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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Кафедра иностранных языков

Министерство транспорта Российской Федерации

Федеральное агентство железнодорожного транспорта




Кафедра иностранных языков

А Н г л и й с к и й я з ы к

Методические указания для студентов II курса

специальности «Автоматика, телемеханика и связь

на железнодорожном транспорте»

2-е издание, дополненное

                                                                                      Составители: И.А.Зайцева






УДК 420


Английский язык : методические указания для студентов II курса специальности «Автоматика, телемеханика и связь на железнодорожном транспорте». – 2-е изд., доп. / составители : И.А. Зайцева, И.В. Лукашова. – Самара : СамГУПС, 2009 – 64 с.



Утверждены на заседании кафедры от  22.01.2009 года, протокол № 5.

Печатаются по решению редакционно-издательского совета университета.


Методические указания ставят своей целью ознакомить студентов II курса специальности «Автоматика, телемеханика и связь на железнодорожном транспорте» с основной терминологической лексикой по своей специальности. Иллюстративным материалом для данных методических указаний послужили аутентичные статьи из научно-популярных и технических журналов США и Великобритании. Тексты направлены на развитие профессиональной компетенции, снабжены лингвистическими и методическими комментариями, а так же кратким англо-русским терминологическим словарем. В текстах намеренно употребляется лексика, как в британском английском варианте, так и в американском английском.



Составители:  Ирина Анатольевна Зайцева

 Инна Викторовна Лукашова



Рецензенты:  канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков,

С.Я. Никитина (Самарский государственный университет путей сообщения);

зав. кафедрой «Автоматика, телемеханика и связь на железнодорожном транспорте», канд. техн. наук

В.Б. Гуменников (Самарский государственный университет путей сообщения)

Редакция составителей



Подписано в печать 28.04.2009. Формат 60x90 1/16.

Усл. печ. л. 4,0. Тираж 150 экз. Заказ № 80.



© Самарский государственный университет путей сообщения, 2004, 2009

Lesson One

Ex . 1. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases:

automatic, principle, diagram, console, circuit, approach, delay, entire, wholly, single, route, prove, effectiveness, exceed, ensure, handle, database, device, technology;

route-setting panel, computer-based centralized traffic control, color light signals, single control center, trunk line, up-to-date electronic equipment, digital computer, high-frequency generator.


Text A. Read and translate the text using a dictionary if necessary.


Centralized Traffic Control

CTC… is a signaling system of railway operation which is used to control train traffic by signal indications. The system consists of a centralized train dispatcher's office that controls railroad s… in the CTC territory and the signals that railroad engineers must obey in order to keep the t… moving safely and smoothly across the railroad. It combines the principles of p…-bs… with the high-speed processing capabilities of a digital minicomputer. The basic c… c… has two displays for td… of the controlled distance and a centre display. They are placed directly in front of the dispatcher. The display shows the overall track diagram including current routes, to… and signal i…. The p…-bs… are replaced by a compact control console keyboard. This k… enables the operator to call up an enlarged track plan of a selected s… which shows the current status of the ars…, signal indications and tc... occupancies. Besides, the keyboard enables the operator to make a change if necessary. All these control functions are performed via the dc... .

C. What do you call:

1. The system which controls the movement of trains by signal indications.

2. The man who controls all the movements of the train.

3. A special panel with push-button switches.

4. A device which performs the control functions.

5. A complete set of keys, usually hand-operated.

D . Speak on the operation of the CTC system.


Text B. Scan the text and write down all the unknown words. Read the text trying to guess the meaning of the unknown words. Retell the text in Russian.

The driver of a bullet train in Japan is under investigation after falling asleep for nearly ten minutes at the helm. The train was travelling at 170mph with 800 passengers on board.

Railway staff became suspicious when the train pulled into Okayama station, about 90 miles east of Hiroshima. It came to a halt about 100 metres before it was supposed to, leaving rear carriages outside the station. They inspected the driver's cab and found him asleep in his chair, according to a source at West Japan Railway. Staff knocked on the window but he continued to sleep. Eventually the conductor went inside the compartment and woke him up.

The driver, 33, told his superiors that he "had no memory" of what happened for a period of about eight minutes until he woke up.

A West Japan Railway spokesman said the driver had plenty of sleep and had not been drinking alcohol.

Police said the driver was under investigation for possible violations of the railway law and for causing danger due to professional negligence while driving.

No one was hurt in the incident because the train was on autopilot at the time. Drivers normally take over and steer the train manually in the final stretch to a station.

Lesson two


    Ex. 1. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases:

    appraise, efficiency, insulate, exist, responsibility, telecommunications, availability, techniques, intermittent, reappraisal, require, essential, headache, throughout;

    powerful computer equipment, rapid information, sophisticated signaling systems, optimum time, continuous data exchange, secure coding, driverless operation, up-to-date facilities.


    Ex. 2. These are the key words to Lesson 2. You are to copy them and memorize their meanings.

automatic train control (ATC) – автоматическое управление поездом, поездная                                                          авторегулировка; automatic train protection (ATP) – автоматическое ограждение поезда, защита; an intermittent automatic train control – точечная автоматическая локомотивная                                                           cигнализация (АЛСТ); cross-border operation(s) – пограничные перевозки; to coast – двигаться по инерции; to insulate – изолировать.

Ex. 3. Copy the following words and memorize their meanings:

appraisal – оценка,

to appraise – оценивать;

benefit – польза, выгода,

to benefit (from smth) – извлекать пользу (из чего-либо);

a cost / costs – стоимость, затраты, издержки,

to cost - стоить, обходиться (в какую-л. сумму);

to exist – существовать;

to handle - управлять чем-л., справляться с кем-л., чем-л.,

to handle data – обрабатывать данные;

responsible – ответственный,

responsibility – ответственность,

to take/accept responsibility – брать, принимать ответственность;

а view – взгляд, мнение,

to view – рассматривать,

a point of view – точка зрения,

from (economic, political) point of view – с (экономической, политической) точки



    Read and translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. This article gives an appraisal of recent books on this subject. 2. There now exists a significant body of scientific research on the subject. 3. It’s no use trying to pretend that the problem doesn’t exist. 4. The easy-to-use design of the vacuum cleaner is a significant benefit for many households. 5. The government is responsible for the general management of the economy. 6. Development research was the responsibility of scientists attached to universities. 7. The operating costs of a new line will be very high. 8. Whatever that awful child has done I promise to take full responsibility. 9. The management accepts no responsibility for cars parked in the car park. 10. The house, now up for sale, should be viewed in order to appraise it.          11. When I’m discussing something with Mary, I always try to understand her point of view. 12. An operator on London Metro is responsible for manual control in case of emergency. 13. Automatic train control systems support drivers and supervise train speeds.14. Tourism has brought many benefits to the area. 15. You can't go on avoiding your responsibilities forever. 16. He was asked to give a critical appraisal of the facilities. 17. The crisis was handled very badly. 18. The system handles huge amounts of data. 19. She was responsible for designing the entire project. 20. Good students expect to have responsible positions in industry as soon as they graduate.    21. The airport was built at a cost of $5.3 billion. 22. That one mistake almost cost him his life. 23. An electric engine is more useful from ecological point of view. 24. He seems to know how to handle this device.

Signaling Technology

(1) Signaling technology has undergone the same changes as telecommunications. Availability of powerful computer equipment and rapid information exchange techniques have led to more sophisticated signaling systems. These systems are not only able to drive the train, but decide when is the optimum time to brake, coast or accelerate for maximum energy efficiency. These abilities have allowed on-board computers to provide much more necessary information for a driver which was impossible some years ago.

