of atoms. After all, every new material has the potential to be toxic. |
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