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The sentences below are not true. Change them using antonyms or words close to the antonyms (from the chapter) so that the sentences correspond to the narration.⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 12 из 12
1. 'Don't tell me that you are going to be good,' cried Lord Henry. 'You're quite ugly. 2. Dorian Gray shook his head. 'No, Harry, I have done too many remarkable things in my life. 3. 'People are still discussing poor Basil's turning up.' 4. 'Are they not delighted with that yet?' said Dorian, pouring out some wine and smiling. 5. First there was the scandal of my wife coming back to me, and then Alan Campbell killed himself. 6. 'I have no idea. If Basil wants to reveal himself, it is no business of mine. 7. In fact death is the only thing that ever frightens me. I hate it.' - 'Why?' said the younger man, in an excited voice. 8. Poor Victoria! I was very sick and tired of her. 9. Lord Henry yawned. 'Everyone liked Basil. Who would want to murder him? He was not clever enough to have friends. 10. Of course he was a wonderful painter. But a man can paint like Velasquez and yet still be rather fascinating. All in all Basil was really rather fascinating. 11. The only thing that interested me about him was that he looked down on you.' 12. I wish I could believe that in the end he has died some trivial death, but I can't. 13. You remind me of the day I first saw you. You were very confident, and absolutely extraordinary. 14. I wish I could change places with you, Dorian. The world has supported us both, but it has always looked down on you. 15. He walked home, with his coat on his arm, smoking his cigarette. Two young men in evening dress passed him. He heard one of them said in a loud voice to the other, 'That is Dorian Gray'. 16. He remembered how annoyed he used to be when he was stared at, or talked about. 17. In one terrible moment of passion, he had asked to stay young for all time. All his luck had been because of that. 18. He had not been rewarded, but perhaps reward was what he had needed. Reward cleaned the soul. 19. It was his beauty that had improved him. 20. The red mark on the hand seemed paler and less like new blood. And why was the red mark smaller than it had been? 21. They looked at each other as they walked away, and laughed softly. They knew who Dorian Gray was. 22. Outside the house the servants were talking loudly to each other. Old Mrs Leaf was laughing. Francis was as red as a lobster. 5. Choose the right word: (to desire - to want - to wish) 1. Steve can speak French fluently but his pronunciation leaves much to be ________.2. I _________to sleep. 3. I ________to have much money to be independent. 4. I ______some more cake. 5. I have some bad news and I ________ him to come right now. 6. I ________ I saw her again. (to kill - to murder) 1. His wife was ________ in a road accident. 2. Her son was ________ in action In Vietnam. 3. That man is very dangerous. He is capable of _______for money. 4. You don't know his temper. When he gets wild, he can ________. 5. The frost _________ half of my apple-tees. 6. We didn't only lose our money. We were nearly __________. (mistake - error - slip) 1. I've spotted a number of _________ of the pen in your test; they are not serious _________, but you should be more careful with your work. 2. I just can't believe he's taken my bag by _________. 3. I simply can't accept this report.; it's full of __________. 4. It would be a __________ not to consult a specialist first. 5. Pat is madly in love with John, and no ___________. 6. I don't think it was a _________ of the tongue? I think he has done it on purpose. 6. Complete the gaps in the paragraph with one of the linking adverbial phrases (in fact, to my horror, needless to say, in the end, all in all, in future). It was the day of my English exam. I woke up, stretched and looked at my alarm clock. …, I saw that it had stopped during the night. I realized I would be hopelessly late for my exam. Of course, everything went wrong and … I was over half an hour late. …, the examiner was furious. … I thought she was going to explode! Then I found I had left all my pens at home. … it was a pretty terrible morning. I promised myself I would check my alarm clock very carefully before I went sleep …. 7. a) Complete the sentences with the correct form of a phrasal verb with put: 1. The firemen only just managed to ________ the fire _______. 2. I’m sorry, I can’t ________ his behavior. 3. The house is much warmer now that we’ve _______ central heating. 4. If your friend is ill, you’ll have to ________ your holiday. You can go to France later in the year. 5. Hello, are you still there? I’m ________ you _______ to Mr. Jones now. 6. I’ve _______ so much weight recently that I’ll have to go on a diet. 7. He has ________ a deposit on a car, and he’ll pay the rest later. 8. I can _____ you _____ for the night, but you’ll be in a sleeping-bag on the floor, I’m afraid.! 9. I’ve never seen such an untidy room! _____ your things _______ at once. 10. I’d like to ________ a new proposal. 11. Hurry up! It doesn’t matter which shoes you ________ ! We’re late! 12. The restaurant was so dirty that I was quite ____ eating there.