(2) On the one hand, with the exception of some newly constructed lines, the cost of providing continuous data exchange between track and train can be high. On the other hand, up-to-date signaling systems help to save time which is of great importance for train operation. Secure coding of information has increased the effectiveness of intermittent ATC and increased the quantity of data that can be handled.

(3) Although developed for metro lines, various components of ATC are increasingly being applied to main lines, because they provide automatic train protection, control and operation.

(4) Needless to say that safety has become a political question, forcing a reappraisal of what level of signaling technology is required. More and more practical railway engineers realize that ATC is essential for safe operation, even though statistics do not always support this view.

(5) Introduction of ATC is important from economic point of view. Thus, in metro driverless operation may help to save labour costs.

(6) It’s quite clear that no modern railway can exist without ATC. Nevertheless, introduction of this system is not such an easy task as it may seem at first sight. At present it’s a headache for many European railways. As we know many more high-speed railway lines are being constructed, more and more trains are being designed and produced specially for cross-border operation. All this makes operators’ work more responsible and nervous. New up-to-date ATC facilities must be installed, and their design, manufacture and installation require great costs. But this work must be done, because to benefit from ATC system railways are to use it throughout their networks.

Ex. 17. Go back to text A and using the paragraph reference find the words which are similar to:

facilities, fast, advanced, to permit (paragraph 1);

to build, safe, data, amount, to process (paragraph 2);

to work out, underground, different, an element, to use, a trunk line (paragraph 3);

a matter, to understand, important, to back up (paragraph 4);

to assist (paragraph 5);

obvious, up-to-date, a railroad, simple, a job, nowadays, to build, expenses (paragraph 6).


Lesson THREE

Ex. 1. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases:

replacement, purpose, therefore, length, extend, relay, danger, caution, continuous, continuously, insertion, long-welded;

track circuiting, low voltage current, track-circuited section, safe distance, electrical interference, insulated fishplate, electrical resistance.

Track Circuit

The first important step in the development of modern signaling techniques was the replacement of mechanical operation of points and signals by electrical one.

We know track circuiting to be one of the basic uses of electricity in modern signaling. It was first adopted to automate signaling at the beginning of the 20th century. But the principle of track circuit operation of automatic signals remains the same nowadays. The purpose of track circuiting is to detect the presence of a train on the section of the line. Therefore the length of each track circuit depends on the length of the section at which the trains are to run. Thus a track circuit usually extends from one stop signal to another one.

The track circuit is completed by running low voltage current via the two running rails of a line to a relay, which is energized when the track is not occupied by a train. As soon as a train enters the track-circuited section, the relay is de-energized and sets signals to danger and caution at a safe distance behind the train. When the train leaves the section, the current again energizes the relay. In other words the moving train continuously protects its own rear as it moves along the automatically signaled section of the line.

Each track circuit is protected from electrical interference by its neighbor through the insertion of insulated fishplates in the track at each end of it. The rail joints within the circuit are wire-bonded to reduce the electrical resistance of the circuit, if the track is not long-welded. For continuous welded rails, a system of jointless track-circuiting has now been developed.

Lesson FOUR

Ex. 1. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases:

semaphore, audible, priority, auxiliary, suspended, manipulate, influence, incline, engineman, identical, usually, measure;

multiple-track railway, suburban railway, marshalling track, train crew, frequent intervals, color lights, push-button switches, restrictive position, continuous indication, station employees.


Ex. 2. These are the key words to Lesson 4. You are to copy them and memorize their meanings:

a fixed signal – стационарный / постоянный сигнал; an indication – показание (прибора);  to proceed – следовать (о поезде), продолжать (путь); a protective / safety device – защитное (предохранительное) устройство,                                                                            предохранитель; a restrictive position –сдерживающее положение; a semaphore (signal) arm – крыло светофора; a wayside signal – путевой сигнал.

Ex. 3. Copy the following words and memorize their meanings:

to constitute – составлять, быть частью;

to indicate - показывать, указывать;

to install – устанавливать, устраивать;

to restrict – ограничивать;

to warn - предупреждать; предостерегать;

regardless of ( smb/smth) – невзирая на…, не считаясь (с кем/чем-либо).


Read and translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. His action constitutes a criminal offence. 2. Studies indicate that children from poorer areas are less likely to go to university. 3. All gas stations have now installed pumps for lead-free gasoline. 4. Installing a computer system may by costly, but it is obligatory to make our work and study more efficient. 5. A true professional can work with anyone regardless of age, race or color. 6. As a charity, we provide foods and shelter for people in need, regardless of the reasons for their need. 7. Construction workers and home owners are being warned that the fumes from insulating foam can make them seriously ill. 8. The story of the Titanic is a warning to anyone who trusts too much in the technology to take safety seriously. 9. Do you know any laws that restrict people’s freedom? 10. If you don’t pay taxes, it may restrict your traveling abroad. 11. The man who installed our washing machine advised me not to use the hottest water. 12. She indicated the small door with her hand. 13. The speedometer indicated 50 miles per hour. 14. The driver only needs to press two buttons to start the train and if the way is clear then the train will automatically proceed to the next station. 15. Signals installed at frequent intervals along the entire mainline inform the driver of the position of other trains. 16. Tomorrow the movement of trains at that section of the line will be restricted because of track repair work.


Basic Railway Signals

Safe operation of freight and passenger trains requires a system of signaling. To inform the locomotive and train crew of the position of other trains in relation to their own, signals installed at frequent intervals give indications which are visible both by day and by night. Wayside signals installed along railroad tracks are called fixed signals.

The semaphore is considered to be the earliest type of the signal. The relative position of the semaphore arm constituted the signal.

To indicate “stop” a horizontal arm was used. “Proceed” was indicated by vertical arm. To give restrictive indications the arm was inclined¹ up or down.

Color lights give the indications at night. The semaphore mechanism is equipped with lenses illuminated by a lamp, so that a red light shows when the semaphore is in the ‘stop’ position, a green light – when the semaphore is in the ‘proceed’ position, and a yellow light – when the semaphore is in the restrictive position. The color-light signal sometimes used is known to have semaphore arm and give both day and night indications by means of red, green and yellow lights. We know some signals to be operated by hand, others to be automatic.

On some railroads locomotives are known to be equipped with apparatus located in the cab, which gives a continuous indication² to the engineman identical with that shown by wayside signals.

By cab signals the engine crew is supposed to be always informed of conditions ahead regardless of the weather which could prevent the driver from seeing wayside signals. Locomotive cab signals are equipped to give audible warnings whenever the aspect changes to one more restrictive position. A protective device is installed on some railroads to apply the brakes automatically and bring a train to a stop if, for any reason, a “stop” signal is passed. It is called automatic train control. The earliest signals were hand-operated, usually by station employees.

Notes: 1) to incline – наклоняться; 2) continuous indication - непрерывная выдача показаний.


Lesson FIVE

Ex. 1. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases:

comply, cause, accident, eliminate, emergency, obstacle, identify, semi-automatic, continuously, freight, feature, apply, virtually, prescribed, research;

traffic capacity, trunk route, permissible speed, complete the circuit, consequent indication, approaching train, appropriate distance, guided radar, double-track lines.

Railway Automation

(1) At present control of high-speed trains is semi-automatic since they are automatically forced to comply with permissible speeds at any instant. Stops at station platforms are under the driver’s control.

(2) The whole line in Japan, for example, is directly controlled from Tokyo and for this purpose is divided into four systems. The state of the line is continuously surveyed and information is transmitted at high speed to the control centre. Each train automatically identifies itself by generating a unique frequency as it passes fixed ground equipment and the information is displayed on the control panel at Tokyo. Trains entering stations automatically set the points system according to classification, i.e. whether super express, express or freight.

