Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Составители: Бурлакова Н.В.


Составители: Бурлакова Н.В.

                                 Василевская Э.Б.

Мурманск 2006

Пояснительная записка к пособию "Рабочая тетрадь для экономистов" составленному преподавателями иностранного языка Кооперативного техникума ОПС Бурлаковой Н.В. и Василевской Э.Б.

Рабочая тетрадь является учебным пособием, предназначенным для студентов-экономистов. Здесь есть разделы и задания, которые могут успешно применяться при обучении студентов с различным уровнем знаний. В Рабочей тетради использованы аутентичные материалы, обработанные и адаптированные для студентов экономического профиля.

Цель - последовательно провести студентов по разделам специальной лексики, повторить грамматику, ввести страноведческий материал и сформировать навыки работы с литературой по специальности.

В Рабочей тетради собран тот минимум материала, который должны освоить студенты специальности 080110 на 2-м году изучения иностранного языка. Естественно, что акцент сделан на спецлексику, которую должны освоить экономисты как очного, так и заочного отделений. Частично материалы, помещённые в Рабочей тетради, могут быть использованы и для студентов специальности 080402.

В пособии специально подобраны тексты, лексические и грамматические упражнения, которые можно использовать и под руководством преподавателя и в самостоятельной работе. В пособии есть тексты для дополнительного чтения, которые студенты переводят самостоятельно в течение года, и на которых частично построен итоговый зачёт. В каждом уроке Рабочей тетради помещён глоссарий, содержащий минимум лексических единиц, необходимых для запоминания.

Рабочая тетрадь создана в двух вариантах: печатном и электронном. Студенты могут использовать тот вариант, который для них наиболее приемлем.



Every big company has its own structure. If we visit a typical manufacturing company we may find the following departments there:


Production Department
Research and Development Department (R&D)
Personnel Department
Marketing (Sales) Department
Accounts Department
Delivery Department


1. Try to guess at which of the above departments

a) they develop a new product;

b) they make the product;

c) they promote and sell the product;

d) they take care of the company's money;

e) they deliver the products to the buyers;

f) they take care of the company's staff.


2. Every department is headed by its manager. Now guess which departments are headed by the following people:

a) the one who is responsible for the company's finances;

b) the one who makes the company's products known to the customers through press, radio and television;

c) the one who recruits new workers and employees;

d) the head of the scientists working for the company.


Task 1. Choose the correct word.

Production department; sales manager; financial department, production manager; financial manager; sales (marketing) department.

1. Mr. Foster is at the head of the sales department.

He is a… .

2. Miss King is in charge of finance.

She is a… .

3. Mr. Robbins is in charge of the production department.

He is a … .

4. Mike Foster is a sales manager.

He is in charge of … .

5. Felicia King is a financial manager.

She is at the head of … .

6. Nick Robbins is a production manager.

He is at the head of … .


Task 3. Read the text. Complete the sentences using the words from the text.



What a country does to live is its economy. People make machines, build houses, grow wheat, teach children, drive buses and do a lot of other things. They work in different branches of people's economy: machine-building, construction, agriculture, education, transport.


John Brown makes cars. He works in… .

John's father is a farmer. He works in … .

John's wife Mary is a teacher. She works in … .


Try to remember.

Слово business  в английском языке многозначно и может употребляться в значении предприятие, дело - занятие, сделка.




       employment                                                                                   deal




I'm in construction business (That's my employment)

He sold his business (enterprise) last month.

He made a very good business (deal) in France.

Слово to employ может служить основой для образования однокоренных существительных, имеющих разное значение.


To employ (to give a job)



                   Employer                                        employee

       ( the one who gives a job)              ( the one who is given a job)


Сходными по значению являются следующие слова:


Factory = mill = plant

Personnel = staff




Accountant                                                    бухгалтер   

Accounts department                                 бухгалтерия

To assemble                                                собирать

To be in business                                        иметь собственное дело

To be at the head of business                     возглавлять дело

To be in charge of                                      отвечать за

Buyer                                                         покупатель

Chief executive officer                              главное исполнительное лицо

Customer                                                    клиент

Deal                                                            сделка

To deliver                                                   поставлять; доставлять

Delivery                                                     поставка; доставка

Department                                                подразделение; отдел

To develop a product                                 разрабатывать продукт

To do business                               заниматься бизнесом

Economy                                                    экономика (страны)

