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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

II. Rephrase the following.

EXAMPLE: A: We measure pressure with the help of a manometer.

B: It is used for measuring pressure.

1. We measure high temperature with the help of a pyrometer.

2. We transport people and goods with the help of a car.

3. We make holes with the help of an electric drill.

4. We measure distances with the help of a laser.

III. Ask your groupmate to name the defined word.

EXAMPLE: A: This is a device for performing mathematical ope­rations. What is it called?

B: It is called a calculator.

1. This is an instrument for measuring time.

2. This is a device for measuring low pressure.

3. This is an instrument for measuring speed.

4. This is a device for producing a powerful beam of light.


IV. Answer your friend's questions about the functions of these devices.

EXAMPLE: a) – What device is it?

– This device is known as a laser.

– What is it used for?

– It is used for producing a powerful beam of light.

a) a laser / to produce a powerful beam of light

b) a manometer / to measure pressure

c) an electric drill / to make holes

d) a chisel / to cut different engineering materials

e) a computer / to calculate at high speeds

V. Fill in the gaps.

– What …it?

– It is a device.

– What is it…?

– This device is called a manometer.

– Is it… for measuring pressure?

– Yes, right you …. A manometer is used … measuring pressure.

– It has a scale and a pointer, … it?

– That… right. The manometer … a scale and a pointer.


VI . Translate the following sentences into English .

1. Ви не знаєте як називається цей предмет? – Без сумніву, це терези.

2. Наскільки я знаю, існують різні типи ваг (терезів).

3. Якщо я не помиляюсь, цей верстат використовується для обробки деталей.

4. Я вважаю, що цей прилад використовується для вимірюваня температури.

5. Цей прилад відомий як лазер, чи не так?

6. І ще одне одне питання для чого використовується цей інструмент?

7. – Цікаво, що таке манометр? – Мені здається, цей прилад  використовується для вимірювання тиску в шинах.

8. Цей прилад має власне джерело енергії та лінзи.

9. До речі, як називається прилад для вимірювання тиску?

10. По-моєму, лазер використовується для отримання потужного пучка світла.

Reading and Speaking

I. Look at the pictures . Try to name these objects and their functions.



II. Find answers to the following questions in the text.

1. What is instrument A called?

2. What is it used for?

3. What is instrument В called?

4. What is the scale used for?

5. What is instrument С known as?

6. What is it used for?

There are different instruments in the picture. Instrument A is known as a manometer. It's used for measuring pressure. It has a scale and a pointer. Instrument В is defined as scales. It has two pans. It is used for measuring weights. There are different types of scales. Instrument С is known as a ruler. It is used for drawing straight lines and different shapes. It has marks and numbers on it.


III. Fill in the table using information from the text following it.

Device or thing

Main components


a power source, lenses a manipulator, a drive, a control unit for communi cating - for producing a beam of light
a laser a car … ٧ ٧

Number 1 is known as a laser. This device is used for producing a very power­ful beam of light. It has its own power source and several lenses.



Number 2 is known as a telephone. This is an apparatus for communicating. It has a receiver.



Number 3 is known as a car. This vehicle is used for transporting passengers and goods. Every car has four wheels and an engine.


Number 4 is defined as a robot. It is used for performing different jobs instead of human beings. It has a manipulator, a control unit and a drive.



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