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Milc Oil Slicks Threaten River Wildlife
Wildlife in the river Mersey is being threatened by oil slicks stretching for thirty miles after 150 tones of crude oil escaped from a UK pipeline under the river on Saturday. The spill has been declared the major disaster and emergency services have been called in to help clean up the beaches. It is feared that thousands of migrating birds could find their normal food supplies devastated by the pollution, but the full impact of the leak will not be known until later in the year. The clean-up has been hampered because the texture of the oil cannot easily be broken down by detergents. Instead, the emergency services had to wait until the oil was washed ashore at low tide and then dug up the contaminated sand. The oil company will expect to be fined around $1 million. According to the local council, "The company have such enormous resources that they could pay any fine, even a fine of several million pounds, without being affected."
3. Какие виды стихийных бедствий вы знаете? Соотнесите английские слова из списка А с их русскими эквивалентами из списка В. A. disasters: earthquake, flood, drought, famine, avalanche, locust, warfare, tornado, hurricane, fire B. бедствия (катастрофы): пожар, военные действия, землетрясение, лавина (обвал), наводнение, торнадо, саранча, ураган, массовый голод, засуха
4. Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык, а затем проверьте ваш перевод. 1. There was a disastrous earthquake in Armenia in 1988. 2. There are floods in Saint Petersburg every year. 3. There are often avalanches in the Northern Ossetia. 4. There were more than 30 fires in Moscow during 10 days of 2007. 5. Warfare in Chechnya restarted in 1994. 6. There are often hurricanes and tornadoes in the USA. 7. In Ethiopia, famine is provoked by locust and droughts. Правильный перевод: 1. В 1988 г. в Армении произошло разрушительное землетрясение. 2. Наводнения в Санкт-Петербурге бывают каждый год. 3. В Северной Осетии часто случаются обвалы. 4. За 10 дней 2007 г. в Москве произошло более 30 пожаров. 5. Военные действия в Чечне возобновились в 1994 г. 6. В США часто бывают ураганы и торнадо. 7. В Эфиопии массовый голод провоцируется саранчой и засухами.
5. Переведите на английский язык. 1. Дом строится. 2. Урожаи пшеницы в Америке сокращаются вследствие парникового эффекта. 3. Электричество производится не только атомными станциями. 4. Рис выращивается во Вьетнаме. 5. На эту работу ссылаются многие специалисты.
Прочитайте внимательно предложения 1—4 и 6 из упр. 4. Сравните порядок слов в английском и русском языке.
Переведите следующие предложения на русский язык. 1. There are no children in the house. 2. There is another exit at the back. 3. There were pieces of the plane everywhere. 4. In 1989, there was an earthquake in San Francisco. 5. There was an accident on this highway yesterday. 6. There’s a fire on the fourth floor! 7. There is no smoke without fire. 8. There was blood on his coat. 9. There were no clues on the scene of the crime. 10. There isn’t very much time. 11. There are advantages and disadvantages. 12. There will be a message for you. 13. There has just been an accident. 14. There is news on TV. 15. Last night there was a heavy rain.
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