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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

IV. Complete the dialogues using the expressions from the table above.

1. – How much diesel… in the fuel tank?

– …

– Will you bring …, …?

– …

– Thanks.

2. – Oleg, is there much … in that bucket?

–…, … .There is little… .

– Would you bring …, please?

– …, I can't.

– It's OK. Don't worry.

Language Practice

Symbols in Chemistry.

Al aluminium алюміній
Ag argentum срібло
Ar argon аргон
As arsenic миш'як
Au aurum золото
В boron бор
Ba barium барій
Be berillium берилій
Bi bismut вісмут
Br bromine бром
C carbon вуглець
Ca calcium кальцій
Се cerium церій
Cd cadmium кадмій
Сl chlorine хлор
Co cobalt кобальт
Cr chromium хром
Cs caesium цезій
Cu copper мідь
F fluorine фтор
Fe ferrum залізо
Ge germanium германій
H hydrogen водень
He helium гелій
Hg mercury ртуть
J iodine йод
Ir iridium ірідій
K kalium калій
Li litium літій
Mg magnesium магній
Mn manganese марганець
Mo molybdenum молібден
N nitrogen азот
Na natrium натрій
Ne neon неон
Ni nickel нікель
О oxygen кисень
P phosphorus фосфор
Pb plumbum свинець
Pt platinum платина
Ra radium радій
Rh rubidium рубідій
S sulfur сірка
Sb antimoni сурма
Se selenium селен
Si silicon кремній
Sn stannum олово
Sr strontium стронцій
Те telurium телур
Th thorium торій
Ті titanium титан
U uranfun уран
W wolfram вольфрам
Zn zinc цинк
Zr zirconium цирконій

I. Are you good at substances? Choose the right Ukrainian translation for the English word.

1. carbon а) сірка
2. nickel b) водень
3. cast iron с) вуглець
4. rubber d) залізо
5. copper e) нікель
6. sulphur f) каучук
7. iron g) сталь
8. steel h) чавун
9. zinc i) мідь
10. hydrogen j) цинк


II. What chemical elements stand for these abbreviations?

Ni, Zn, Fe, Cu, Al, H, S

III . Answer your friend's questions about the quantity of different elements in these substances. Use some, any, no.

EXAMPLE: nickel / steel

– Is there any nickel in this steel?

– Yes, there is. There is some nickel in this steel.

– No, there is not. There's no nickel in this steel.

carbon / cast iron iron / steel
aluminium / alloy cement / concrete
copper / bronze  


IV. Build up short dialogues using expressions of request. In your answers use little, a little.

– How much liquid is there in the vessel? – How much liquid is there in the vessel?
– There's little liquid in the vessel. – There's a little liquid in the vessel.
– Could you add some more liquid, please? Don't add any liquid then.
– Yes, sure. Here you are. – All right.


oil / diesel fuel carbon / petrol
sulphur / petrol copper / aluminium alloys
hydrogen / diesel fuel air / fuel and air mixture

V. Choose the right option.

1. There is … zinc in pure iron.

a) plenty of               b) no                    c) a little

2. There is … carbon in carbon steel.

a) much                    b) little                    c) no

3. There is … sulphur in diesel fuel.

a) a lot of                              b) little                   c) too much

4. There is too … sand in the bucket.

a) a little                    b) little                    c) no

5. There is … cement in the concrete.

a) plenty of               b) a little                 c) no

6. There is … hydrogen in water.

a) a little                    b) much             c) no

VI. a) Study the following examples.

     It’s a half.           It’s a quarter.          It’s fifth.


These are three quarters. It's a tenth.     It's an eighth.


b) Read the following sentences and say that you have already done it.

EXAMPLE: Put 1/2 of the cement into the bucket.

Put a half of the cement into the bucket.

a) Put 1/2 of the cement into the bucket.

b) Pour 1/4 of the oil out of the tin.

c) Throw 3/4 of the water away.

d) Cut off 1/10 of the plank.

e) Please give me 1/5 of the sand.

f) You can use 1/8 of the gravel.



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