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In the following word combinations:

Help Peter ['help pi:tq ]

at times [qt 'taImz]

Good day ['gVd deI]

last time ['la:st 'taIm]

that day ['Dxt 'deI]

the two identical sounds meet.

Two identical sounds are joined together as follows: the 2nd sound penetrates into the beginning of the 1st one, that is the organs of speech, while taking up the position for the pronunciation of the 1st sound, are already fully prepared for the pronunciation of the 2nd. Thus, 2 stages of the articulation are omitted: the final stage of the first sound and the initial stage of the 2nd sound.

In the pronunciation of the 2 plosive sounds the 1st sound loses its plosion because the medial stage of the 1st sound is immediately followed by the medial stage of the 2nd.

                 1t        2t


          1t                       2t

The plosion is also lost when we pronounce 2 constrictive plosive sounds articulated by different parts of the tongue:

                    fact [fxkt]

                    big car ['bIg 'kR]

The sounds [k], [g] lose their plosion, the sound [k] also loses aspiration.




What are the most important components of Intonation? They are speech-melody and phrasal (or sentence)-stress, because thanks to them the meaning of a sentence can be expressed.

What words are usually stressed in English unemphatic sheech? They are: 1) nouns; 2) adjectives; 3) numerals; 4) notional verbs; 5) adverbs; 6) demonstrative pronouns; 7) interr. pronouns; 8) emphatic pronouns; 9) the absolute form of the possessive pronouns 10)postpositive pronouns.

What words are usually unstressed? They are:


1) personal             5) auxiliary і verbs

2) possessive pronouns 6) modal і

3) reflexive            7) articles

4) relative             8) prepositions

                             9) conjunctions

But, it is necessary to point out that any word in a sentence may have logical stress, if this word is the most important piece of information or the communicative centre of the sentence. A word which is marked by logical stress may stand at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of a sense-group. It is usually the last stressed word in it. The words, following logical stress are either unstressed or half-stressed.

Where have you been?

(Да где же вы были?)

Where have you been?

(Да где же вы были?)

He is a student.

(Он действительно студент).

Logical stress often expresses something new to the listner, contrast or some other kind of special importance which the speaker attaches (придает) to the word.



In speech we often divide sentences into sense-groups. What is a sense-group? It is a word or a group of words, forming the shortest possible unit in a sentence from the point of view of meaning, grammatical structure and intonation. Each sense-group is also an intonation group from the intonational point of view.

Disjunctive questions contain 2 sense-groups. Such questions have 2 main functions: a) to question, b) to confirm. Because of this the short question may be pronounced either with a rising tone or with a falling tone.

a) 'This is a text-book,| isn't it?

(expresses doubt, uncertainty)

________ __________


b) 'This is a text-book |isn't it?

(expresses confirmation, certainty)





Let me help you

'let mi help ju ||



Open the door, please.

'EVpn Dq dL pli:z ||




Fetch me the book, will you?

'feC mi Dq bVkі| wIl ju ||




Lesson 8.


The tongue is held in a position which is farther back than for [R]. The back of the tongue is raised a little higher than for [R]. The lips are slightly rounded.


[P] is a back open broad rounded short lax vowel phoneme.

Don't replace the English [P] by the Russian [o]. To prevent this mistake the tongue must be held as low down in the mouth and as far back as possible, while the lips must be slightly rounded and slightly protruded.



The bulk of the tongue is in the back part of the mouth cavity. The back of the tongue is raised towards the soft palate, higher than for [P]. The lips are rounded and slightly protruded.


[L] is a back midopen broad rounded long and tense vowel phoneme.

The Russian [o] is closer than the English [L] and more rounded. The lips must be rounded closer than for [P].



During the pronunciation of the nucleus the central part of the tongue is in the [E:] position. The nucleus is central midopen narrow unrouded. During the glide the back of the tongue rises higher, in the direction of [V]. The glide is rather distinct in stressed syllables (and sounds like the vowel [V].) The lips are neutral at the beginning of the diphthong but during the glide, at the end of the diphthong, they are almost as rounded, as for [V].


[oV] is a diphthong of the back row.

[o] is a nucleus. It is a central, midopen, narrow, unrounded

    vowel phoneme.

[V] is a glide.



The back of the tongue is raised and touches the soft palate, forming a complete obstruction. The soft palate is lowered and the air passes out through the nasal cavity. The vocal cords are near and vibrate.

[N] is a lingual, backlingual, velar occlusive, sonorant (nasal)

    consonant phoneme.

This consonant can only occur at the end of a word or syllable:

sing [sIN]

English [ 'IN - glIS ]



1. In the words twelve, quick [twelv], [kwIk], assimilation offects the work of the lips (1): the labialized variants of the phonemes [t] [k] are used under the influence of the following bilabial consonant [w]. Assimilation also affects the work of the vocal cords (2) the sonorant [w] is partly devoiced under the influence of the preceding voiceless consonants [t] [k].

Assimilation is double.

2. In the word dwell [dwel] assimilation affects the work of the lips: the labialized variant of the phoneme [d] is used under the influence of the following bilabial consonant [w].



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