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1) Articles.

a [ eI ] -> [ q ] an [x n] -> [q n]

            [ DI ] + vowel

the [ DJ]

            [ Dq ] + consonant.

2) Prepositions.

at [xt] -> [qt]

from [frPm] -> [frqm]

for [fL] -> [fq ] + consonant

    [fLr] -> [fqr] + vowel

to [tu:] -> [tq ]

of [Pv] -> [qv]

3) Conjunctions.

and [x nd] -> [qnd]

but [bAt] -> [bqt]

than [Dxn] -> [Dqn]

that [Dxt] -> [Dqt]

or [ L] -> [ O]

   [Lr] -> [Or] + vowel

4) Auxiliary verbs.

am [xm] -> [qm] / [m]

was [wPz] -> [wqz]

have [hxv] -> [hqv] / [v]

has [hxz] -> [hqz] / [z]

are [R] -> [R ] / [q] + consonant

    [Rr] -> [Q r] / [qr] + vowel

were [wE:] -> [wq]

     [wE:r] -> [wqr] + vowel

5) Contracted forms.

I'm [aIm] he's [hIz]

she's [ SIz] it's [Its]

we're [wIq ] you're [ jVq]

6) Modal verbs.

can [kxn] -> [kqn] / [kn]

must [mAst] -> [mqst]

7) Pronouns.

we [wi:] -> [wi] [wI ]

you [ju:] -> [ju ] [jV] [jq]

she [ SJ] -> [Si] [SI]

he [hi:] -> [hi ] [hi] [hI]

me [mi:] -> [mi] [mI ]

us [ As] -> [qs]

her [hE:] -> [hq ] [hq]

    [hE:r] -> [hq r] [hqr] + vowel

them [ Dem] -> [Dqm]

your [jL ] -> [jO ] [jO] [jq]


1. Never reduced: what, where, on, then.

2. Prepositions have their strong forms:

a) when they are final

- Do you know where he comes from [frPm]?

b) when they are followed by an unstressed personal pronoun at the end of a sense-group or a sentence.

- Give it to her. [ 'giv It tu: hq ]

3. Auxiliary and modal verbs at the end of a sense-group or a sentence.

- Who is on duty today? I am. ['hu: Iz Pn "dju:tI tqdeI і / / і aI xm]

Lesson 6.


The tip of the tongue is pressed against the alveolar ridge. The sides of the tongue are lowered. The air passes along the sides of the tongue. The sound is sonorant. The consonant [l] has 2 variants in English:

1) the clear [l] - before vowels and [j]:

lesson ['lesn]

value ['vxlju:]

the front of the tongue is raised in the direction of the hard palate: it is slightly palatalized;

2) the dark [ l ] - before consonants and at the end of the word:

child [CaIld]

bell [bel]

the back of the tongue is raised in the direction of the soft palate.

[l] is a lingual forelingual apical alveolar constrictive

    sonorant lateral consonant phoneme.



The tip of the tongue is raised towards the alveolar ridge. The sides of the tongue are raised and the air passes along the median line of the tongue. The sound is sonorant: the vocal cords vibrate.

[r] is a lingual forelingual cacuminal post-alveolar constrictive

    sonorant median consonant phoneme.



The bulk of the tongue is in the back part of the mouth cavity but a little advanced. The back of the tongue is slightly raised. The lips are neutral.

[R] is a back-advanced open broad unrounded long tense vowel




If the word, ending in the letter r or letter combination re is followed by a word, beginning with a vowel, the linking sound [r] appears between them.


                               [r] + vowel


- The bags are on the desks.



In the following words:

sixth [sIksT ]

Who's that? ['hu:z Dxt]

the alveolar phonemes [s] and [z] are followed by the dental phonemes [ T ] and [ D ]. But the phonemes [s] and [z] are not assimilated. So, care should be taken not to let the sound [q] appear between them.



It expresses non-finality (незавершенность), doubtness, uncertainty. It is non-categoric. It shows that the sentence or the sense group is logically dependent on the following sense-group.

In the sentences with this tone the stressed and unstressed syllables form a Descending Stepping Scale.

If the sense-group ends in one stressed syllable the raise of the tone occurs within this syllable. If the last stressed syllable is followed by unstressed syllables (tail), the last stressed syllable is pronounced rather low, the raise of the tone is formed by the unstressed syllables.

Is this a desk?          ___________________

'iz Dis q"desk ||        ___________________


Is he in the cinema?     ___________________

'Iz hI In Dq"sInImq ||    ___________________


Are they in the garden?  ___________________

'R Dei In De ga:dn ||   ___________________

Lesson 7.


The central part of the tongue is raised towards the juncture of the hard and soft palate, a little higher than for [R]. The lips are spread.

It sounds very much like the Russian [A] in какой [кAкой]. The bulk of the tongue takes up a more advanced position as compared with its position in pronouncing [R]

[A] is a central open narrow unrounded short and lax vowel




The front of the tongue is against the hard palate. The sides of the tongue are raised. The air-passage is open along the median line of the tongue. The air-passage between the front of the tongue and the hard palate is wide, the air flows through it freely. The sound is short and weak. The tongue immediately glides to the position of the following vowel. The vocal cords are close and vibrate.

[j] is a lingual mediolingual palatal constrictive sonorant

    median consonant phoneme.


THE PHONEMES [ S ], [ Z ].

The tip of the tongue is raised to the alveolar ridge forming a flat narrowing. At the same time the middle of the tongue is raised to the hard palate which palatalizes the consonants. The lips are rounded and slightly protruded.

[S] is a lingual forelingual apical palato-alveolar constrictive

    noise voiced consonant phoneme;

[Z] is a lingual forelingual apical palato-alveolar constrictive

    noise voiceless consonant phoneme.



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