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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Answer the following questions .

a) Can you describe the rules of the game which the two men played?

b) What qualities of their character did the men reveal while playing?

c) How do you imagine the countryside?

d) Who is Evans in your opinion?


Correct the following statements.

a) Bobby played golf in a risky way because he was a self – confident player

b) Dr. Thomas always won as he was a much better golf – player

c) The two golf – players heard a cry of a human and were sure that somebody was killed

d) The doctor did his best to help the victim

e) The dying man seemed to have lived a long time in the north

f) The man was delirious when he said "Why didn't they ask Evans?"

Chapter 2.

Use the proper article if necessary from the chapter .

… last moment of consciousness (p.8), … time passed very slowly (p.8), to worry to … death (p.9), to be calling for … little mustache (p.10), if you cannot do … thing properly (p.10), to be brought … face to … face with … sudden death (p.11)


Use the proper preposition from the chapter.

 seize …. smb’s imagination (p.8), to send a message … smb (p.8), one long sacrifice … smb (p.9), an idea … smth (p.9), help was … the way (p.9), to set off … a brisk run (p.10), to pass smth … … smb (p.11)


3. Put the sentences in the right order, describe the situations where they were used and translate them.

Yet they were both extremely fond of each other.

You offered to play the orphan of your own accord.

I wouldn’t let him down unless it were quite unavoidable.

It was the arresting quality of her beauty … that seized his imagination.

The Rev. Thomas sought to effect improvement in the young man.

… before his father got too well away.


4. Write all the possible parts of speech.

verb noun adjective adverb
    unavoidable (p.9)  
Disapprove (p.10)      
  apology (p.11)    
      gratefully (p.9)


5. Use the phrases in your own sentences .

to have an appointment (p.9) –

to make efforts (p.11) –

to let smb down (p.9) –

to get too well away (p.10) –

of one’s own accord (p.10) –


6.  Write your explanations of the words in English .

solemn (p.11) –

sacred (p.11) –

to jerk (p.8) –

to seek (p.8) –

to postpone (p.10) –

7. Translate into English .

За таких незвичних (p.9) обставин (p.8) він докладав усіх зу с и л ь (p.11), щоб залишатись спокійним і не робив нічого з власної ініціативи (p.10).

Розповідаючи про свої вчорашні пригоди юнак нарешті помітив (p.10), що він захопився (p.10) і згадав, що у нього зустріч (p.9) на яку він не хотів спізнитись, щоб не підвести (p.9) своїх друзів.

8. Answer the questions.

a) How did Bobby feel after the man’s death and how did he express his feelings?

b) Why was Bobby afraid to be late for the evening service?

c) What were the relations between Bobby and his father? Do their relations resemble yours and your parents’ relations?

d) Do you think the girl in the photo and Bassington – ffrench will appear again in the story?


Chapter 3.

1. Write the translation of the words & their explanations in English.

to fancy (p.11) –

to announce (p.11) –

indignation (p.12) –

rumour (p 12) –

to envy (p 13) –

to retreat (p.16) –


2. Find synonyms in the chapter.

to appear, to turn up (p.11) –

result, outcome, consequence (p.11) –

to imagine, like (p.11) –

with the help, through (p.14) –

to demand, to require (p.12) –

a proof (p.14) –


3. Find the words meaning.

to give a wide smile (p. 12) –

to run quickly especially hurrying (p.11) –

the feeling you have when you want to have smb’s possessions or qualities (p. 13) –

to be without, not to have (p.14) –

an official inquiry to find out the cause of a sudden death (p.14) –


4. Translate into English.

Я б підвіз (p.16) їх якби цього не можна було уникнути.

Шкода, що в нас немає нічого спільного.

За таких обставин змушений просити Вас дати свідчення (p.14).

Якби не твої заздрощі (p 13), ми б не мали таких проблем.

Потрібно відкласти всі приготування. Якщо ми продовжуватимемо, можуть з’явитись плітки (p 12).


Look up for the translation in the dictionary.

rumour has it –

to grin & bear –

just fancy –

to cut a dash –


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