b) Underline the correct word or phrase to complete each sentence: 1. Last month William put up Tim / put Tim up for a few nights. 2. A new theatre company is putting on / is putting up with Hamlet this week at the Civic Center. 3. I’d like to put off / put on my flight until next week. 4. Please put down / put out all cigarettes and fasten your seat belts. 5. I simply can’t agree to the plan you’re putting forward / putting out. 6. Sorry to keep you waiting. I’m putting you over / putting you through to the Manager now. 7. Henry has been putting on / putting in a lot of overtime recently. 8. They put away / put off the tent until the following summer. 9. I’m afraid there isn’t a quieter room. You’ll just have to put up with / put up this one. 10. I wanted a new stereo, but the prices in the shops were so outrageous that I was rather put out / put off.
c) Fill the spaces with the correct particle(s), e.g. in put ________ a journey doing homework telling him
put ________ the book the riot a deposit
put ________ a coat three kilos the light
put ________ the rubbish to be collected a hand to help someone your cigarette
put ________ prices a notice with her rudeness
8. Fill in prepositions:
I have been ... of the country ... more than a month.' 'Are they not bored ... that yet?' said Dorian, pouring ... some wine and frowning. 'My dear boy, they have only been talking about it ... six weeks. The British police are saying that Basil did take the midnight train ... the ninth of November, but the French police are sure that he never arrived in Paris ... all.' ... fact death is the only thing that ever frightens me. I hate it.' 'Why?' said the younger man, ... a tired voice. You must play Chopin ... me. The man who ran ... with my wife played Chopin beautifully. Poor Victoria! I was very fond ... her. The house is quite lonely ... her.' All ... all Basil was really rather boring. The only thing that interested me ... him was that he worshipped you.' 'That is one ... the most important secrets of life. I wish I could believe that ... the end he has died some romantic death, but I can't. He probably fell ... the Seine ... a bus. 'Yes,' he continued, taking his handkerchief ... of his pocket, 'his painting seemed to me to have lost something. ... the way, what happened ... that wonderful portrait he did of you? 'I never really liked it,' said Dorian. 'I am sorry I sat ... it. The memory of the thing is hateful ... me.' And, as you play, tell me ... a low voice why you still look so young. You remind me ... the day I first saw you. The world has cried ... ... us both, but it has always worshipped you. Dorian got ... from the piano, and passed his hand ... his hair. I think that if you did, even you would turn ... from me. There is someone I want to introduce ... you - young Lord Poole. He is quite charming and he reminds me ... you.' He was tired ... hearing his own name now. He sent him to bed, and threw himself ... on the sofa in the library. Once, someone who had loved him passionately had written him a mad letter. It had ended ... these words: 'The world is changed because you are made ... gold.' Throwing the mirror on the floor, he broke the glass ... little pieces ... his foot. The interest in Basil Hallward's disappearance would soon pass.... As for Alan Campbell, he had killed himself. It was nothing to do ... Dorian Gray. A new life! That was what he wanted ... the future. That was what he was waiting .... As he opened the door, a smile of happiness passed ... his young face. Walking straight over to the portrait, he took ... the purple curtain that was covering it. And why was the red mark larger than it had been? It was all ... the fingers now. That he should tell the whole story, and be put ... death? There was only one thing they could use ... him and that was the picture itself. It had kept him awake ... night. When he had been..., he had been frightened that another person would see it. He picked ... the knife and pushed it ... the picture. Two gentlemen, who were passing in the Square below, stopped, and looked ... ... the great house. They hurried ... until they met a policeman, and brought him .... They looked at each other as they walked..., and laughed cruelly. Inside the house the servants were talking ... low whispers ... each other. They knocked, but there was no reply. They called .... Finally, they got on the roof and came into the room ... the window. It was not until they saw his rings that they recognized ... their horror who the man was. Grammar Wish: Present