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Text 6. Airport passenger facilities

Modern airports handle a lot of international and domestic passengers. Terminal building of the airport provides passengers with a variety of activities any airline needs:

- passenger and baggage-handling (processing) counters such as ticket counters (booking offices), check-in counters;

- baggage claim area or luggage retrieval;

- an information counter (inquiry office), and information board;

- telecommunication facilities;

- mail express and light cargo processing;

- flight catering activities.

In the terminals passengers can purchase tickets, check or claim luggage and board aircraft through the gates. There may be situated duty-free shops, various gift shops and newsstands, a post-office department, a first-aid room, chemist's, hairdresser's, mother-and-child room (a nursery for passengers with small children), toilets, left-luggage department, luggage lockers, lost and found.

Often bank may be located in the ticket lobby next to the post office. Services offered include cash advances on credit cards, traveller’s checks, money orders, foreign currency exchange, and ATM machines.

All airports aim at ensuring better convenience and comforts for airline passengers. An airport lounge (lobby or concourse) is a central hall where passengers may rest while waiting for their flights. It offers phone, fax, free Wi-Fi (wireless Internet service), enabling airport visitors to stay connected to their home or office. Major airports offer other business services, along with television, newspapers, and magazines to enhance comfort. At lounges, passengers will also find more comfortable seating and quieter environments than in the airport terminal. Besides offering more comfortable seating, lounges usually provide beverages like coffee, water, soft drinks, juices, beer and other alcoholic beverages. Lounges also provide snacks like fruit, pastries and cheese. Airline lounges frequently offer free or reduced cost food, as well as beverages.

Some airport structures include on-site hotels built within or attached to a terminal building. Airport hotels have grown popular due to their convenience for transient passengers and easy accessibility to the airport terminal.


Exercise 39 . Give Ukrainian equivalents.

To handle a lot of international and domestic passengers, terminal building, to provide passengers with something, passenger and baggage-handling (processing) counter, baggage claim area or luggage retrieval, to check or claim luggage, information board, to purchase ticket, newsstand, post-office department, chemist's, hairdresser's, cash advances on credit card, post office, foreign currency exchange, ATM machines, to aim at ensuring better convenience, airline passengers, flight, to enable airport visitors to stay connected to their home or office, to enhance comfort, beverages, to offer free or reduced cost food.

Exercise 40 . Translate into English.

Сучасний аеропорт, обробка багажу, обслуговування пасажирів, білетна каса, стійка реєстрації, зона отримання багажу, інформаційна стійка (довідкове бюро), засоби телекомунікацій, пошта, сісти на літак, магазин безмитної торгівлі, сувенірний магазин, медпункт, дитяча кімната, камера схову, багажна шафка (сейф), бюро знахідок, дорожній чек, грошовий переказ, зал аеровокзалу, безпровідний Інтернет, пропонувати ділові послуги, безалкогольні напої.

Exercise 41 . Answer the questions.

1. What does terminal building of the airport provide passengers with? 2. What can passengers do in the terminals? 3. What is situated in the terminals? 4. What banking services are provided at the airport?   5. How do all airports ensure better convenience and comforts for airline passengers? 6. What may passengers also find at lounges? 7. What do some airport structures include?


Exercise 42 . Complete the sentences using words from the box.

dentist’s hairdresser’s florist’s barber’s
doctor’s baker’s butcher’s chemist’s
grocer’s greengrocer’s    


1. I go to the … to have dental treatment and keep my smile healthy and sparkling. 2. At … people can have their hair cut, washed and arranged. 3. At … you can buy fresh-cut flowers and potted plants. 4. Men can have their hair cut at the … . 5. Alice is at the … . She is sneezing, coughing and has a high temperature. 6. … is a shop in which bread (and often other baked goods such as cakes) is baked and/or sold. 7. Some butchers sell their goods in specialized store, commonly termed a … . 8. He went to the … to buy analgesics, heart care medicines and antibiotics. 9. Paul bought spices, pepper, sugar, cocoa, tea and coffee at the … . 10. At our … you can buy different fruits and vegetables that may help you to eat less high-fat foods, such as meat, cheese and snack foods.


Exercise 43 . Translate the sentences into English.

1. Сучасні міжнародні аеропорти обслуговують велику кількість пасажирів, надаючи їм різні види послуг. 2. Кожен аеропорт має термінали та зали очікування, де пасажири можуть відпочити, а також придбати все необхідне. 3. Для забезпечення зручності і комфорту у міжнародних аеропортах функціонують магазини безмитної торгівлі, аптеки, газетні кіоски, подарункові магазини, перукарні, камери схову, дитячі кімнати тощо. 4. Деякі сучасні аеропорти мають власні готелі, що побудовані на території терміналів або при них. 5. Стійкі реєстрації пасажирів, білетні каси, інформаційне табло, засоби телекомунікацій та інформаційне бюро – невід’ємні складові пасажирського терміналу. 6. Безпровідний Інтернет дає можливість відвідувачам аеропорту залишатися на зв’язку з рідною домівкою та офісом. 7. Послуги банку, що знаходиться на території аеропорту, включають обмін іноземної валюти, видачу готівки за кредитною карткою, грошові перекази та зняття грошей через банкомат.


Exercise 4 4 . Learn the following words and word combinations.

check-in desk –  стійка реєстрації пасажирів
departures board – табло вильоту
shuttle bus – автобус-шатл
staffer – співробітник
via – через
hand baggage – ручна поклажа
scales – ваги
interfere with something – тут: мати доступ до чогось
aisle seat – сидіння біля проходу
check through – пересилати
belt – стрічка конвеєру
customs – митниця
confiscate something – конфіскувати, вилучити
sole – підошва
board (a flight) – запросити пасажирів піднятися на борт літака
here you are – ось, будь ласка


Exercise 4 5 .Read, translate and practise the dialogues.


Dialogue 1


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