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Переведите на английский язык данные предложения, используя причастный или герундиальный оборот.
1. То, что макаронные изделия производятся различного размера и формы известно давно. 2. То, что макаронные изделия производятся в широком разнообразии форм и размеров, стало возможным благодаря усовершенствованному типу экструдера. 3. Производители знают, что в процессе экструзии большое значение имеет температурный контроль. 4. Мы знаем, что экструдеры снабжаются кожухом для обеспечения тепла. 5. Технологи считают, что экструдер является агрегатом многоцелевого назначения. 6. Последние годы большой интерес проявляется к использованию белковых добавок, так как наблюдается потребность в улучшенном питании. 7. Специалисты понимают, что обработка смешанных продуктов требует простой, надежной и недорогостоящей технологической системы. 8. Новый тип экструдера имеет много преимуществ, причем одним из них является возможность избежать повторной сушки после экструзии. TEXT B “PASTA PRODUCTION: HISTORICAL REVIEW AND CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE FUTURE” 3. Прочитайте текст и разделите его на логические части. 4. Укажите абзац, в котором говорится о начале производства макаронных изделий. 5. Перечислите факторы, повлиявшие на расширение ассортимента макаронных изделий. 6. Назовите новые технологии и новые макаронные изделия 7. Подтвердите слова автора, что потребительский спрос на макаронные изделия не снижается и в настоящее время. Pasta is an ancient foodstuff. However, the origin of pasta products is not well documented. One can only speculate that the earliest form of wheat consumption was probably in the form of paste products. According to one account, wheat cultivation began in Mesopotamia around 6,000 – 7,000 B.C. Around 2,000 B.C., the Egyptians discovered the fermentation process for baking as well as the use of unleavened dough for “noodle products”. Details of the development of the extrusion process, in general, and of its application to form flour products are still unknown. The first written record of this staple of human diet became known in Italy in 1279. Pasta-type products have become an important part of the diet for people all over the world. The widespread consumption of paste products throughout the world is most likely due to their simple formulation and relative ease of processing, their storability and immense versatility, and their low cost relative to some other foods. The popularity of pasta products eventually led to a crude form of mechanization in the 18th century. This apparently resulted in the development of the mechanical press, initially made of wood, by about 1850. At the turn of the present century, mixers, kneeders, hydraulic extrusion press, and drying cabinets became available. In the 1930s the batch hydraulic press was replaced by a continuous extruder developed in France to produce the myriad of pasta shapes available today. About the same time in Italy and Switzerland continuously operated automatic presses made their appearance. These extruders combine all the operations needed for the production of pasta. They have the ability to mix, knead, and form an endless variety of pasta types in a continuous process. In 1946, the first production line that converted semolina into dried pasta in one continuous operation came into being. Due to advanced machinery and technology pasta products exist in many different configurations. There are over 150 pasta shapes. Manufacturers, however, try not only to improve pasta production and quality, but also to develop new types of pasta. TEXT C “PASTA” Переведите данный текст на русский язык в письменной форме. The best known pastas are macaroni, vermicelli and spaghetti. There are also many other pastas which are called by Italian names given according to the shape or the region the pastas come from. Other countries, apart from Italy, have their forms of pasta, but in Italy it is part of the staple diet. The making of pasta has been known for many centuries. The earliest mention of a dough of this kind is found in Chinese and Japanese cook books dating 3000-3550 B.C. But it was often made with rice instead of wheat flour. A small industry developed first in Italy, and by about 1800 the first mechanical devices for the manufacture of macaroni products appeared in Italy. These were very crude and inefficient. Nearly 50 years later the first hand-operated mechanical presses – mainly built from wood – came into existence. More elaborate machines were developed later, most of them driven by animal power, but the increasing popularity of macaroni products called for more efficient machinery. At the beginning of the 20th century efficient equipment became available. Numerous and efficient plants for the production of macaroni products were built, and the home-made goods were replaced by goods produced by an economical process on a commercial scale.
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