To employ                                                  нанимать на работу

Employee                                                   наёмный работник; служащий

Employer                                                    работодатель

Enterprise                                                   предприятие

Factory                                                       фабрика

Family business                                          семейный бизнес

Finance                                                       финансы, финансовая система

Financial manager                                      менеджер по финансам

Goods                                                        товар, товары

High-level manager                                    менеджер высшего звена

To hire                                                        нанимать на работу

Lower-level manager                                 менеджер низшего звена

To make a product                                     производить продукт

Manager                                                     менеджер, руководитель

Marketing                                                   маркетинг

Middle-level manager                                менеджер среднего звена

National economy                                      национальная экономика

Personnel department                                отдел кадров

Position                                                      пост

Private                                                        частный

To produce                                                 производить

Product                                                      продукт, товар

Production                                                 производство

To promote                                                 продвигать, рекламировать

Purse                                                          кошелёк

Quality                                                                   качество

To recruit                                                    нанимать на работу

Research and development department     научно-исследовательский отдел

To run a factory                                         руководить фабрикой

Sales                                                           продажи

Sales manager                                            менеджер по продажам

To sell                                                         продавать

Service                                                       обслуживание

Staff                                                           персонал

To work for                                                работать на (для)


Study the glossary.

To belong - принадлежать

To build up a business - начать/основать дело

Boss - начальник, босс

To buy - покупать

Businessman - бизнесмен, предприниматель

Clerk - клерк, служащий

General manager - управляющий

Junior partner - младший компаньон

Lawyer - юрист

To launch a business - начать дело

To own - владеть

Owner - владелец

Office - контора, офис

Partner - партнёр, компаньон

Private sector - частный сектор

Privately - owned - находящийся в частном владении

To start a business - начать/основать бизнес

State - owned - принадлежащий государству

State sector - государственный сектор


1/ to start a business = to launch = to set up = to organize = to build up

2/ chief = head = boss


Answer the questions.

1. Who works in the private sector of people's economy: Mr. Jackson or Mr. Johnson?

2. Who works in the state sector?

3. Who can sell his business to other people: Mr. Jackson or Mr. Johnson?

4. Could you give the name of some privately-owned business in your town or city?


4. Complete the sentences using the following words: clerk, office, junior, to start, to launch, to own, businessman.

This is Mr. X. He is twenty-seven. He is a … . He works in an … .


Meet Mr. Y. He is a … partner at Smith and Sons. He wants to … his business.


Mr. Z … a clothing factory. He is a great … . He … his business in 1970.

Your own business.



1. Образовать все возможные слова от коренного слова produce .

2. Перевести на русский язык:

a) He lives within his income.

b) I sold my business.

c) Tom made a great business in Paris.

d) He is in charge of finance.

e) Mary Smith is responsible for the delivery of goods.

f) Lower-level manager

g) To run a factory

h) To be in business

i) To receive profit


1. Образовать все возможные слова от слова employ .

2. Перевести с английского на русский язык.

The company needs more personnel.

He is the chief executive officer of the factory.

She is responsible for the quality of the bicycles.

Mr. Robbins is in charge of the production department.

Felicia King makes the company’s products known to the customers.

To develop a product


To be at the head of business


Personnel department

3. Перевести на английский язык:


Набирать на работу

Штат служащих

Производить продукт



1. Study the glossary:

Business is going well - дело процветает

To close down - закрыться

Corporation - корпорация

Depression - депрессия

To equip - оборудовать

Equipment - оборудование

To establish - основывать

To flourish - процветать

Highly-profitable company - компания, приносящая высокую прибыль

Income - доход

Interest - процент

Investment - вложение

Job - работа

To keep accounts - вести бухгалтерский учёт

Legal advice - юридическая консультация

To manage - управлять

Payment - плата

Profit - прибыль

Public company - акционерное общество открытого типа

Small business - мелкий бизнес

To specialize in - специализироваться на

At a standstill - в застое, на мёртвой точке

To survive - выживать

To take over - взять под свой контроль

Unemployed - безработный

Well-established company - известная компания, с именем




Firm = company

Profit - money gained by business

Income - money which one receives regularly ( payment for work? Interest from investments)

This company made a profit of $ 100,000 last year.

He lives within his income.