and Past Read tiny fairy tale: THE THREE WISHES One day, a poor woodcutter was given three wishes by a tree elf. When his hungry wife heard the news, she said, "I wish I had some sausages." At once five sausages appeared on a plate. The woodcutter was furious about wasting a wish. "I wish those sausages were hanging from your nose," he shouted. At once the sausages hung from her nose. The two struggled to get them loose but they couldn't "I wish I hadn't made that wish," the woodcutter sighed. At once the sausages were on the plate again. The couple happily ate the sausages and wished no more. 10. People complain about things in the past and in the present. Rewrite their complaints as wishes: 1. I didn't have time to read bedtime stories to my children. ____________________________ 2. y husband won't ask for a pay rise. _____________________________ 3. We didn't save any money last month. _____________________________ 4. My boyfriend is unfit. _____________________________ 5. I'm too old to go back to school. _____________________________ 6. I can't stop smoking. _____________________________ 7. My son doesn't phone me. _____________________________ 8. My parents didn't understand me. _____________________________ 11. Read this diary entry. Find and correct five mistakes in the use of wish: Today, I said to Dr Grimes, "I wish there was a way to spend more time with my boyfriend but we're both too busy." He just said, "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride." That's an easy thing to say but I wish I understand its meaning. May be it means that wishing won't solve problems. Well, that's why I went to see him!!! I wish he will tell me what to do right then and there but he refused. Speaking of wishful thinking, I wish Mark and I could have spent the weekend together next week. My exams are over but he's got to fly to Paris for his job. If wishes were horses, I'd ride one to Paris. Hey! Mark is always saying, "I wish you would come with me sometimes! I suppose I can go with him to Paris. Dr Grimes must have meant that I can solve my own problems. Now I wish I haven't been so rude to him. 12. Fill in the blanks with either used to or be used to. 1. He … call on her once or twice a week. 2. We … say of him that he was the best of fellows. 3. They … getting up early. 4. She … living alone. 5. I can take care of the children. I … it. 6. He … play golf very well. Comprehension Task: 13. Answer the question: 1. Was Dorian Gray interested in what had been happening in London while he had been away? 2. What were people in London discussing still? 3. What did people in London need every three month? Why were they lucky recently? 4. What did the British police say about Basil Hallward's disappearance and what did French police say? 5. Did Lord Henry want to discuss Basil's disappearance? Why? 6. Did he feel sorry for his wife who ran away with her lover? 7. Was Lord Henry fond of Basil as a painter? Did he consider him boring as an ordinary man? Was Dorian fond of him? 8. What did Lord Henry reply when Dorian confessed that it was he who murder the artist? Did he believe him? 9. What did Dorian say when Lord Henry asked him about his portrait? 10. What did Lord Henry say to Dorian about his and his own appearance? Did he wish he could change places with him? 11. Where did Lord Henry ask Dorian to go that evening? Did Dorian agree? Why? 12. Where did they agree to meet tomorrow? 13. Who passed Dorian Gray when he walked home? What did he hear of one of them whisper to the other? Was he pleased? Did he use to be pleased some time ago? 14. Who did he find when he reached home? 15. What did he think about when he came home? Did he want to change himself for better? 16. What did he realize when he was looking at himself in the mirror? Whom or what did he blame for his failure? 17. What did he do with the mirror? 18. What did he begin to wonder about? What did he expect to see upstairs in the locked room? 19. Why did an angry cry of pain come from him when he took the purple curtain off his portrait? 20. Did he decide to go to the police? How did he feel about this idea? 21. What did he decide to do with the picture? In which way? 22. What woke the servants? 23. What did two gentlemen do when they passed Dorian' house? Whom did they bring to his house? Why did they laughed cruelly? 24. What did the servants do inside the house? 25. What did they find when they entered the room? Comment on: It is ordinary people who murder. |
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