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Make-up, hair and accessories


If your hair is longer than shoulder length, it should be tied in a bun and any loose hairs secured in place with hair spray. If your hair is short, style it nice and neat.


Wear make-up. Chose foundation, eye shadow, mascara and lipstick matching your skin tone. Do not put too much.


Learn here how to put on make-up.


If you choose to wear jewelry, keep it conservative - wedding/ engagement ring, pearl or diamond stud earrings, a fine necklace and a small watch.



©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant

This is how you should look in your full length business attire photograph.



©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant




What to wear


A suit in lack, brown, grey, dark blue or dark green, simple or with pinstripes.

A collared, long sleeved and preferably white shirt.


A tie matching the suit and the shirt.


Dark color polished shoes.


What NOT to wear


! jeans


! suit in light or pastel colors such as blue, yellow or white


! white shoes


! the jacket over your shoulder


! shorts


! open shirts showcasing your chest


! T-Shirts

! sandals


! national costumes


! sun glasses


! hats


! musical instruments


! jewelry


! make-up

! mustaches, goatees or beards


! mobile phone


! briefcase


Hair and accessories

Hair should be short and neatly groomed. Do not shave it off.

Show a clean, shaved face.


The only accessories you should wear are your wedding ring and a watch.


©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant

This is how you should look in your full length business attire photograph.



©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant


Important points about your photographs


" Take both the passport photos and the business attire full length photos in the same time.


" If you can aff ord it, go to a professional studio to have these photographs taken. The investment will pay for itself.


" Make sure you give a genuine smile and look like a flight attendant already.


" These photographs will speak for you when you are not around: they will be presented, together with your CV and the notes of your performance on the assessment day, to the HR Department of the airline. After the viewing of the above mentioned, a decision will be made regarding your off er of employment. Present your best.



©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant


Online application


Going online on the career website of the airline, you will complete an online application. This is an online creation of your CV and it will be referred to from the interview until the moment you join the airline.


We will explore in detail how to create an online application with Emirates, Etihad Airways and Qatar Airways. Emirates Airlines


There are two options when applying for Emirates:



1.You know there will be a recruitment event in your country Go to see Open Days or Global Assessment Days


When you found the location that you are looking for (either in your country or in a neighboring country where you can travel to at your own expense), click on Register Now, on the right side of the event.


2. You want to create a general application Go to Emirates Cabin Crew Careers Page


At the bottom of the page there is an APPLY NOW button. After you submit your application, it will be reviewed by the Emirates Recruitment Team. If short-listed, an invitation will be sent to you when a recruitment event (Open Day or Global Assessment Day) will take place in your country or in a neighboring country.


Create an account by providing your email address and a password. Write down the password and the email you used. More often than not, we tend to forget these details.



©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant

Once you log in to the careers portal, you will be able to see your user account:


My Inbox - correspondence regarding your application and job alerts


My saved jobs - the jobs you have saved for later reference


My job applications - the jobs you have applied for. You can see here the status of your application and update your details.


In order to successfully create your application for the cabin crew position, you must complete 8 steps. They are all mandatory.


Time of completion:


30 minutes- 1 hour


Documents needed in digital format:


Passport photo


Full length photo


CV (not needed for upload, however useful to refer to when inputing your data - you may copy and paste information from it)




The application steps are explained to you:


Step 2 (Letter of application) and step 3 (Personal details) are compulsory to complete when you initia$y create your account, a%er which you can skip steps and fi$ in the information that you have at hand and come back whenever you want to complete the rest of the steps.


You can also copy and paste information from your CV.


Having it ready will help speed up the process.


Click on NEXT STEP


©Copyright Kara Grand - How to Become a Flight Attendant



Letter of application


Write a short essay explaining why would you like to work for Emirates Airlines (in less than 4000 characters).


Keep it short and concise. Talk about your accomplishments and what do you have to bring to the organization, your customer service experience, skills that you posses that are relevant for the job and the motivation to choose Emirates Airlines as a possible employer. Do a little research about the airline beforehand. Below you can find an example. Needless to say, do not copy the example, but use it to get an idea how your letter of application should look like. Make your own with your specific skills and experience.


Do not start the letter of application with: 'Hello, my name is Mary Jones and I am from London'.



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