To employ    employed   unemployed

                   (having a job) (not having a job)

the unemployed - people without jobs


Answer the questions.

1/ Is the day care center organized by Miss dream a private enterprise?

2/ How large will the staff of the center be soon?

3/ Why does Miss Dream think of hiring new employees?



1. Suppose you start a family business. What functions can be given to your relatives if it is a small factory making plastic frames for spectacles?

2. How will you share responsibilities if your business is a petrol (filling) station?

Your own business.

Study the glossary.

Advertising campaign - рекламная кампания

Allotment - распределение ценных бумаг в полном или частичном объёме заявок

Annual meeting - ежегодное собрание

To beat competitors - одержать победу в конкурентной борьбе

To be in demand - пользоваться спросом

To be in the same line of business - заниматься тем же бизнесом

To be famous for -быть знаменитым чем-либо

To compete - конкурировать

Competition- конкуренция, соревнование

Competitor - конкурент

Dividend - дивиденд

High-quality - высококачественный

Image - образ, облик

Initial capital - начальный капитал

To issue shares - выпускать акции

Machinery - оборудование. техника

Merchandise - товары

Producer - производитель

The product sells well - товар пользуется спросом

Productivity - производительность

Share - доля, акция

Shareholder - акционер

Similar - подобный

Stock Exchange - фондовая биржа

Top-quality - высококачественный


a b c d e
action process result doer characteristics
To produce production product producer productivity

a) Massey-Fergusson produces agricultural machinery.

b) Production of fridges has decreased in the last few months.

c) This product is in great demand.

d) GM is one of the major American car producers.

e) To beat the competitors all companies should increase their productivity.


2. to produce = to manufacture = to put out

Agfa-Gevaert produces (manufactures, put out) top-quality films.


3. merchandise = goods = wares

The milkman traveled round the city selling his wares (goods, merchandise).



1. Has anybody in your family got the shares of a well-known company?

2. How high are their dividends?

3. How often do they get dividends?

Your own business.

Lesson 5. Market.


Active market - активный рынок

Capital - капитал

To capture the market - захватить рынок

The Common Market - Общий рынок

Consulting firm - консалтинговая фирма, т.е. фирма, занимающаяся консультированием по широкому кругу вопросов экономической деятельности

To do market research - проводить исследование рынка

Domestic market - внутренний рынок

To estimate - оценивать

Foreign market - внешний рынок

To get a product into the market - выпустить продукт на рынок

To increase market share - увеличить долю рынка

International market - международный рынок

Market - рынок

Market research - исследование рынка

Market share - доля рынка

Percentage - процент

Projected - предполагаемый

To put a product on the market - выпускать продукт на рынок

Senior partner - старший копаньон, партнёр

To stand at 10% - иметь 10%

The company stands at 10% - доля компании составляет 10%

Trade - торговля




                   Part                                                                                    one of the equal parts,

                                                                                           into which the capital of the company

                                                                                                                   is divided

a) You'll have to do your share of work.

b) Ted owns 10 shares in a transportation company.

2. Per cent (%)                   percentage (proportion)

-What percentage of your profit comes from sales on the domestic market?

- 10 per cent.

Common Market.

In 2002 The European Common Market has 45 years of his history behind it. The organization established by 6 countries (France, Spain, Holland, west Germany, Belgium and Italy) has grown to 18 member states. Few more countries would like to join the Common Market.

It is a fact of modern life that some trade, economic, social, technological projects would not be possible without international cooperation.

In the EC countries there are no trade barriers. The capital and the goods flow freely. Besides their national currencies the member states have the common currency called EURO.


EC member state capital Language, people
1. Belgium 2. 3. 4. 5. … Brussels French, Flemish

What are advantages of being a member state of EC?


Your own business.

Your factory produces modular country houses. These are houses whose walls, floors, roof, ceilings, heating and plumbing systems are assembled in the factory.

Самостоятельная работа № 2.

Вариант 1.

1. Соотнести слово и его перевод.


1.Consulting firm                                а) внутренний рынок

2.To estimate                                       б) внешний рынок

3.Advertising campaign                      в) акция

4.The product sells well                      г) акционер

5.Initial capital                                     д) старший партнёр

6.Stock exchange                                е) процент

7. Shareholder                                     ж) реклама

8. Domestic market                             з) рекламная кампания

9. Percentage                                       и) оценивать

10. To stand at 10%                         к) продавать

л) начальный капитал

м) иметь 10%

н) фондовая биржа

о) консалтинговая фирма

п) товар пользуется спросом


2. Составить как можно больше предложений из следующих слов.