(3) One interesting but simple safety feature enables the operator on the line to stop the train in an emergency. It consists of push-button switches placed at intervals of 50m. Operation of the switch completes the circuit, and the consequent indication in the driver’s cab of an approaching train causes the brakes to be applied automatically at an appropriate distance from the danger position. All the circuits are fail-safe, and the possibility of an accident due to human error has been virtually eliminated.

(4) Great work is being carried out in order to improve circuits performance. It means introduction of such techniques as programmed control, obstacle detection by a guided radar, controlled braking to a fixed point and centralized computer control. Extensive research is under way in our country to utilize television technique in industry, science and agriculture. Some years ago one of the research institutes of our country designed a television apparatus which is now used in railway transport to record the serial numbers of freight cars arriving at a station. As a train pulls in at a station, somewhere at a distance of ten kilometers an operator sees this train on a screen of his television set. The operator reads aloud the serial number of the freight cars and they are recorded by a tape recorder. On another television set the operator can see all the railway lines in a station. The operator only has to press the button and another station will appear on the screen. These installations are used in classifications yards for shunting operations.

(5) The Central Research Institute of the Railways Ministry is designing a new television apparatus which will enable engine drivers “to see” the condition of the freight car even when it is dark.


Lesson SIX

Ex. 1. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases:

transmitter, turbine, coil, electromagnet, motor, dynamo, relay, armature, valve, cycle, cable, barrier;

inductive system, iron-core coil, oscillating circuit, high-frequency generator, passing locomotive, short-circuited, supply of current, driving motor, pilot lamp, fail-safe, modular design, low maintenance requirements, urban railways, maintenance staff.

Ex. 2. These are the key words to Lesson 6. You are to copy them and memorize their meanings.

to actuate – запускать, возбуждать; armature – якорь (электромагнита); a driving motor – тяговый электродвигатель; an iron-core coil – катушка с железным сердечником; inductive train control – система автоматического управления торможением; a safety device – предохранительный механизм; a pilot lamp – контрольная лампа; a valve - клапан, a monitoring valve (signal) – контрольный клапан (сигнал); to resonate – резонировать; to withdraw energy – забирать энергию; аn oscillating circuit – генераторная схема; short-circuit - короткое замыкание, short-circuited – короткозамкнутый.


Ex 3. Copy the following words and memorize their meanings:

to attract – притягивать, привлекать;

to fail – переставать действовать, выходить из строя;

а failure – повреждение, отказ в работе, ошибка;

to interrupt – прерывать;

to release – освобождать, разблокировать;

to tune – настраивать, регулировать,

in tune – точно, чисто.


Read and translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. I was trying to explain the situation, but a policeman interrupted me. 2. We were very disappointed by the failure of the project. 3. If one of the plane’s engines fails, the other engine will keep the plane flying. 4. I tried to explain, but people kept interrupting me. 5. The signals operate in turn. 6. Her eyesight is beginning to fail.      7. The accident was caused by the train driver’s failure to notice the red signal light.   8. What attracts me to the job is the high salary and possibility of foreign travel.           9. When engine parts become jammed, mechanics know exactly what to do to release them. 10. You will need a wrench to release the bolts when you change a tire on your car. 11. I’m sorry to interrupt but there's an urgent phone call for you. 12. He died of heart failure. 13. It wasn’t the money that attracted me to the job. 14. “I think you’re wrong”, interrupted Angela angrily. 15. A crowd was attracted to the scene of the accident. 16. When will he be released from prison? 17. How much will it cost to tune up my car engine? 18. I tuned to the BBC for the news. 19. He shouted: “Stop interrupted me!” 20. We were not able to release him and dialed 911.

Ex. 4. The words given below have the same root but their meanings are different. Copy and memorize them: a cause – причина; to cause – служить причиной, поводом; because – потому что; because of – из-за . Insert the right word in the following sentences:

1. The floods were … by heavy rain. 2. The ruin of the empire was … by the loss of freedom and the growth of despotism. 3. Police are trying to find the … of the fire.  4. She left the party … she felt ill. 5. Smoking … cancer. 6. He did badly in his exams … problems at home. 7. I wonder what … her to leave so early. 8. What are the … of this illness? 9. I don’t want to … you any trouble. 10. Heavy traffic is … long delays on the roads. 11. After long investigation into the accident, faulty warning lights were found to be the … 12. She’s in bad mood … her father won’t let her go to the party tonight. 13. The house isn’t really suitable for an old person …. all those stairs. 14. The plane crashed … engine failure. 15. The … of the fire is still being investigated.         16. These outbreaks of violence will continue to occur until the … have been eliminated. 17. The autopsy showed that her death was … by liver failure. 18. A week-long power failure … the whole computer network to shut down. 19. The police wanted to know the … of the accident. 20. Many families break up … a lack of money.


Ex. 5. The words given below have the same root but their meanings are different. Copy and memorize them: to like – любить , нравиться ; like – подобный , аналогичный ; likewise – так же ; would like to – хотелось бы . Read and translate the following sentences:

1. If you like classical music then you must listen to my Mozart collection.           2. She’s always wanted to be a teacher because she likes children so much. 3. The houses here are like the ones in northern France. 4. A hare is something like a rabbit, but larger and stronger. 5. Like father like son, like master like man. (a proverb) 6. At school, jeans were not allowed. Likewise long and untidy hair. 7. Signals control train traffic much like traffic lights control automobile traffic on roads. 8. What would you like for dinner? 9. I don't like my shoes getting wet. 10. What he would like to know is how much it will cost. 11. I don't like it when friends of mine get married. 12. This is a suspicious person acting like a maniac. 13. She wanted a doll like she saw in the store window. 14. Go and do likewise. 15. I’d love to have a car like Diane’s. 16. A switch also can change a train's direction like moving it from a north-south track to an east-west one. 17. I would really like to get some sleep.


Ex. 6. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the words: the former meaning “the first of two people or things that you have just mentioned” and the latter meaning “the second of two things or people being compared with each other”:

1. Of these two evils the former is the less. 2. We interviewed one inexperienced candidate and an experienced one, and then chose the latter. 3. Robert is studying physics and maths and hopes to specialize in the latter. 4. Of the two singers Williams and Barlow, the former is more popular. 5. There were two candidates for the presidency, Lyndon B. Johnson and Senator Barry Goldwater. The latter was known to hold extreme right-wing views. 6. Mr Smith refused to accept the proposal of Mr Jones, and the latter had to apply to court. 7. Of the two spellings, the former is more common. 8. Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former. (Einstein) 9. Many people choose to go by Eurostar rather than use the ferry, but I prefer the latter.

Ex. 7. Translate the following sentences paying attention to Participle II:

1. When energized the relay interrupts a flow of current. 2. When reconstructed the theatre looked more beautiful. 3. When burnt coal produces heat. 4. When used for setting the route the button must indicate which route is clear. 5. If distilled water will become quite tasteless. 6. If given a chance she will become a brilliant actress.          7. Though designed for beginners this textbook may be used for intermediate students as well. 8. When asked about the accident, the girl began to cry. 9. Though surprised by his arrival, Miss Marple did not show it. 10. He suddenly stopped as if struck by the news. 11. The brakes can be actuated by this device. 11. The work done provided us with new data.12. Coal was the most widely used fuel before the middle of the 19th century. 13. New technologies reduce the number of workers needed. 14. The data obtained formed the basis for further research. 15. An undetected defect caused an accident. 16. The equipment needed for the experiment was carefully checked.        17. When properly insulated the wire may be used under wet conditions. 18. For further details you can read the paper presented by Brown. 19. The results obtained showed the stability of the system. 20. A train is given a signal to proceed over the route.


