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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

III. These two sentences have a different structure but the same meaning. Change the structure of the sentences below so as to keep their meaning unchanged.

EXAMPLE: The car has a radiator.

There is a radiator in the car.

1. The motorcycle has an air-cooled engine.


2. The 2-stroke diesel engine has a fuel injector.


3. The diesel engine has an oil sump.

There …

4. The motorcycle engine has a fan.

There …

5. A car has a steering wheel.

There …


IV. Describe these pictures.

EXAMPLE: (a) There are nails on the road.



V. Ask you friend where the following things are. Make questions with Is there …? and Are there … ? and your partner will answer using different expressions of certainty and uncertainty.

EXAMPLE 1: radiator / in the car

Is there a radiator in the car?

– Yes, certainly. There is a radiator in the car.

fan / at the front of the car engine

an engine / at the back of the car

a spare wheel / in the garage

a jack / under the car

EXAMPLE 2: valves / in the engine

Are there any valves in the engine?

– Yes, there are. As far as I know, there are some valves in the engine.

spark plugs / in the engine

tools / in the toolbox

headlights / on the front

spare tyres / in the boot


VI. Study this example. Pay attention to the translation of the one. Complete the sentences below and translate them into Ukrainian.

EXAMPLE: There are two files in the toolbox. One has a handle and the other has no handle. Give me … – Give me theone without a handle.

1. There are two hammers on the workbench. One has a long handle and the other has a short one. Please give me … .

2. There are two boxes under the table. One has a lid and the other has no lid. Could you bring me … .

3. There are two pairs of scissors on the shelf. One has short blades and the other has long blades. I need … .

4. There are two pairs of pliers on the toolboard. One has plastic handles and the other has rubber handles. Please bring me … .


VII. Find mistakes in the following sentences and correct them.

1. The nuts is on the workbench.

2. – Where are the nails? Are they on the table? – Yes, it is.

3. Switch off the drill and then drill the hole.

4. Is there many differences between the types of engines?

5. Water-cooled engines always has a radiator.

6. There are water-cool and air-cool engines.

7. You should work in a workshop tomorrow.

8. Why don’t you bring me a tyre yesterday.

VIII. Translate the following sentences from Ukrainian into English.

1. Транспортні засоби мають різні типи двигунів.

2. В мотоциклах стоїть двигун з повітряним охолодженням, а в автомобілі – з водяним.

3. У двигунів з водяним охолодженням завжди є радіатор.

4. Наскільки я знаю, існуютьть два типи двигунів: дизельний і бензиновий.

5. В бензинових двигунах є свічки запалюваня, а в дизельних двигунах їх немає.

6. Без сумніву, існують відмінності між двох – і чотирьохтактними двигунами.

7. Якщо  я не помиляюсь, в чотирьохтактних двигунах завжди є клапани.

8. Запасні частини знаходяться в гаражі в ящику для інструментів.

9. В цьому пальному не було мастила.

10. Я вважаю, що дизельні двигуни мають форсунки.

Reading and Speaking

I. There is no motor vehicle without an engine. And today we have dif­ferent types of engines. Read the text to learn more about them.


All motor vehicles have an engine. There are two types of engines. There are petrol engines and there are diesel engines. There are two engines in the diagram.

There is a two-stroke petrol engine on the left. There is a four-stroke diesel engine on the right. There are spark plugs in all petrol engines. Diesel engines do not have spark plugs. They have fuel injectors.

There are always valves in 4-stroke diesel engines. There are no valves in 2-stroke petrol engines. A 2-stroke petrol engine never has valves.

There is no oil sump in a 2-stroke engine. There is oil in the fuel. The 4-stroke engines have an oil sump. There is no oil in the fuel.



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