Bradly produces its market share
Dell, Ltd. are very high
Our sales can afford top-quality tools
This product may increase extensive research and development.


Вариант 2.


1. Соотнесите слова с их переводом.


1) to capture the market            а) одержать победу в конкурентной

2) to do market research            борьбе

3) senior partner                        б) пользоваться спросом

4) to increase market share       в) заниматься тем же бизнесом

5) projected                                г) быть знаменитым

6) foreign market                       д) выпускать акции

7) productivity                           е) товар пользуется спросом

8) to issue shares                        ж) активный рынок

9) to beat competitors               з) общий рынок

10) to be in demand                и) проводить исследование рынка

к) захватить рынок

л) старший партнёр

м) внешний рынок

н) производительность

о) предполагаемый

п) процент


2. Составить как можно больше предложений, используя следующие слова.


Parker is on the domestic market
Eno, Inc. must concentrate in the market in winter
The competition will come out modern TV-sets
These companies produce very high.


Not to be in - отсутствовать

To be out - отсутствовать

To buy from - покупать у

Commercial - рекламный ролик

To conduct business - вести дело

To cost - стоить

To deal in something - торговать чем-либо

Discount - скидка

To do business - вести дела, состоять в деловых отношениях

To be engaged - быть занятым

To expand business - расширять дело

To go with companies - вести дела с компаниями

To go out of business - выйти из дела

To launch a product - запустить продукт в производство

Mark-up - наценка

Minor company - мелкая компания

To offer - предлагать

Price - цена

Profitable - прибыльный

To put through - соединять ( по телефону)

Raw materials - сырьё

Regular supplier - постоянный поставщик

Retailer - розничный торговец

To run business - руководить делом

Selling price - продажная цена

Wholesaler - оптовик


1. to make



a b
British American
Limited (Ltd.) Incorporated (Inc.)

a) Europe Trust, Ltd. Has its headquarters in London.

b) Calaxo, Inc. has its headquarters in California.


2. Read the text and put the companies in the right order. The first are the companies which sell raw materials. The last is the company which produces goods.


Marion Ashley is the market leader in producing clothes. It is reluctant to go with minor companies and usually does business with well-established ones.

Color Life is a large and well-established company. It produces paints and sells them all over Britain.

Woolmark deals in fabrics. It has its regular suppliers too and it never buys from any other firms.

Bobbin Realm has a large share of threads market and it sells its products to fabric manufacturers.








3. Make up sentences using the words from columns 1,2,3,4.

1 2 3 4
Bradly   Parker   Eno,Inc.   Our company   We goes with   shall make   deals in   buys   does business with a breakthrough   raw materials   five firms   several minor companies   laptop computers on the European market   from Siberia   in France   on the West Coast


4. Imagine that your friend is a businessman and talk to him.

a) Ask him when he entered the business.

Who helps him to conduct it?

Is it a small or a big business?

Is it a private business?

Is it a new or a long-established business?

Is it a profitable business?

Is his business expanding?

Is he going to sell his business?


b) Ask your partner when he launched his business.

Does his family help him to run the business?

Is his business enterprise large or small?

Does he meet a lot of problems?

Does he meet any troubles?

Is he often away on business trips?

Does he intend to go out of business?



5. Put the words into 4 groups. There should be 5 words in each group.

Accountant, packing, manager, telex, order, company, secretary, president, materials, letter, business, enterprise, employee, assembly, testing, corporation, equipment, firm, report, contract.

Business people production Business document Business organization
accountant packing telex company


Crossword puzzle.


t e s t i n g s c d s
r e t a i l e r o f a
a c c o u n t c s g p
d i s t r i b u t o r
e d i s c o u n t h i
z x s u p p l i e r c
c o m m e r c i a l e
p q w e r t y u i o p
w h o l e s a l e r l

8 words in line, 3 vertically.


6. Read the text and decide the problems.   

Retailer and Wholesaler.

Mr. Jackson owns a shop. Mr. Jackson buys and sells all sorts of bicycles - cross - country bicycles, tandems and even a tricycles for small children. He makes his profit by buying bicycles at a low price from the bicycle factory and selling them at a higher price to his customers. Mr. Jackson is a retailer and he runs a retail shop. It means that he buys small numbers of bicycles and sells them to individual customers.

