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1. Brunnun-G [электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: http: //lexx.wikia.com/wiki/Brunnen-G – Загл. с экрана. – (Дата обращения: 02.10.2018). 2. Darrow D. Brunnis [электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http: //www.wavewrights.com/nonfic/lexx/darrow6.html – Загл. с экрана. – (Дата обращения: 02.10.2018). 3. Darrow D. Death and Resurrection Among the Archaic Brunnen-G [электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http: //www.wavewrights.com/nonfic/lexx/darrow7.html – Загл. с экрана. – (Дата обращения: 02.10.2018). 4. Kardashev, Nikolai. Transmission of Information by Extraterrestrial Civilizations. Soviet Astronomy. – Режим доступа: http: //adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1964SvA.....8..217K – Загл. с экрана. – (Дата обращения: 02.10.2018). 5. LEXX 1.0 I WORSHIP HIS SHADOW (written by Paul Donovan, Jeffery Hirschfield, Lex Gigeroff) [электронный ресурс] / Составитель: Filking Fairy. – Режим доступа: http: //www.lexxlight.ru/transcription/I_Worship_His_Shadow.html – Загл. с экрана. – (Дата обращения: 02.10.2018). 6. LEXX 2.0 SUPER NOVA (written by Paul Donovan, Jeffery Hirschfield, Lex Gigeroff) [электронный ресурс] / Составитель: Filking Fairy. – Режим доступа: http: //www.lexxlight.ru/transcription/Super_Nova.html – Загл. с экрана. – (Дата обращения: 02.10.2018). 7. Lexx 2.13 Twilight (written by Paul Donovan, Lex Gigeroff, Jeffrey Hirschfield) [электронный ресурс] / Составитель: Filking Fairy. – Режим доступа: https: //www.lexxlight.ru/transcription/2_13_Twilight.html – Загл. с экрана. – (Дата обращения: 02.10.2018). 8. Lexx 2.18 Brigadoom (written by Paul Donovan, Lex Gigeroff) [электронный ресурс] / Составитель: Filking Fairy. – Режим доступа: http: //www.lexxlight.ru/transcription/2_18_Brigadoom.html – Загл. с экрана. – (Дата обращения: 02.10.2018). 9. Lexx 2.20 End Of The Universe (written by Paul Donovan, Lex Gigeroff, Jeffrey Hirschfield) [электронный ресурс] / Составитель: Filking Fairy. – Режим доступа: http: //www.lexxlight.ru/transcription/2_20_End_Of_The_Universe.html – Загл. с экрана. – (Дата обращения: 02.10.2018). 10. Lexx 4.12 Bad Carrot (written by Jeffrey Hirschfield) [электронный ресурс] / Составитель: Filking Fairy. – Режим доступа: http: //www.lexxlight.ru/transcription/4_12_Bad_Carrot.html – Загл. с экрана. – (Дата обращения: 02.10.2018). 11. Lexx 4.18 The Game (written by Paul Donovan) [электронный ресурс] / Составитель: Filking Fairy. – Режим доступа: http: //www.lexxlight.ru/transcription/4_18_The_Game.html – Загл. с экрана. – (Дата обращения: 02.10.2018). 12. Lexx 4.24 Yo Way Yo (written by Paul Donovan) [электронный ресурс] / Составитель: Filking Fairy. – Режим доступа: http: //www.lexxlight.ru/transcription/4_24_Yo_Way_Yo.html – Загл. с экрана. – (Дата обращения: 02.10.2018). 13. Valdron D.G. The Insect Tech, Or, Everything You Never Wanted To Know About Bugs Speculations on the insect civilization [электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http: //www.wavewrights.com/nonfic/lexx/it.html – Загл. с экрана. – (Дата обращения: 02.10.2018). 14. Valdron D.G. Lexx Time Line [электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http: //www.wavewrights.com/nonfic/lexx/time.html – Загл. с экрана. – (Дата обращения: 02.10.2018). 15. Yo Way Yo [электронный ресурс] / Marty Simon. – Режим доступа: https: //musescore.com/user/25926/scores/45902 – Загл. с экрана. – (Дата обращения: 02.10.2018). 16. Yo Way Yo [электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: http: //lexx.wikia.com/ wiki/Yo_Way_Yo – Загл. с экрана. – (Дата обращения: 02.10.2018). 17. Бруннен-Джи [электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: http: //cyclowiki.org/wiki/%D0%91%D1%80%D1%83%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%BD-%D0%94%D0%B6%D0%B8#cite_note-2 – Загл. с экрана. – (Дата обращения: 02.10.2018). 18. Бруннен-Джи [электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: http: //lexxwiki.ru/index.php/%D0%91%D1%80%D1%83%D0%BD%D0%BD%D0%B5%D0%BD-%D0%94%D0%B6%D0%B8 – Загл. с экрана. – (Дата обращения: 02.10.2018). 19. Зубанова С.