Ex. 8. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the -ing forms:

    1. I wonder at your overcoming these difficulties so easily. 2. The rule against visitors entering the lab at the time of the experiment is strict. 3. They started working without another word being spoken on either side. 4. The film serves to demonstrate a new approach in using the computer. 5. Scientists invented another interesting device for testing materials at high temperatures. 6. Each train automatically identifies itself by generating a unique frequency. 7. These installations are being used in connection with the moving of freight cars. 8. It was necessary for railroads to introduce an interlocking system to prevent two trains from receiving a processed signal at the same time. 9. Before crossing the road, stop and look both ways. 10. There is no need for us to tell you about the importance of installing the signal appliances at railroads.          11. Adding more turns to the coil makes the magnetic field stronger. 12. Iron is covered with a thin layer of tin which prevents it from rusting. 13. While repairing the motor the operator found two broken parts. 14. The acceleration of a body is proportional to the force causing it. 15. Water expands when freezing. 16. While explaining the results of the experiment the professor wrote a lot of formulae on the blackboard. 17. Our group has succeeded in making a large number of experiments. 18. Above the cylinder there was a tank containing cold water. 19. Steam is an important factor in producing usable energy because of the power being created by its expansion. 20. You need more calories for standing than for sitting, more for running than walking.


Inductive Control System

For use on busy lines various safety devices are additionally available. One of these is the inductive train control. Each signal on a section of line equipped with this system has a device which activates the brakes of a passing train. The locomotive is provided with ”a transmitter” which has an iron-core coil and a condenser. This oscillating circuit is tuned to 2000 cycles/sec and is supplied with current from a high-frequency generator to which the coil of an electromagnet for a relay is connected. The high-frequency generator is driven by an electric motor or a small steam turbine which also drives a 24-volt direct-current dynamo. A second relay and two pilot lamps are connected to this dynamo. When the system is in operation, the high-frequency generator supplies current to the oscillating circuit of the locomotive and to the high-frequency relay, so that the armature of the latter is attracted by the electromagnet and allows current to flow through the 24-volt direct-current relay. When thus energized, the relay interrupts a flow of current to the actuating electromagnet of a valve.

The signal beside the railway track is also equipped with an oscillating circuit tuned to 2000 cycles/sec. When the signal is at “safe”, its oscillating circuit is short-circuited and has no effect on the passing locomotive. However, if the signal is at “stop” and the train nevertheless fails to stop, the oscillating circuit of the signal will resonate in tune with that of the passing locomotive and withdraw so much energy from the latter circuit that the armature of the high-frequency relay is no longer sufficiently strongly attracted by the electromagnet and is therefore released. This in turn cuts off supply of current to the 24-volt relay, which then likewise releases its armature. This completes the electric circuit to the electromagnet that controls the monitoring valve. When this happens, the monitoring valve causes the brakes to be applied and the driving motor of the locomotive to be switched. At the same time, the pilot lamp “a” goes out and the lamp “b” lights up.


Ex. 9. Consult text A and finish the following definitions:

1. A device that transmits is called …

2. A device for accumulating electric charge, usually consisting of two conducting surfaces separated by a dielectric is called …

3. An electrical conductor wound (to wind – наматывать) into the form of a spiral, sometimes with a soft iron core, to provide inductance or a magnetic field is called …

4. An automatic device that controls the setting of a valve, switch, etc., by means of an electric motor, solenoid, or pneumatic mechanism is called …

5. Any device that converts one form of energy into another form is called …

6. A soft iron or steel bar placed across the poles of a permanent magnet to close the magnetic circuit when it is not in use is called …

7. A machine in which the kinetic energy of a moving fluid (water, steam, air, or combustion products of a fuel) is converted into mechanical energy by causing a bladed rotor to rotate is called …


Ex. 10. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What is the inductive train control system used for? 2. What does an oscillating circuit consist of? 3. What device supplies current to the oscillating circuit? 4. Where is the signal with the same oscillating circuit situated? 5. When does the oscillating circuit of the signal have no effect on the passing locomotive? 6. When will the oscillating circuit of the signal resonate in tune with that of the passing locomotive? 7. What device causes the brakes to be applied?


Ex. 11. Translate the following text from Russian into English. Do it in written form.

Индукционная система автоматического управления торможением Indusi I 60 R гарантирует безопасное движение поездов. Она включает в себя путевое оборудование и бортовое оборудование. Путевое оборудование состоит из путевого индуктора (track magnet); бортовое оборудование содержит бортовой прибор, магнит и генератор, систему управления и дисплей. 

В определенных местах, например у сигналов или перед участками с ограничением скорости движения, оборудование Indusi I 60 R передает информацию с рельсового пути в кабину машиниста. Одно из многих преимуществ данного оборудования заключается в том, что оно надежно при любых климатических условиях. 


Ex. 12. Copy the following words. One word in line doesn’t belong to the group. Cross out the odd word and explain your choice.

1) a train, a plane, an automobile, a rail car.

2) steam, diesel, electric, air.

3) a second, an hour, a mile, a minute.

4) current, voltage, time, resistance.

5) relay, transistor, diode, photo.

6) turbine, motor, generator, electron.

7) a railway, a highway, a runway, a road.


Text B. Scan the text and write down all the unknown words. Read the text trying to guess the meaning of the unknown words. Retell the text in Russian.


A bullet train twisted down the track on autopilot after its driver left the cockpit (cab) to find his hat. The train, which can reach 167 mph, ran very-very slowly along on autopilot at 13-18 mph for about five minutes while its controls were unattended. Company rules at the Central Japan Railway require drivers to always wear their hats, but the driver “left the driver's seat to look for his hat after he realized he wasn't wearing it,” a spokesman said. Isn't there any sort of rule about leaving the cockpit while the train is running? There is now: “We have notified all drivers that they should continue driving until they reach a station, after which they should report that they have misplaced his or her hat.” (Reuters) .How reassuring for the passengers to learn that the drivers needed to be told that.


Text С . Scan the text and write down all the unknown words. Read the text trying to guess the meaning of the unknown words. Retell the text in Russian.


Children's Railway

For students of the children's railway school in Kratovo, in addition to math, history and literature the timetable this year also includes instruction on how to operate the fully working kids-sized train line, which runs from the school to the nearby village of Otdykh. The line is fully functioning complete with ticket offices, signals and three working stations: Pionerskaya, Shkolnaya and Yunost.

The children are responsible for all aspects of the train's operations: "Controllers, conductors, drivers, switchmen, inspectors, cashiers these roles are all undertaken by the children," comments Svetlana Kovalenko, Press Officer for the Moscow Railroad. "Children study here for five years between the ages of 11 and 16. They have the opportunity to follow a variety of specialized subjects alongside the traditional curriculum. They are also introduced to responsibilities of work and they begin to understand how a railroad is run.

"Attendance at the school is free of charge and we believe that it provides a valuable service to the children, many of whom come from underprivileged backgrounds. Lots of our students go on to follow higher or further education; this year around 50 of our students went on to study in higher educational institutions."


Lesson SEVEN


    Ex. 1. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases:

characterized, maintenance, requirement, scaleable, interface, barrier, simultaneously, diagnostic, diagnosis, failures, guarantee, evaluation, trial, fault, extensive, irregularity;

federal railways authorities, double-track line, multiple-track layout, flashing light, audible alarm, manual switching device, dual-channel automation system, fibre-optic cable, identical function.