Mr. Johnson is a wholesaler. He buys and sells clothes. He buys clothes from the factories that make them. He buys large quantities of clothes and gets a discount for that. He sells large quantities of clothes - coats, shirts, dresses - to big department stores at greater prices. Thus he makes his profit.



1. Mr. Jackson bought 10 bicycles for 180 $ each. He sold them with a 20% mark-up. What was the selling price of each bicycles? What profit did he get for all the bicycles?

2. Mr. Johnson came to the factory making jeans. Every pair of jeans cost 20$. He bought 1000 jeans and got a 5% discount for every pair. How much did every pair cost him?

He sold them to the department store at $25 for a pair. How high is the wholesaler's mark-up a) in dollars; b) in percentage?

Дополнительное задание к уроку 6.



A wholesale dealer acquires the merchandise directly from the industry. A wholesale dealer usually has a department store with plenty of storage space and an office with employees to transact the purchase of the goods along with their subsequent sale. They make offers and receive orders, they write bills and receipts, constantly control storehouse supplies and take care of timely delivery of goods.

Wholesale dealers often have sales representatives or travelling sales people which visit clientele of retail dealers, give them advice about the purchase of old and new merchandise. A wholesale dealer should have a lot of money since it is customary that he has to pay his supplies in advance while his customers are allowed a 2 or 3 months credit limit.

A retail dealer needs neither so much storage space nor so much money. Therefore his profit is not so high. He needs an attractive shop where his merchandise is exhibited so that the customers become anxious to buy. And the service should be fast and friendly. Certainly he has to have enough supply in order not to disappoint And lose his customers. If he has very little storage space, he can purchase merchandise from a certain wholesaler or from one of “Cash and Carry” shops. In this case he does not need to order the goods in advance. He can take them away immediately. The prices are reasonable. Certainly he can buy nothing on credit, but must pay in cash.


2. Выберите правильный ответ в соответствии с содержанием текста.


1. __________dealers purchase their goods from _______________.

a) sales people/ retailer b) wholesaler/ representatives                  c) retail/wholesaler


2. A wholesale dealer needs a lot of _____________.

a) expenses b) storage space c) bills


3. The employees in wholesaler’s office ____________ all the paperwork. a) paperwork b) postage c) advances

4. The customer has paid the _________ and wants to have a _______ for it. a) consumer/ check b) bill/ receipt c) price/ goods


5. A retail dealer asks whether he may count on timely ________ of his __________. a) supplies/ saving b) expenses/ bills               c) delivery/goods


6. A _________ should often visit his __________.                           a) wholesaler/consumers b) supply/customer                               c) sales representative/clientele


7. He brings new__________ for the company.

a) sales b) orders c) bills


8. A wholesale dealer often has to _________to his _________.

a) in advance/ supplies b) in cash / expenses c) in receipts/ retailer


9. A wholesale dealer concedes his ______________ a 2 or 3 months ____________. a) traveling men/ bills b) employees / cash 

c) customer/credit


10. The ___________ in a __________should be prompt and friendly.

a) service/shop b) smiles/stores c) customers/post-office


11. A retail dealer asks his_________ , if they have enough _______ of sugar. A)employees/ supply   b) customers/shop c) postage


12. The prices in “Cash and Carry” shops are _______.

a) good b) reasonable c) high


13. Everybody should ___________ in “ Cash and Carry” shops.

a) pay in cash b) pay in advance c) pay after 3 months  

Lesson 7. Contract.


Additional clause - дополнительная статья

Clause -статья, пункт ( в договоре)

Commercial - коммерческий

Contract for supply - контракт на поставку

Draft contract - проект контракта

To get a contract - получить контракт

To infringe a contract - нарушить контракт

Item - единица наименования товара

Licence - лицензия

Long-term contract - долгосрочный контракт

To make a contract - заключить контракт

Main clause - основная статья

To meet deadline - уложиться в срок

Mutually beneficial - взаимовыгодный

To negotiate - обсуждать, вести переговоры

 Offer - предложение

 Packing - упаковка

To perform a contract - выполнить контракт

President of Board of Directors - председатель совета директоров

To prolong a contract - продлить контракт

Prolongation - продление

To protect jobs - сохранить рабочие места

Short-term contract - краткосрочный контракт

To sign a contract - подписать контракт

To supply somebody with something - снабжать кого-либо чем-либо

Telex - телекс

 To terminate a contract - расторгнуть контракт

Terms and conditions - условия

Trade show - торговая выставка

Warranty - гарантия

To be worth - стоить

A Famous Contract.

