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Text 1 . The Role of Air Transport in Civil Economic and Social Development

Civil aviation, through a complex interaction with other economic sectors, benefits from and contributes to the economic development of nations. As incomes and production levels incre­ase, the demand for aviation services expands; at the same time by fostering tourism, trade and employment, aviation is an important instrument in economic development. Air transport also provides intangible benefits by facilitating increased international contact and understanding.

As economic activity increases, so does the extent of business travel and with it the need for the speed and convenience of air transport services. Also, as personal income and available leisure time increase, air tourism becomes increasingly popular.

Freight transport by all modes increases as interregional trade expands, and since the more dynamic sectors of industry often rely heavily on air transport for distribution of their products, the demand for air freight services tends to grow fas­ter than the demand for surface transport.

Air transport widens the markets for many types of product and promotes the interchange among nations of ideas, professional experience and skill. Because of the increasingly important role of air transport in the economic development of countries and regions, it is important to take due account of the economic and social benefits which an efficient air transport system can offer, and to ensure that future air transport needs are properly assessed together with the associated financial and human resources that need to be provided.


Exercise 3. Answer the questions on text 1.

1. How does civil aviation influence the development of nations? 2. Why does the demand for air transport expand? 3. Why is aviation an important tool for economic development? 4. What does the increase of economic activity result in? 5. When does freight transport increase? 6. What does air transport widen? 7. Why is it important to take due account of the economic and social benefit offered by air transport?


Exercise 4. Find English equivalents.

Складна взаємодія, отримувати користь, робити внесок в економічний розвиток, рівень доходів, рівень виробництва, попит на авіаційні послуги, сприяти туризму, торгівлі та зайнятості; швидкість та зручність авіатранспорту, наявний вільний час, мати тенденцію до швидкого зростання.


Exercise 5. Form all possible derivatives: to produce, to employ, to promote, to distribute.


Exercise 6. Make sure you can translate.

Surface transport, to rely heavily on, to widen the markets, to promote interchange, to take due account, to ensure and assess the needs, to provide financial and human resources, interchange among nations, professional experience and skills.


Exercise 7. Match the terms and their definitions.

1. tourism a) the part of the transport that travels by land rather than by air or under the sea.
2. trade b) the business of providing things for people to do, places for them to stay while they are on holiday.
3. employment c) the activity of buying, selling, or exchanging goods.
4. freight transport d) the condition of having a paid job.
5. surface transport e) transport that carries goods.

Exercise 8. Learn the following words and word combinations.


permanent – постійний
means – засіб
matter – питання
air traffic control – управління повітряним рухом, диспетчерська служба
airworthiness – придатність до експлуатації
facilities – засоби обслуговування
implementation – запровадження
consequence – наслідок, результат
vary – змінюватися
take into account – брати до уваги


Exercise 9. Read, translate and give the gist of text 2.



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