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Ex. 8. Translate the following sentences into Russian paying attention to the Complex Object.

1. I believe Vanessa May to be a wonderful violist. 2. I consider this business to be very profitable. 3. The firm can’t expect this unskilled man to become an experienced engineer overnight. 4. I admit the weather this year to be unpredictable.
5. I want your appraisal to be objective and true. 6. I think us to gain a bigger profit building a salt mine in Siberia than making a road project in South Africa. 7. I can’t believe your personnel manager to pull the workers off the job every two weeks because they are unskilled. And I don’t expect him to give any reasons. 8. He found his colleague to accept responsibility every time he was asked to. 9. We expect them to clear up several terms of the contract. 10. I want you or somebody from your company to meet our guests at the airport. 11. The engineers wanted cab signals to be located in the locomotive cab. 12. I want you to take responsibility for all the arrangements. 13. We know electrical engineering to be divided into four main branches: electric power and machinery, electronics, communications and control, and computers. 14. Everyone knows among the most important subjects in the field of electrical engineering to be electronic circuits, control systems, robotics, fiber optics, etc. 15. When the relay is de-energized, the system understands the track to be occupied or damaged. 16. Signals typically use colored lights to let drivers know when to stop, whether the track ahead of them is occupied and when to proceed with caution. 17. Some signals use physical mechanisms to make sure drivers obey them. 18. Everybody knows the electric current to be the motion of electrons through an electric conductor.

Ex. 9. Match the Russian phrases in column A with their English equivalents in column B.

1) важный шаг a) principle of operation
2) управление стрелками и сигналами b) the length of the section
3) принцип действия c) a train enters
4) присутствие поезда d) neighbor track circuit
5) поезд входит e) the insertion of a fishplate
6) безопасное расстояние f) operation of points and signals
7) соседняя рельсовая цепь g) wire-bonded joints
8) установка стыковой накладки h) important step
9) проволочно-соединенные стыки i) the presence of a train
10) длина участка j) safe distance

Text A. Read and translate the text using a dictionary if necessary.

Track Circuit

The first important step in the development of modern signaling techniques was the replacement of mechanical operation of points and signals by electrical one.

We know track circuiting to be one of the basic uses of electricity in modern signaling. It was first adopted to automate signaling at the beginning of the 20th century. But the principle of track circuit operation of automatic signals remains the same nowadays. The purpose of track circuiting is to detect the presence of a train on the section of the line. Therefore the length of each track circuit depends on the length of the section at which the trains are to run. Thus a track circuit usually extends from one stop signal to another one.

The track circuit is completed by running low voltage current via the two running rails of a line to a relay, which is energized when the track is not occupied by a train. As soon as a train enters the track-circuited section, the relay is de-energized and sets signals to danger and caution at a safe distance behind the train. When the train leaves the section, the current again energizes the relay. In other words the moving train continuously protects its own rear as it moves along the automatically signaled section of the line.

Each track circuit is protected from electrical interference by its neighbor through the insertion of insulated fishplates in the track at each end of it. The rail joints within the circuit are wire-bonded to reduce the electrical resistance of the circuit, if the track is not long-welded. For continuous welded rails, a system of jointless track-circuiting has now been developed.


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