Some years ago France and Great Britain made a contract to construct a tunnel under the English Channel (La Manche). Both France and Britain find this contract very profitable because it helps to develop tourism, trade and other economic relations among the countries of the Common Market. The construction of the tunnel is over and Britain has stopped being an island.



1. What other advantages do you see in this long-term contract? Why is it called "The Contract of the Century"?

Do you know anything about another famous contract - to build a high-speed railway between Moscow and St. Petersburg? What countries take part in the realization of this contract? What advantages do you see in this international contract for Russia?


Account - счёт

Administrative work - административная работа

In bulk - оптом

Cheque - чек

 To communicate - поддерживать связь

 To contact - связываться

Copying machine - копировальный аппарат

Designer - конструктор, проектировщик

file - дело

To handle work - выполнять работу

To keep records - вести записи, учёт

Lot - партия (изделий)

Machinery - станки, оборудование

Machine-tool - станок

To make an appointment - назначить встречу

Management - администрация

Manufacturing process - производственный процесс

Order - заказ

To order - заказывать

Order for delivery - заказ на поставку

Prepayment - предоплата

Printed form - бланк

To purchase - покупать

Records - записи, отчётные документы

Schedule of delivery - график поставок

Settlement - уплата

To type - печатать

Typing errors - опечатки

Order and Delivery.


Mr. Littlewood is the owner of a small business. He manufactures all sorts of furniture for summer houses - tables, chairs, garden benches and so on. Mr. Littlewood is a good designer of furniture and he employs five carpenters. Their pieces of furniture are fashionable and practical. No wonder they sell well.

Every week Mr. Littlewood has to plan his manufacturing process. He certainly has all the necessary equipment but machine-tools break down from time to time. So he has either to repair them or to purchase new ones.

Some other purchases include raw materials - wood, glue, paints - and manufactured parts - nails, screws, metal parts.

Mr. Littlewood makes a special arrangment with his supplier who must send the raw materials in acordance with the schedule of delivery. He also buys manufactured parts in large quantities because he gets a discount if he orders something in bulk.




Самостоятельная работа № 3.


Вариант А.                                      Вариант В.

I. Try to guess and write down         I. Try to guess and write down          

at which departments:                                which departments are headed

a) they develop a new product;                           by the following people:

b) they make the product;                        a) the one who is responsible

c) they promote and sell the product;                  for the company’s finances;

d) they take care of the company’s          b) the one who makes the company’s

staff;                                                                       products known to the customers;

e) they deliver the products to the           c) the one who recruits new workers

buyers;                                                        and employees;

f) they take care of the company’s          d) the head of the department making

staff .                                                              the products.

II. Match the words:

1. Accountant                                       а) младший партнёр

2. Business is going well                                б) высоко-доходная компания

3. Delivery                                            в) безработный

4. Deal                                                  г) взять под свой контроль

5. Lower-level manager                         д) прибыль

6. To survive                                        е) рекламировать

7. To develop a product                                 ж) быть во главе

8. Unemployed                                     з) качество

9. Income                                              и) оборудование

10. Financial manager                                 к) %

11. To be at the head of                               л) процветать

12. Purse                                            м) юридическая консультация

13. Quality                                                  н) владелец

14. To be on sale                                         о) доход

15. To promote                                  п) выживать

16. Junior partner                                        р) в государственной собственности

17. To belong                                     с) юрист

18. Owner                                                    т) управлять

19. State-owned                                           у) принадлежать

20. Lawyer                                                  ф) менеджер нижнего звена

21. Profit                                            х) сделка

22. Equipment                                   ц) бизнес процветает

23. Highly-profitable company                   ч) кошелёк                   

24. Legal advice                                           ш) ОАО

25. To take over                                          щ) плата

26. To manage                                   ъ) развивать продукт

27. To flourish                                   э) доставка

28. Interest                                                  ь) бухгалтер

29. Payment                                                ю) менеджер по финансам

30. Public company                           я) принадлежать



Financial Management.

