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Give your definitions of the words.

Bond (p.130) –

Resourceful (p.131) –

Pant (p.131) –

Mock (p.133) –

7. Translate into English.

Вона коротко описала (p.137) все, що з нею сталось поки розв ’я зувала (p.131) взуття, важко дихаючи. (p.131) Вона розповіла (p.131) як з чистої цікавості (p.133) вислизнула (p.137) з квартири і пішла за підозрілим чоловіком.

Вони принесли всі інструменти, (p.137) визначили (p.134) місце поломки і не вагаючись (p.131) прийнялись ремонтувати автомобіль.

Answer the questions to the chapters.

1. Who was braver being trapped?

2. Do you believe that Sylvia was involved in the crimes?

3. Reflect on all the events and tell how Roger arranged all his crimes?

4. How else could Badger help Bobby and Frankie?

5. What happened to Badger?

Chapter 30 (24).

Find in the chapters the words meaning.

In a different way, differently, if not (p.138) –

To pull or take out esp. with difficulty (p.140) –

Without dishonesty or pretence, sincere, real (р. 147) –

A copy of smth meant to be taken for the original (p.139) –

Full of active strength or force of body or mind (p.141) –


2. Find the synonyms to the words.

Push, depart (p.139) –

Railings, handrail (p.140) –

Glimmer, twinkle, beam (p.146) –

Difficulty, trouble (p.139) –

Rigid, resolute, firm, viscous, haughty, stern (p.147) –

Faint, weak, spiritless, listless, dull (p.141) –


Make up all possible combination of words and translate.

Languid Stiff Stir Die down Vigorous Genuine Practical Evolve dough task protest a sound sorrow joke feelings smell

Translate and describe the situations where the phrases were used.

a) Але він зробив мені чудову послугу.

b) Його страх раку був досить щирий.

c) Вони дозвонились до поліції досить легко.

d) Я спробую.

e) Невдовзі він танцював під мою дудку.


Translate the phrases.

a gleam of hope

a languid attempt

languish in poverty

stir up interest (hope)

stir up unrest


stir-fried vegetable

stiff prices

stiff drink

stiff wind

6. Translate into English.

a) Розуміючи, що він був по вуха (р. 139) у цій справі, він вирішив нічого більше не приховувати і рішуче (p.141) взяв телефонну слухавку, але не міг дозвонитись (р. 141) у поліцію. Потім він зрозумів, що всі подумають, що його історія не щира (р. 147), і він просто захотів пожартувати. (p.140)

b) По черзі (p.140) всі енергійно (p.141) описали, що сталось, але вчителька з апатією (p.141) вислухала їх і поставила всім двійки.


Explain why

a) there was no need for Roger to disguise any longer;

b) Roger was sure that Bobby would go to the Grange;

c) Roger started suspecting Frankie of being involved in the case;

d) Roger told nothing about Evans;

e) the police didn’t believe Bobby and Frankie at first;

f) Frankie showed the photo to the waitress;

g) it was going to be difficult to sue Roger;

h) Frankie and Bobby had problems talking to Mrs. Pratt.



Chapter 32 – 33.

1. Divide the following words into 2 groups a) the ones you would have used speaking about Moira before you have read the chapters; b) the ones you can use now.


Crafty, cunning, sly, defenseless, sordid, foul, mean, childlike, candid, innocent, charming, hypocritical, scheming, frightened, delicate, artistic a)     b)


Find synonyms to the words

Distrustful, doubtful, dubious, suspicious, leery (p.148) –

Rush, dash, lash, hurry (p.150) –

Now, soon, later, at present (p.150) –

tired , exhausted, weak, negligent ( p.152) –


3. Arrange the phrases in the proper order & describe the situations where they were used.

a) The Vicar felt sorry for his son – he looked so abashed; but he also felt ashamed of him.

b) “My silly prejudice against him has quite vanished”.

c) “I really do draw the line at sticking my friends.”

d) For he had recognized the girl – recognized her beyond any possible doubt.

e) And yet there was an inexplicable matter of the changed photograph.

f) They yielded to her urgency

g) I simply can’t die without having my curiosity satisfied.”

h) “You are not the heir to a fortune or anything?”


Write your explanations of the words.

Heed (p.153) –

wistful (p.154) –

hideous (p.154) –

fumble (p.154) –

With one accord (p.150) –



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