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Start of work inspection and Documentation of piping spools fabrication work?


Project --------------------------------------- shipyards Khartoum Sudan (Africa)

Client ---------------------------------------- C/o Chevron

Customer ----------------------------------- shipyards Khartoum Sudan

Position ------------------------------------- piping & Mechanical Supervisor

Duration ----------------------------------- 15 Jul 1992 to 25 September 1993

Job Responsibilities

Proficient in understanding isometric and plan drawing piping and shipping instrumentation drawing

Also shipping structural & plate jacket line works as per the issued construction drawing of ship

Reappear of ship and maintenance under ship as required Replace of the plate internal pipe hub

Piping de move Re installed new pipe and above of the ship piping construction, Supervision of Quality

For the materials, fitting, welding Raising of the (RFI) Request for inspection monitoring of Manpower And schedule of working time, Resolving of technical problem coordinate with concern person during

Fabrication and erection. Adherence construction safety and special requirement?


Ahmad Shaikh Shahabuddin             Resume           page 7 of 9

Signature Shaikh Shahabuddin Ahmad




Project ---------------------------- Saudi Aramco Refinery Rastanura Saudi Arabia

-------------------------------------- Saudi Aramco Gas plant Abqaiq Saudi Arabia

Client & Customer ----------- Saudi Aramco

Position ------------------------- piping and Mechanical Supervisor

Duration ------------------------ 10 April 1990 to 19 April 1992

Resin leaving of company project completed

Job Responsibilities


Site supervision as per drawing of project

Supervision of Quality fabrication spools for piping project on site as well as off site.

Fabrication and Erection of pipe supports and their alignment erection of different kind of valve

Supervision of finished items including welding, grinding, checking of joints and different fitting

Rising. (RFI) Request for inspection,

Inspection of piping technical modification and making punch listing

Hydro testing inspection of all process and utility line

Reinstatement of all lines in pree-commissioning activity and supervision of finished work

Resolving field problem and liaison with client and supervise mechanical crew.

Co ordinate with concern during fabrication and erection

Adherence of construction safety and special requirement.

Distribution of drawing (Iso-metric GA Plan and P & ID to the concern area

In charge /Forman and charge hand schedule of work on weekly basis and distribution

To the supervisory staff to follow up,

(14) Arabian construction & maintenance Co. Limited [ACMC]

Project ----------------------------- Saudi Arabian OIL & Gas, Company Aramco Al khabjee [KSA]

Client and customer ---------- Saudi Aramco Refinery (Al khabjee Saudi Arabia- KSA)

Position ------------------------- piping Mechanical & maintenance Supervisor

Duration ----------------------- 25th May 1988 to 10th December 1989

Resin leaving of company completion project,

Job Responsibilities

Prepare and review all the iso-metric and GA plan drawing need to fabrication

Monitor the materials required for fabrication supervise the man power, check & pools

Layout and Measurement, & heat number of pipe and fitting in accordance to drawing,

Conduct inspection and Validity of Welders certificate.

Review the isometric drawing and general arrangement of P &ID according to the scope of


Monitor the production in fabrication and erection area, monitor machine and equipment

Needed in the project, coordination with and attending regular meeting with Client and.

Sub contractor review and approval of fabrication shop drawing and tie-in connection

For all kinds of service?

Ahmad Shaikh Shahabuddin   Resume                                                        page 8 of 9




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