Ex. 2. These are the key words to Lesson 7. You are to copy them and memorize their meanings.

level crossing protection system – ограждение переезда светофорами; trial operation – опытная эксплуатация; layout – схема, план; a flashing light - мигающий сигнал; a controller – оператор; а LED (light-emitting diode) display – светодиодный дисплей; GSM – глобальная система мобильной связи (стандарт сотовой связи в Европе); a barrier – шлагбаум, a barrier drive – привод шлагбаума.

   Ex 3. Copy the following words and memorize their meanings:

the authorities – власти, руководство;

to evaluate – определять, оценивать,

(an) evaluation – определение, оценка.

to integrate – составлять целое, объединять;

simultaneous(ly) – одновременный(но), синхронный(но).


    Read and translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. Our neighbours have never really integrated into local community. 2. If you see anything suspicious, inform the airport authorities. 3. The school inspectors evaluate the quality of teaching. 4. They both spoke simultaneously, that’s why I wasn’t able to understand a word. 5. The administration’s first task is to integrate the welfare system with the tax system. 6. The authorities are trying to prevent illegal immigrants from remaining in the country. 7. The military authorities would not allow us to film any damaged buildings. 8. The audio-visual method uses sound and pictures simultaneously. 9. We provide simultaneous translations for French-speaking delegates. 10. We ask all ex-trainees to provide us with an evaluation of the courses they took. 11. You should integrate newcomers into the group. 12. We conducted a thorough evaluation of the system. 13. He uses five criteria for evaluating manufacturing firms. 14. These programs can be integrated with your existing software. 15. They developed an integrated website that customers can use to buy products from any company. 16. A small microchip that contains a large number of electrical connections and performs the same function as a larger circuit made from separate parts is called an integrated circuit. 17. A dangerous situation can be caused by only simultaneous errors of the train control system and the train driver.

Ex. 4. The word monitor can be either noun or verb. Fill in the blanks using the correct forms of the word and translate the sentences:

1. A screen that shows information from a computer is called a … . 2. This is a simpler system that requires fewer engineers to … it. 3. The situation is being closely … . 4. Flight boarding times are displayed on the overhead … . 5. Look! We’ve bought a flat-screen … . 6. The software enables companies to … employees' Internet use. 7. Visual display unit (VDU) means a … . 8. A network monitoring system … the network for problems caused by overloaded or crashed servers, network connections or other devices. 9. Video broadcast … produce accurate images. 10. Computer terminals … traffic conditions using information supplied by signaling centers. 11. Electronic interlockings … interconnection between signals, points and vehicles. 12. Usually, automated subways also include surveillance systems, such as closed-circuit TV, to allow people to … trains' movement ahead and safety from a control room.


Ex. 5. Match the words in line A with their synonyms in line B:

A: a design; to execute; to approve; to consist; to provide; a layout; to connect; to integrate; to evaluate; a failure; to store; irregularity; to transmit, to pass; a status; to ensure;

B: to guarantee; a project; abnormality; a scheme; to perform; to confirm; to link; a state; to transfer; to keep; to include; an error; to combine; to supply; to assess.

Ex. 6. Match line A with line B and translate the terms’ definitions:

1) a controller a) an electrical circuit linking one device, especially a computer, with another
2) an interface b) the part of a computer that performs logical and arithmetical operations on the data as specified in the instructions
3) a central processing unit (CPU) c) an arrangement of signal apparatus that prevents conflicting movements through an arrangement of tracks such as crossings
4) a display d) the equipment concerned with controlling the operation of an electrical device
5) an interlocking e) a device capable of representing information visually

Ex. 7. Use the Passive Voice instead of the Active Voice and translate the sentences into Russian:

1. We use this room only on special occasions. 2. Someone switched on a light and opened the door. 3. Why didn’t they mend the roof before it fell in? 4. No one can do anything unless someone gives us more information. 5. They rang the church bells as a warning. 6. They make these artificial flowers of silk. 7. He can offer me the job.
8. Lightning struck the old tree. 9. Did the idea interest you? 10. You can change the trains when you go there. 11. The introducing of ATC systems has increased traffic capacity of railroads. 12. An automatic train stop system may include a device by means of which the automatic application of the brakes can be forestalled. 13. The on-board equipment must provide high reliability and safety level. 14. Train control systems use four different ways to transmit the signaling information. 15. The highly integrated train control systems of the future use mobile communication technologies such as GSM. 16. Some train control systems give only warnings and have no automatic brake interference at all. 17. The driverless system joins all the airport's terminals, parking garages and the new Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) station. 18. Wireless link connects traffic control system and a vehicle. 19. The system monitors vehicle movements continuously and in accordance with fail-safe signaling principles.

Ex. 8. Complete the second sentence so that it has the same meaning as the first one. Use the prepositions: for, to, with, in, between.

Model: What caused the explosion? → What was the cause of the explosion?

1. We’re trying to solve the problem. We’re trying to find a solution … .

2. She gets on well with her brother. She has a good relationship … .

3. Prices have gone up a lot. There has been a big increase … .

4. I don’t know how to answer your question. I can’t think of an answer … .

5. I don’t think that a new road is necessary. I don’t think there is any need ….

6. The number of people without jobs fell last month. Last month there was a fall ….

7. Nobody wants to buy shoes like these any more. There is no demand … .

8. In what way is your job different from mine? What is the difference …?

9. Train Control Systems support the driver to operate the train. Train Control Systems provide support to the driver… .


Lesson EIGHT


    Ex. 1. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases:

engaged, major, advanced, totaling, peoplemover, schedule, equipment, both, entertainment, bandwidth, enable, interference;

circular line, steadily expanded, electromechanical system, digital transmission, interlocking functions, high-resolution colour images, wave-guide information network.


Ex. 2. These are the key words to Lesson 8. You are to copy them and memorize their meanings.

а peoplemover – автономный вагон для перевозки пассажиров (в черте города); an extension – железнодорожная ветка; block signaling – блокировка (путевая); а data management system – система управления данными; а (leaky) wave-guide – (щелевой) волновод; a wave-guide information network – волноводная информационная сеть; to interface – связывать, соединять; a point machine – стрелочный перевод; a high-resolution image – изображение с высокой разрешающей способностью; а two-way continuous transmission system – система дуплексной связи.


   Ex 3. Copy the following words and memorize their meanings:         

to advance - продвигаться, развиваться;

to award (a contract) – заключить (контракт);

to be engaged in … – быть вовлеченным в …;

an entertainment – развлекательное мероприятие,

to entertain – развлекать(ся);

an expansion – развитие, рост,

to expand – расширять;

a range – ассортимент, номенклатура;

а schedule – расписание, график,

to schedule – планировать, включать в график,

on schedule – по графику,

 a tight schedule – жесткий, плотный график.

Read and translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. When air is warmed it expands and becomes lighter. 2. The company has abandoned plans for further expansion. 3. Mitsubishi has brought out a new range of small cars. 4. The contract was awarded and the two sides came to terms with each other. 5. In the 1970s, many American cities were engaged in competition for economic growth. 6. At dinner I found myself engaged in a long and complicated conversation with the doctor’s wife. 7. According to the schedule, the first lecture begins at 9.00 a.m. 8. We work to a very tight schedule when filming. 9. The building should be completed on schedule. 10. I’ve scheduled a meeting for tomorrow at 10.30. I hope everyone can attend. 11. Las Vegas is one of the biggest entertainment centers in the US. 12. We don’t have much time to entertain during the year so at Christmas we have a huge party and invite everybody. 13. The firm has been awarded a five-year contract to supply parts to a leading manufacturer. 14. The company has expanded the range of products recently. 15. We’re working to a tight schedule. 16. We’ll be stopping here for longer than scheduled. 17. Man has advanced the frontier of physical science. 18. They had advanced 20 miles by nightfall. 19. This research has done much to advance our understanding of language learning. 20. They use the Internet as a tool to advance their research.