Г. Теория государства и права [электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: http: //www.be5.biz/pravo/tzsg/toc.htm — Загл. С экрана. – (Дата образщения: 02.10.2018) 20. Кай - поэт-убийца (псевдонаучное псевдоисследование) [электронный ресурс] / Alia New – Режим доступа: http: //druid.ru/lexx/pages/ prophet_kai_poetman_killer/show/164.htm. – (Дата обращения: 02.10.2018) 21. Кушнир И.В. Теория государства и права [электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: http: //be5.biz/pravo/t016/index.html – Загл. с экрана. – (Дата обращения: 02.10.2018). 22. Лексс [электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: https: //ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Лексс#Основные_персонажи – Загл. с экрана. – (Дата обращения: 02.10.2018). 23. Пиз А., Пиз Б. Новый язык телодвижений. Расширенная версия [электронный ресурс] / Пер. с англ. Новиковой Т.О. – Москва: Эксмо, 2016. – 416 с. 24. Субтитры [электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: http: //www.lexxlight.ru/Titre_russian/index.html – Загл. с экрана. – (Дата обращения: 02.10.2018). 25. Шалагина М.А. Правоведение [электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: http: //www.be5.biz/pravo/psma/toc.htm – Загл. с экрана. – (Дата обращения: 02.10.2018). 26. Язык. Бруннен-Джи. (Словарь.) [электронный ресурс] – Режим доступа: http: //otroki.druid.ru/forum/viewtopic.php? p=8867 – Загл. с экрана. – (Дата обращения: 02.10.2018). ПРИЛОЖЕНИЕ 1
Собрание текстов бруннен-джи
А. Блок текстов с Брунниса 1) Greetings, travellers. I bid you welcome. Here on Brunnis, within these walls, you will find the combined knowledge of countless generations of -
2) Blah..! Dullness. Ethereal, ephemeral, allegorical dullness. The blunted boredom rises from the gorge of her insufferable lips, and floats like the tedious feather of a long dead bird until it lands, naked with tired memory, next to your fleshy feet - ha! Oh, but she's gone now. Away, away, like all the others, away, away. Only I, Poet Man, have chosen to stay. Well, OK, if the truth be told, it wasn't exactly a choice - but, be that as it may, I welcome you, travellers to the Memory Catacombs of the BrunnenG!
3) Days filled with whispers and murmurs and moans Nights filled with longings, and leavings alone You know, it was my fault, after all. I knew we were leaving Brunnis - the sun was dying. But we had this farewell party, and I did a few kaboo flowers and - well, you know those kaboo, ha ha! Boo! One too many, and woo! You wake up four days later and the whole planet's empty.
4) And then, like the singing of a sad silent song. You awaken from slumber, and everyone's gone.
5) Welcome, friends, to the Index Chamber. In this place you may experience for yourself the many wonders of life's rich bounty here on Brunnis.
6) Oh, enough of her. Look, come on in. Pick a door.
7) History - the dust that shall be remembered –
8) Dust! Who wants to be remembered by their dust?!
9) Nature - rich bounty of life.
10) Nature! - oh, please. Pound nails in my head, but don't ask me to frolic in the wilderness kissing a duck!
11) Life - the sweetest mystery.
12) Mystery - ha! Life is the sweetest misery.
13) That's all I've got left here.
14) I still can't believe they could have forgotten about me. Did not even one person care? We are talking about a superior understanding of contemplative art, not that they ever recognised the beauty of the work, but do they, can they realise the value of their loss? Is this a test? I mean, they did not have the right to leave without me, and they will pay for their loss. That's why I'm talking to you. I am the man. Brunnis is my planet now.
15) Hey there. I've got a question for you. What burns inside? I'll tell you - loneliness. And realising that this is the way it's always going to be. The empty echoes of the heart. That's one of my lines - oh, the irony of it all. You know what you want. That warm embrace. That effervescent bubbling tingle, that feeling, that thing called -
16) Lurrve - ha! There's no love here - but through there lies the great possibility, the unknown, the mysterious. Now, how badly do you want it? If you're really able to go the distance, say " I want love".
17) Say it " I want love. I want love! " Oh! Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah baby! - you gonna git it.
