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A SENTENCE OR SENSE-GROUP If a preposition stands at the end of a sentence or sense-group it is used in its strong form. The dog ran after him Dq 'dpg "rxn Rftq I"fL ||
If a preposition is followed by a personal pronoun, the pronoun is used in its reduced (weak) form. Give it to her "'gIv It tH hq
_______________________________ _______________________________
INTONATION IN SENTENCES WITH HOMOGENEOUS PARTS Usually each homogeneous part of a sentence makes a separate sense-group. Each sense-group is pronounced with Low-Rise Tone.The final sense-group is pronounced with the Low - Fall Tone: One, two, three, four "wAn | "tH |"TrJ |"fL || _______________________________ _______________________________
Everything was covered with snow: roofs, benches, paths, bushes. 'evrITIN wqz 'kAvqd wIT "snoV |"rHfs |"benCIz |pRDz |"bVSIz || _______________________________ _______________________________
THE FALL-RISE TONE It is an imphatic tone. (It is contrastive (противопоставляющий), implicatory. It expresses politeness, apology, concern, uncertainty. Perfectly pE:fIktlI || _______________________________ _______________________________
Lesson 11. THE PHONEME [ Fq ] During the pronunciation of the nucleus the bulk of the tongue is in the front part of the mouth. The front of the tongue is mid-way between the positions for [e] and [x]. The nucleus is more open than the vowel [e]. The lips are spread and neutral. During the glide the tongue moves to the position of [q]. The glide may sound like [A] at the end of a word. [Fq] is a diphthong of the front row. [F] is a nucleus. It is a front, midopen, broad unrounded vowel phoneme. [q] is a glide
THE COMPOUND TONE FALL-RISE The falling of the tone occurs within one of the initial words and the rising within one of the final words of a sense-group. The words between them are pronounced at a low level. They are half-or unstressed. The falling marks out the word which is especially important for a speaker. Don't close the window 'doVnt .kloVz Dq "wIndoV || _______________________________ _______________________________
Lesson 12. THE PHONEME [ OI ] During the pronunciation of the nucleus the bulk of the tongue is in the back part of the mouth, as for the vowel [P]. The lips are slightly rounded. For the glide the tongue moves forward and upward, in the direction of [I], but doesn't reach it. The glide sounds like a weak [e]. [OI] is a diphthong of the back row. [O] is a nucleus. It is a back, close narrow, rounded vowel phoneme. [I] is a glide.
THE PHONEME [ Vq ] During the pronunciation of the nucleus the bulk of the tongue is in the back part of the mouth, but slightly advanced. The back of the tongue is raised. During the glide the tongue moves down to the position of the vowel [q]. [Vq] is a diphthong of the back row. [V] is a nucleus. It is a back-advanced, close broad rounded vowel phoneme. [q] is a glide.
THE HIGH-RISE TONE The voice starts at a medium level and rises to a high one. It is used in all sorts of echoes and in questions calling for repetition (переспрос).
Lesson 14. THE RISE-FALL TONE The voice starts at a rather low level and rises to a high level and then quickly falls to a very low level. __________________ No __________________ Perfectly __________________
It is categoric in character. it expresses both pleasant and unpleasant attitudes, from irony to sarcasm, from being pleasantly impressed to admiration. A Rise-Fall also exists in Russian as in a kind of mocking or envious remarks. ^Really = ^Ишь ты
ALTERNATIVE QUESTIONS They are devided into 2 sense-groups: The first sense-group is pronounced with the Low-Rise Tone, the 2nd one - with the Low-Fall Tone.
Is her sister a doctor or a nurse? 'Iz hE 'sIstqr q"dpktq | Or q "nE:s ||
Are the bags on the table or under the table? 'R Dq 'bxgz "Pn Dq teIbl | O r "Andq Dq .teIbl ||
Is the chair in front of the desk or behind the desk? 'Iz Dq 'CfqrIn "frAnt qv Dq desk | O bI"haInd Dq.desk ||
Are those your friends or their friends? 'R DoVz "jL frendz | O "DFq .frendz ||
Are these books hers or ours? 'R DJz 'bVks "hE:z | O r "aVqz ||
THE LEVEL TONE It is non-final and non-chategoric in character. It may express hesitation and uncertainty. It is often used in reciting poems.
Well, I'm not sure. -> wel | aIm 'nPt "SVq
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