Ex. 4. A. Here are some important differences between British English and American English. Copy the words and memorize them.

American English British English Russian
antenna automobile battery beltway bulb cab crosswalk depot detour dorm(itory) drive driver’s license fix freeway, interstate gas intersection parking lot sidewalk railroad subway / Metro highway truck aerial motorcar accumulator / battery ring road valve taxi, cab pedestrian / zebra crossing station diversion hall(s) of residence / hostel motor driving license repair motorway petrol cross-roads car parking pavement railway tube / underground main road lorry антенна автомобиль аккумулятор кольцевая дорога лампочка такси пешеходный переход станция объезд, обход студенческое общежитие eхать на автомобиле водительское удостоверение ремонтировать шоссе бензин перекресток место парковки автомобиля тротуар железная дорога метро шоссе грузовик




B . This text includes seven words used in American English. Find them and replace them in British English words.

It was getting near lunchtime and I needed some gas, so I left the interstate and drove towards the nearest town. There was a gas station just outside the town and I decided to stop and have a look round. I put the car in a parking lot and took a cab to the centre. It was midday and very hot, so I stopped at a little café with tables on the sidewalk. I started talking to a truck driver, who gave me a history of the town, and afterwards he took me on a guided tour. It made a very nice break.


Ex. 5. Answer the following question beginning with I didn’t know. Mind the tenses.

Model: Where is the library?  →  I didn’t know where the library was.

1. How long does it take you to get to the airport? 2. What exam has she passed? 3. What time does the train arrive according to the schedule? 4. Is he engaged in this scientific research? 5. Have you ever been to Singapore? 6. Do metals expand when they are heated? 7. Have they awarded the contract for the construction of a circular line? 8. When is it scheduled to open a new metro station? 9. Will the new system integrate a large range of devices? 10. Does up-to-date technology protect communications against interference? 11. What time is the meeting scheduled at?   12. Is this company engaged in the entertainment industry? 13. How fast has your business expanded? 14. What has he done to advance his career? 15. How is the construction being advanced?


Ex. 6. Translate the sentences paying attention to the word one:

1. It’s a good book, but his last one was better. 2. I’d like an ice-cream. Are you having one, too? 3. Our car’s always breaking down. But we’ve getting a new one soon. 4. She was wearing a new dress, the red one. 5. Our house is the one next to the school. 6. The students who are most successful are usually the ones who come to all the classes. 7. I’m only using this radio until I can buy a better one. 8. I’m going to keep those boxes. The ones I want to get rid of are in the garage. 9. I’d never seen a game like that one. 10. David and I are the only ones left who are not married. 11. My car tires are totally worn out. I’ll have to get some new ones.


Indian train crash 2005

The incident occurred about 4:15 a.m. in the Andhra Pradesh state near the town of Valigonda. Seven coaches of the 15-coach train remained in the water, and it was not known how many people remained inside. Each coach has a capacity of about 60 people.

Rescue workers were using cranes to retrieve the coaches from the water, and using acetylene torches to open them, authorities said.

The train was crossing a bridge flanking a reservoir when it derailed, as a flood of water had washed the tracks away, said Krishnaiah Panabaka, chief public relations officer for India's state-run South Central Railway.

Hundreds of rescue workers were at the scene, he said, and the railway protection force was called in to assist. Also, the Indian Army, Navy and Air Force were on scene. Conditions were difficult, Panabaka said. A series of high-level Indian officials were also en route.

The train, the Repalle-Secunderabad Delta Fast Passenger, was en route from Repalle to Secunderabad. Passengers on the train's other coaches were evacuated in buses.

Andra Pradesh has been experiencing torrential rains after a slow-moving tropical depression made landfall there on Friday. There have been reports of other railway lines and roads washed away. The rain continued Saturday, adding to the difficulty of rescue operations.


TEXT 2. Railway Signal Box

Mechanical System

The switches (points) and signals on a section of railway track are worked by controls accommodated in a signal box (or tower). On lines carrying scheduled train services these controls are operated in accordance with predetermined timetables.

In the signal box are pulleys, each connected to an operating lever. When the signalman moves the lever, the pulley is rotated a certain amount, depending on the desired switch position. A catch secures the lever in position. A steel wire rope passes round the pulley. The end of this rope is attached to the switch actuating mechanism or to operating wheel of the main signal. The tensioning device keeps the wire rope constantly taut. Now when the signalman swings the operating lever, the actuating wheel of the switch mechanism is rotated through a certain angle by the wire rope, so that the actuating lever (connected to the wheel) is likewise swung about its pivot and thus shifts the tongues of the switch to the desired position. The main signal is similarly worked, the arm of the signal being moved by a rod attached to the actuating wheel.


Electric System

      Operating a mechanical signal box involves the exertion of considerable physical force by the signalman. For this reason in modern installations the points and signals are worked by small electric motors. On a control desk in the signal box each switch has its own control key (electric switch). Also, there are similar keys for controlling the signals. The signal box also contains, at eye level, an illuminated diagram showing the track layout and all the switches, crossings and signals of the section of the railway line. The switch and signal positions are indicated on this diagram by means of small colour lights. A glance at the panel also shows whether any particular track is free or occupied by a train. An illuminated diagram of this kind greatly facilitates the signalman’s task.     

      A further development, providing even greater convenience and reliability of operation, is the “track plan” signal box. In this arrangement the signalman’s control desk itself is laid out as a track plan showing all the signals and switches. Each of these is provided with a key or push-button by means of which the corresponding signal or switch on the track can be operated. The tracks themselves are represented on the control desk by small illuminated compartments. Unoccupied tracks and track sections which at any particular moment are not in use as a train route remain dark, i.e., not lighted up. The switches in the track plan are additionally marked by yellow lamps installed in slots. When these lamps light up, they indicate in which position the switch has been set.


TEXT 6. Subway Systems

At first glance, a subway is simple - it's a train that runs through a tunnel. Most of the time, the train consists of several connecting cars that contain durable seats as well as poles and straps for people to hold on to when the train is full. The train runs on rails, which often have the same gauge as other rail systems around the city. In New York City, for example, the subway tracks' gauge is 4 feet, 8.5 inches (1.4 meters), which is the same as major railroad tracks. This allows the subway to connect to other railways.

But a subway also requires several other systems that riders can't always see. In some subway systems, the trains themselves, known as rolling stock, are extremely complex. The subway in Copenhagen, Denmark, currently in construction, uses completely computerized, driverless trains. The ongoing upgrade to the New York City subway will replace its older cars with automated cars, each of which will contain multiple computer systems. These systems will control everything from the interior lights to navigation. The trains will even have the capability to use brake heat to generate power. In such automated systems, a collection of sensors detects trains' locations in relation to one another. Computer programs keep track of where all the trains are, reducing the possibility of human error and improving the overall efficiency of the system.

Usually, automated subways also include surveillance systems, such as closed-circuit TV, to allow people to monitor trains' progress and safety from a control room. Two-way radio systems allow passengers to talk to employees in the control room or summon help in case of an emergency. Sensors also detect objects near the train or in doorways, so people don't get caught between the doors or hurt themselves trying to board the train before it departs.

Subway systems that don't use automated trains have an extensive collection of signs and signals to help drivers operate the trains safely. Signs mark everything from speed limits to locations of fire extinguishers. Signals typically use colored lights to let drivers know when to stop, whether the track ahead of them is occupied and when to proceed with caution. Infrared sensors, capacitance plates or short-circuits created by the cars' wheels can let a signal know when a train is present. That signal can communicate with adjacent signals, ensuring that two trains do not try to occupy the same section of track at the same time.