18) Welcome, friend. You have chosen a glorious path. Our experiences become our memories. The remembered events of our lives remain potent, influencing us far beyond their actual time. We relive them always.
19) Love. A dove in the sky Pretty bird, can you not see me waving? The sound of the spheres echoes my heart As I lay me down beside a buxom dart.
20) You wouldn't believe the amount of ass I got with that one. Ah!
21) Male, Male, Male, Male... Female, Female, Female, Female, Female Yes! A female! I will live again. You are the fertile female I've been waiting for.
22) Have I got a surprise for you.
23) Right this way, oh fertile object of abandoned desire.
24) Those memories are your history, and as such cannot be changed, but you have chosen your own future. Here, in this chamber, your suffering ends, and your burst of life begins.
25) Now, where were we? Oh yes - the act of creation. The procreation of the creative. The creation of a new " creator" And I have to confess, I was getting worried there for a while. I was afraid I was going to be the last of my line - a catastrophic disaster for the universe, if you ask me. But my voice will not be silenced so easily. The truly creative can always create in unorthodox ways. Now, I'm sorry if it is a little rough on you, but you know something? - I like a little bruising. It adds a certain – hue.
26) After all - you don't pour this kind of creativity down the drain.
27) My line will live again.
28) Burst - was the key word there. Life - burst. Bubble - burst. Bladder - burst. See - the meaning is for sale, friend - and you just bought it.
29) Citizen, you have chosen death, and through it the gift of eternal life.
30) Being dead will not stop me. What is it, the body? Just a shell. A shallow, shaky shell. And the soul may not be eternal, but the seed will always grow
31) Now my seed has a vessel.
32) Your death will not be quick. It will be played out to allow your thoughts, your knowledge, your memory to spill out at a rate that can be properly absorbed, but you will feel no pain, embraced as you are in the burst of life
33) So - you're on the slab, and you've chosen to be sliced in two. Congratulations. I thought about taking the razor ride but - no. They don't deserve my memories in their library of little minds.
34) Woman. Softness. Breasts. Touch. I imagine you. I think of you. I possess you.
35) I think you'll agree this calls for a poem: Floating along the whispering surf, searching for a home I spy a beach - thou, like a fecund dream And enter your – […]
35) Eternal life? Not exactly. That's a sales job. It's just blades and bone and blood, friend. You're going to be nothing but data on a disc, that no-one will ever care about.
36) Two together. To share the burst of life with another is the greatest gift, and so it shall be.
37) So - you're on the slab, and you've chosen to be sliced in two. Congratulations.
38) Main power cells are now being diverted to deactivation of stabiliser controls. Notice - you have begun destabilisation procedure.
39) Deactivation of stabiliser control will result in total decay of the Brunnis sun and full supernova.
40) The resulting supernova explosion will consume this planet and the surrounding solar system in exactly 47 minutes and 11 seconds.
41) 47 minutes from stabiliser deactivation.
42) Power is returned to all regular systems.
43) Thank you. Stabilisers reactivated.
44) Main power is now being diverted from regular systems to deactivation of stabilisers.
45) Stabilisers reactivated. Power is being returned to all regular systems.
46) Main power is now being diverted from regular systems to deactivation of stabilisers.
47) And it is with great pride that I confer upon you, Krato, the medal of ultimate honour for defeating the insects at the battle of Wirin. All BrunnenG, all human race are forever in your debt.
48) Days pass quickly now, and our sun continues to die. I fear that one day, Brunnis will do the same, and we will have to leave, go to -
49) Stanley Tweedle? Time Prophet, my name is not Stanley Tweedle. My name is, er -
50) Ah, but my question was about the mineral deposits on Aureliun 4 – […] But –
51) Deactivation of stabilisers is now entering stage 2.
52) Supernova will occur in 24 minutes and 38 seconds.
53) Destabilisation procedure complete. Supernova will commence in 18 minutes and 6 seconds.
54) Supernova will commence in 11 minutes 6 seconds.
55) Notice -you have selected incorrect access to the stabilisation control. system. This is a violation of the Stabiliser Control Act, code 1, subsection 1, paragraph 1. If your next selection is incorrect, you will be destroyed.
57) You have ten heartbeats to make your selection. Please try again.
58) Thank you. Stabilisers reactivated. Power is being returned to all regular systems.
59) Stabilisation of the Brunnis sun will occur in 12 minutes 15 seconds.
60) Supernova will commence in 10 minutes 43 seconds.
61) Too late. Look at my face - it's the last one you're ever going to see.
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