In the past financial management was not a major concern for a business. A company used to establish relations with a local bank. The bank handled the financing and the company took care of producing and selling

Today only a few firms operate in this way. Usually businesses have their own financial managers who work with the banks. Financial management begins with the creation of a financial plan. The plan includes timing and amount of funds and the inflow and outflow of money.

The financial manager develops and controls the financial plan. He compares the expenses involved to the expected revenues. It helps him to predict cash flow.

The financial manager plans a strategy to make the ending cash positive. He can trim expenses or ask the customers to pay faster.

The financial manager also chooses financial techniques. One of them is short-term financing, another is long-term financing.


What is Finance?

Finance is the study of how people allocate scarce resources over time. Two features that distinguish financial decisions from other resource allocation decisions are that the costs and benefits of financial decisions are 1) spread out over time and 2) usually not known with certainty in advance by either the decision makers or anybody else. In deciding whether to start your own restaurant, for example, you must weigh the costs (such as the investment in fixing up the place and buying the stoves, tables, chairs, little paper umbrellas for exotic drinks, and other equipment you need) against the uncertain benefits (you future profits) that you expect to reap over several years.

In implementing their decisions people make use of the financial system, defined as the set of markets and other institutions used for financial contracting and the exchange of assets and risks. The financial system includes the markets for stocks, bonds, and other financial instruments, financial intermediaries ( such as banks and insurance companies), financial - service firms (such as financial advisory firms), and the regulatory bodies that govern all these institutions. The study of how the financial system evolves over time is an important part of the subject matter of finance.

Finance theory consists of a set of concepts that help to organize one's thinking about how to allocate resources over time and a set of quantitative models to help one evaluate alternatives, make decisions, and implement them. The same basic concepts and quantitative models apply at all levels of decision making from your decision to lease a car or start a business, to the decision of the CFO of a major corporation to enter the telecommunications business, to the decision of the World Bank about which development projects to finance.

A basic tenet of finance is that the ultimate function of the system is to satisfy people's consumption preferences, including all the basic necessities of life, such as food, clothing and shelter. Economic organizations such as firms and governments exist in order to facilitate the achievement of that ultimate function.

Bank Operations.

a) Saving Account.

To open a saving account at a bank a small initial deposit is needed. If you open your account with 500$ or more and keep that much at all time, there is no service charge. If you fall below the 500$ limit, you will be charged 5 $ a month.

A bank computer adds all the daily figures and then divides by the number of days in your statement period. That's called your average daily balance.

When you open your account, you'll be in touch with your money thanks to bank machine services. These machines can handle most regular teller transactions. You can make deposits, cash withdrawals, and balance inquiries with your automatic teller card. The machine is at work 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

If, for example, you want to open a saving account with a deposit of 1000 $, you are supposed to fill in an application. Besides you need to write a deposit ticket for 1000 $. After filling the application you are given a passbook. Once you place your money in a saving account, interest on your money begins to accrue. The bank will pay you 4 or 5 %.



Bank operation - банковская операция

Saving account - сберегательный счёт

Service charge - оплата банковских услуг

If you fall below - если ваш счёт меньше

Add - суммировать

Daily figures - ежедневные цифры

Divide by - делить на

 Statement - период хранения

Yоu'll be in touch - вы будете иметь доступ

Handle - справляться с, выполнять

Teller - кассир в банке, банковский служащий

Transaction - банковская операция

Make deposits - вносить деньги

Make cash withdrawals - снимать деньги

Make balance inquiries - узнать, каков ваш баланс

Application - заявление, анкета

Deposit ticket - пртходный ордер

Passbook - сберегательная книжка

Interest - процент

Accrue - нарастать

b) Checking Account.

If you want to open a checking account, you are supposed to maintain an average daily balance of 1000 $. As long as you keep this average balance you won't be charged for banking services. If you fall below the 1000 $ limit, you would have to pay a service charge of 6 $ a month, and each of your transactions would be charged separately.

A transaction charge means that you'll have to pay 25 cents for each check made by you or your spouse and also 25 cents for each cash withdrawals. But you can easily avoid paying these charges by maintaining 1000 $ or more on your account.

Interest is paid if your average daily balance is over 2000 $. Unless you fall below 2000 $, you'll be paid 6.5 %. The bank credit the interest you've earned automatically on your account.