Some signals also use physical mechanisms to make sure drivers obey them. For example, some signals can physically activate an emergency brake on a subway train if the driver continues past a stop signal. In the original New York City subway tunnels, drivers had to use a key to reset stop signals before they could proceed. The term keying by, still used in some signal situations, comes from this procedure.

A few early subways used steam engines, but in most existing subways, the trains, tunnel lights and station equipment all run on electricity. Overhead wires or an electrified rail known as the third rail supplies power to the trains. The third rail lies outside or between the subway tracks, and a wheel, brush or sliding shoe carries the power from the rail to the train's electric motor. In the New York City subway system, the third rail carries 625 volts of electricity, and the original lines required their own power plant to operate. A series of cables and substations carried the electricity from the power plant to the third rail.

Electrical power also controls the subway's ventilation system. Many subway systems include numerous sections of above-ground track and station entrances that are open to the air. However, natural air circulation from these sources isn't enough to keep the air in the tunnels breathable. Subways have an extensive series of fans and air shafts that circulate fresh air. The amount of circulation required is immense -- the planned ventilation system to be included in the New York City subway upgrade will move 600,000 cubic feet of fresh air every minute.





etc. – et cetera – и так далее;

e.g. – exempli gratia – for example – например;

i.e. – id est – that is – то есть;

NB – nota bene – важное замечание;

a.m. - ante meridiem – до полудня;

p.m. – post meridiem – после полудня;

lb – libra – pound – фунт;

dept. – department – отдел, министерство;

fig. – figure – рисунок;

IOY - I owe you – долговая расписка;

Plc – public limited company общество с ограниченной ответственностью;

memo – memorandum – записка;

R&D – research and development - научно-исследовательские и                                                   опытно-конструкторские работы;

VAT – value added tax – налог на добавленную стоимость;

& - and - и;

@ - коммерческое at;

# - number – номер;

    TGIF – Thanks God It’s Friday!


EEC - European Economic Community,

UN - United Nations,

FBI - Federal Bureau of Investigation,

PAL - phase alteration line,

Secam - Séquentiel Couleur à memoire = color sequence by memory,

LAN - local area network,

lev - lunar excursion vehicle,

Linac - linear accelerator,

lisp - list processing – a computer programming language,

Toshiba - Tokyo Shibaura Electrical Corporation,

lifo - last in, first out,

maglev - magnetic levitation,

Masta - Medical Advisory Service for Travellors Abroad,

metsat - meteorological satellite,

micro - Multinational Initiative for the Use of Computers in Research Organizations,

midi - musical instrument digital interface,

Stopp - Society of teachers opposed to physical punishment,

swalk - sealed with a loving kiss,

LED – light-emitting diode,

GSM – Global System for Mobile Communications,

laser - light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation,

radar - radio detection and ranging,

cat - carburator air temperature,

modem – modulator-demodulator.


access – вход, доступ

activate – приводить в действие, возбуждать

antenna - антенна

pick-up antenna – приемная антенна

arm – рычаг, ручка

signal arm – крыло cветофора

armature – якорь (электромагнита)

aspect – аспект, подход, сторона

signal aspect – показание сигнала

balise – радио-сигнал

barrier – шлагбаум

block - блокировка

Coded Current Automatic Block – кодовая (числовая) автоблокировка

box – ящик, корпус

signal box – пост централизации

brake, n – тормоз

air brake – пневмотормоз

brake, v - тормозить

braking - торможение

emergency braking – аварийное (экстренное) торможение

cabinet – шкаф, ящик

call – сигнал, вызов

capacity – пропускная способность

catch – стопор

catenary – контактная цепь

center - центр

single control center – единый центр управления;

circuit – цепь

to complete a circuit – замыкать цепь

short-circuit - короткое замыкание

oscillating circuit – генераторная схема

track-circuit – рельсовая цепь

to track circuit – оборудовать рельсовой цепью

сhannel – канал

characteristic – технические данные, параметр

route characteristic – положение стрелок, определяющих путь движения подвижной единицы   

по станции

coast – двигаться по инерции

communication – связь, средство сообщения

Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) – глобальная система мобильной связи (стандарт сотовой связи в Европе)

coil - катушка

iron-core coil – катушка с сердечником

сoncentrator – концентратор

connection - соединение

serial connection – последовательное соединение

console, control console – пульт управления

continuous – цельносварной

control, n – рукоятка, рычаг управления

control, n – рукоятка, рычаг управления

control, v – контролировать, управлять

automatic train control (ATC) – автоматическое управление поездом

сentralized traffic control (CTC) – диспетчерская централизация (ДЦ)

inductive train control – система автоматического управления торможением

intermittent automatic train control – точечная автоматическая локомотивная сигнализация   


power control – регулирование мощности

traction effort control – регулирование усилия тяги

controller – оператор

costs – затраты, издержки, расходы

operating costs – эксплуатационные расходы

crossing – переезд, пересечение двух железнодорожных линий

level crossing – переезд

counter - счетчик

axle-counter – счетчик осей

current – ток, электрический ток

low voltage current – ток низкого напряжения

to run current - пропускать ток

curve - кривая

braking curve – тормозная характеристика

design – проект, конструкция

modular design – модульное проектирование

derailment – сход с рельсов, крушение

describer - табло

train describer – табло движения поезда

device - устройство

interlocking device – блокирующее устройство

protective device – предохранитель

safety device – предохранительный механизм

tensioning device – натяжное устройство

diagnostic – диагностика, определение

built-in diagnostic – встроенная диагностика

remote (diagnosis) diagnostic – дистанционная диагностика

diagram – диаграмма, схема

track diagram – схема пути

diode - диод

Light-emitting diode (LED) – светоизлучающий диод

dispatching – отправление поездов, диспетчеризация

display - дисплей

LED display – светодиодный индикатор

real-time display – дисплей, работающий в масштабе реального времени

divert – отводить, отклонять, направлять в другую сторону

drive - привод

barrier drive – привод шлагбаума 

efficiency – КПД

effort – усилие, тяга

traction effort - тяговое усилие

encoder – кодирующее устройство

energize - пропускать ток

energy - энергия

to withdraw energy – забирать энергию

equipment - оборудование

block equipment – путь-табло

control equipment – аппаратура управления, регулирования

fixed ground equipment - постоянные сигналы

single-line block equipment – однопутная автоблокировка

extension – примыкание железнодорожной линии

fishplate - стыковая накладка

insulated fishplate – изолирующий стык

force – сила, усилие

exert force – прикладывать силу

frog - крестовина

crossing frog – пересечение железной дороги

gradient – подъем, уклон

guide – направляющая деталь, передаточный рычаг

(leaky) wave-guide – (щелевой) волновод

hardware – аппаратное (схемное) обеспечение

PC hardware – аппаратное (схемное) обеспечение компьютера

headway – интервал движения

image - изображение

high-resolution image – изображение с высокой разрешающей способностью

insulate – изолировать

interface, v – соединять, связывать (с компьютером)

graphical interface – графический интерфейс

Man-Machine Interface – средства взаимодействия пользователя с ЭВМ, интерфейс человек- 


interlocking – централизация

power interlocking – электрическая централизация

joint - стык

rail joint – рельсовый стык

key - ключ

control key – ключ управления

layout – план, чертеж

track layout – схема пути

lamp - лампа

pilot lamp – контрольная лампа

lever - рычаг

operating lever – приводной рычаг

light - свет

flashing light - мигающий сигнал

traffic lights - светофор

limit – предел, граница

speed limit – ограничение скорости

temporary speed limit – временное ограничение скорости;

line - линия

trunk line, main line – магистраль

link – связь, соединение

radio link – радиолиния (канал)