You can order your checkbook after having filled in an application form and your deposit ticket.

For getting a credit card you must have an income of 15000 $ or more. Your last pay stub or a copy of your tax return must prove this income. As soon as the bank has this information, credit cards will be given to you and your wife.



Checking account - чековый счёт

Maintain - сохранять

Fall below - понизить

Spouse - супруг (а)

Credit - переводить

Earn - зарабатывать

Income - доход

Pay stab - корешок чека

Tax return - налоговая декларация


c) Credit Cards.

Credit cards are accepted by millions of businessmen in the USA and abroad. They can be used at hotels, restaurants, department stores, theatres, airline ticket offices - just about everywhere. They even entitle owners to instant cash. The cardholder simply asks a teller to charge cash advance, or loan, rather than a purchase to his or her account. The transaction is approved by phone and the money handed over almost immediately.

VISA and Master Card are the best known bankcards. They are also most established, having been first offered to consumers more than 35 years ago. The Discovery Card is the newest one. Consumers have been drawn up to Discovery Card by attractive discounts up to 150 $ on certain purchases and an annual rebate 1% of the amount charged against the card.



Accept - принимать

Entitle - давать право на

Instant cash - немедленное получение наличных

Holder - владелец

Cash advance - аванс наличными

Loan - ссуда

 Purchase - покупка

Approve - подтверждать

Established - привычный

Consumer - потребитель

Draw up - привлекать

Discount - скидка

Annual - ежегодный

Rebate - ценовая скидка ( со всей суммы)

Charged against - налагаемый на


d) Read and translate.

The Current account.

Bank accounts have varying characteristics. The most basic account is the savings account. Savings accounts cannot be overdrawn, and generally notice has to be given of withdrawal. Current accounts are payable on demand, either by withdrawal or by the customer instructing to the bank to make payment to a third party. They can be overdrawn, by way of overdraft. Then, there are trust accounts, foreign currency accounts, and any other number of accounts with different features and services. The current account holders vary from individuals through to multinational companies and governments. Banks hold accounts at other banks as a result of the system of correspondent banking, and because one bank may act as the agent of another when, for example, it is a member of a payment system and the other is not.

The bank undertakes to receive money and to collect bills for its customer’s account. The proceeds so received are not to be held in trust for the customer, but the bank borrows the proceeds and undertakes to repay them. The promise to repay is to repay at the brunch of the bank where the account is kept, and during banking hours. It includes a promise to repay any part of the amount due against the written order of the customer addressed to the bank at the branch, and as such written orders may be outstanding in the ordinary course of business for two or three days, it is a term of the contract that the bank will not cease to do business with the customer except upon the reasonable notice.





составители: Бурлакова Н.В.

                                 Василевская Э.Б.

Мурманск 2006

Пояснительная записка к пособию "Рабочая тетрадь для экономистов" составленному преподавателями иностранного языка Кооперативного техникума ОПС Бурлаковой Н.В. и Василевской Э.Б.

Рабочая тетрадь является учебным пособием, предназначенным для студентов-экономистов. Здесь есть разделы и задания, которые могут успешно применяться при обучении студентов с различным уровнем знаний. В Рабочей тетради использованы аутентичные материалы, обработанные и адаптированные для студентов экономического профиля.

Цель - последовательно провести студентов по разделам специальной лексики, повторить грамматику, ввести страноведческий материал и сформировать навыки работы с литературой по специальности.

В Рабочей тетради собран тот минимум материала, который должны освоить студенты специальности 080110 на 2-м году изучения иностранного языка. Естественно, что акцент сделан на спецлексику, которую должны освоить экономисты как очного, так и заочного отделений. Частично материалы, помещённые в Рабочей тетради, могут быть использованы и для студентов специальности 080402.

В пособии специально подобраны тексты, лексические и грамматические упражнения, которые можно использовать и под руководством преподавателя и в самостоятельной работе. В пособии есть тексты для дополнительного чтения, которые студенты переводят самостоятельно в течение года, и на которых частично построен итоговый зачёт. В каждом уроке Рабочей тетради помещён глоссарий, содержащий минимум лексических единиц, необходимых для запоминания.

Рабочая тетрадь создана в двух вариантах: печатном и электронном. Студенты могут использовать тот вариант, который для них наиболее приемлем.



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