telephone link – телефонный канал

machine – машина, двигатель

point machine – стрелочный перевод

match – совмещать, соответствовать

mechanism - механизм

actuating mechanism – исполнительный механизм

message – сообщение, сигнал;

mode – режим, состояние, форма, способ

motor - двигатель

driving motor – тяговый электродвигатель

network - сеть

optical fibre network – волоконно-оптическая сеть

wave-guide information network – волноводная информационная сеть

operation – движение, работа, эксплуатация

аutomatic train operation – автоведение поезда

cross-border operation(s) – пограничные перевозки

trial operation – опытная эксплуатация

shunting operation –маневровая работа

peoplemover – автономный вагон для перевозки пассажиров (в черте города)

performance – рабочие характеристики

pick up – принимать, улавливать

pivot – штырь

plan - план

track plan - путевой план, план пути

plant – установка, агрегат

power plant – силовая установка

point – стрелочный перевод

slip point – стрелка перекрестного стрелочного перевода/перекрестная стрелка       

position - расположение

restrictive position – сдерживающее положение

power – сила, мощность

DC-power – сила постоянного тока

proceed – следовать (о поезде), продолжать (путь)

protection - защита

automatic train protection (ATP) – автоматическое ограждение поезда

pulley – блок

punctuality – точность, пунктуальность

radar – радар, радиолокатор

guided radar – радиолокационный сигнал с дистанционным управлением

rail - рельс

guard rail – контррельс, направляющий рельс

inner rail – внутренний рельс

running rail - ходовой рельс

wing rail – усовик крестовины

rear – хвост поезда

remote – дистанционный, действующий на расстоянии

resistance – сопротивление

resonate – резонировать

rod – стержень

room - комната

station equipment room – аппаратная

rope – канат, трос

steel wire rope – стальной трос

rotate – вращать

route – маршрут следования поезда

diverging route - маршрут по переведенным стрелкам

safety – безопасность, сохранность

safeguard – предохранительное приспособление

set, n – установка

set, v – устанавливать

setting – установка

аutomatic route setting (ARS) – автоматическая установка маршрута

service – движение, сообщение, сервис

scheduled train services – регулярное движение поездов

shunt – маневрировать

shunter – маневровый локомотив

siding – запасной, подъездной путь; ветка

signal – сигнал

color light signal – светофор

fixed signal – стационарный /постоянный сигнал

monitoring valve (signal) – контрольный клапан (сигнал)

restrictive signal – ограничивающий сигнал

operation of points and signals - управление стрелками и сигналами

to set a signal (to danger/caution) – устанавливать предупреждающий / запрещающий сигнал

stop signal – запрещающий (закрытый) сигнал

shunt signal – маневровый сигнал

wayside signal – путевой сигнал

signaler, signalman – стрелочник

signaling - сигнализация

block signaling – блокировка (путевая)

сab signaling – локомотивная сигнализация

Continuous Cab Signaling – автоматическая сигнализация непрерывного типа (АЛСН)

software – программное обеспечение компьютера

specify – точно определять, включать в качестве пункта спецификации

stand-by – запасной, резервный, аварийный

supervision - наблюдение;

swing – вращать;

switch – переключатель

push-button switch – кнопочный переключатель

split switch – стрелочный перевод

supply – снабжать, подавать

power supply – энергоснабжение, источник питания

system - система

data management system – система управления данными

integrated control system – система единого управления

level crossing protection system – ограждение переезда светофорами

two-way continuous transmission system – система дуплексной связи

taut – натянутый

team – бригада

work team – бригада рабочих

television - телевидение

Сlose-Circuit Television (CCTV) – кабельное телевидение

time - время

response time – время реакции (системы)

tongue – остряк стрелки

curved tongue – криволинейный остряк

straight tongue – гребень (стрелочного перевода)

tool – инструмент

tower - башня

signal tower - пост управления стрелками и сигналами, пост ЭЦ

track - путь

continuous welded track – бесстыковой путь

main track – главный путь

turnout track – вытяжной путь

traction – тяга, сила тяги

turnout – ответвление

unit – блок, узел, элемент

Video Display Unit (VDU) – видеомонитор

valve – клапан

monitoring valve – контрольный клапан

voltage – напряжение

weight – масса

wheel – колесо

to actuate wheel – приводить в действие

actuating wheel – шестеренка

workstation – рабочая станция

yard – станция, парк

classification yard – сортировочная станция

zone – зона

train control zone – зона управления движением поезда, диспетчерский участок






1. Большой англо-русский политехнический словарь. В двух томах. М.: Русский язык, 1991. – 701 с.

2. International Railway Journal, International Railway Gazette, Rail International. – 1998 – 2003.

3. Murphy R. English Grammar in Use. – Cambridge University Press, 1999. – 350 pp.

4. Longman Language Activator. – Longman: 1997. – 1587 pp.

5. Longman Worldwide Dictionary. Longman: 2001. – 722 pp.

6. Swan M., Walter C. How English Works. A Grammar Practice Book. Oxford University Press, 2001. – 358 pp.

7. Simkhovich V.A. English Grammar in Communication. Учебное пособие. – Мн.: ИП «Экоперспектива», 1999. – 350 с.

8. Thomson A.J., Martinet A.V. A Practical English Grammar. Exercises 1. Oxford University Press, 1996. – 181 pp.




Министерство транспорта Российской Федерации

Федеральное агентство железнодорожного транспорта




Кафедра иностранных языков

А Н г л и й с к и й я з ы к

Методические указания для студентов II курса

специальности «Автоматика, телемеханика и связь

на железнодорожном транспорте»

2-е издание, дополненное

                                                                                      Составители: И.А.Зайцева






УДК 420


Английский язык : методические указания для студентов II курса специальности «Автоматика, телемеханика и связь на железнодорожном транспорте». – 2-е изд., доп. / составители : И.А. Зайцева, И.В. Лукашова. – Самара : СамГУПС, 2009 – 64 с.



Утверждены на заседании кафедры от  22.01.2009 года, протокол № 5.

Печатаются по решению редакционно-издательского совета университета.


Методические указания ставят своей целью ознакомить студентов II курса специальности «Автоматика, телемеханика и связь на железнодорожном транспорте» с основной терминологической лексикой по своей специальности. Иллюстративным материалом для данных методических указаний послужили аутентичные статьи из научно-популярных и технических журналов США и Великобритании. Тексты направлены на развитие профессиональной компетенции, снабжены лингвистическими и методическими комментариями, а так же кратким англо-русским терминологическим словарем. В текстах намеренно употребляется лексика, как в британском английском варианте, так и в американском английском.



Составители:  Ирина Анатольевна Зайцева

 Инна Викторовна Лукашова



Рецензенты:  канд. филол. наук, доцент кафедры иностранных языков,

С.Я. Никитина (Самарский государственный университет путей сообщения);

зав. кафедрой «Автоматика, телемеханика и связь на железнодорожном транспорте», канд. техн. наук

В.Б. Гуменников (Самарский государственный университет путей сообщения)

Редакция составителей



Подписано в печать 28.04.2009. Формат 60x90 1/16.

Усл. печ. л. 4,0. Тираж 150 экз. Заказ № 80.



© Самарский государственный университет путей сообщения, 2004, 2009

Lesson One

Ex . 1. Practice the reading of the following words and phrases:

automatic, principle, diagram, console, circuit, approach, delay, entire, wholly, single, route, prove, effectiveness, exceed, ensure, handle, database, device, technology;

route-setting panel, computer-based centralized traffic control, color light signals, single control center, trunk line, up-to-date electronic equipment, digital computer, high-frequency generator.



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