Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
«НЕЛИЧНЫЕ ФОРМЫ ГЛАГОЛА» КОНТРОЛЬ 1. Переведите данные предложения на русский язык, выделив обороты. Infinitive A. 1. Potential applications of fruit preparations are known to be broad. 2. The dosage of fresh fruit is considered to range from 35 to 5% in fruit preparations. 3. Various methods appear to be applied for the removal of foreign bodies in the fruits. 4. Special attention is certain to be given to the microbiological status of the raw material. 5. Strict sanitation practices are sure to be required in the production of fresh juice. 6. The production of fruit preparations is known to take place in a batch as well as continuous process. 7. Cocoa powder proves to be widely applied to flavour candy, baked goods, ice-cream, and dairy drinks. 8. Pasta is considered to be recognized as a healthy and additive-free product by most of nutritionists. 9. Chocolate is said to be a candy ingredient next to sugar. B. 1. Technologists expect fruit preparations to be applied in dairy production, bakery, and confectionery. 2. Processors demand only healthy and fresh fruits to be used for fruit preparations. 3. We know the quality of fruit preparations to be laid down by the choice of raw material. 4. Manufacturers suppose only selected fruits with strictly defined qualities to be required for fruit preparations. 5. Winemakers believe young red wines to be racked in contact with the air without fear of overoxidation. 6. Technologists know the wines to continue depositing small amounts of sediment after the first year of aging. 7. Technologists may expect clouding or precipitatin to occur after blending all components of wine. 8. Winemakers consider the final blend to be stored for several weeks before bottling. 9. Specialists recommend the wine to be subjected to final clarification before bottling. Participle 1. Fruit preparations are processed by the enterprises into mixed products, their dosage varying from 5 to 25%. 2. Besides fresh, pasteurized and frozen fruits can be used for fruit preparations, deep-frozen raw material enabling to have an all-year supply. 3. There are several steps in the production of fruit preparations, fruit grading being the essential one. 4. The final filling of juice can be accomplished by hot filling or aseptic filling, the latter being advantageous. 5. Certain fruit and vegetables keep better when cold, low temperatures extending the keeping period. 6. Machines having been introduced into milling, this process became much more efficient and productive. 7. In the majority the chief ingredient being sugar, the fundamental processes of candy making have much in common. 8. Pasta consumption rising in most countries, the consumers’ recognition of pasta is changing nowadays. 9. Ancient traders having brought grapes to France by 600 B.C., grape culture began rapidly spreading throughout Europe. Gerund 1. Brewing and winemaking having a long history is certain. 2. Chocolate being used only as a beverage in the 16th century is an interesting fact. 3. Pasta-type products having become an important part of the diet for all the people in the world is evident. 4. After the brewery having been reconstructed its output considerably increased. 5. The paper reports of the construction of some new wineries having begun in the south of our country. 6. Food science proves sugars varying in their composition and properties. 7. We know dough undergoing great changes during its processing. 8. Specialists discovered grain milled by machines being much lower in minerals and vitamins. 9. They believe a new method of filtration being introduced in this winery next month. 2. Переведите данные предложения на английский язык, используя обороты с неличными формами глагола. I. Известно, что производство свежих соков (несброженных, натуральных) стало значительной частью отрасли по переработке цитрусовых в мировом масштабе. Несомненно, требуются строгие санитарные условия в производстве свежих соков. II. Технологи считают, что прием фруктов является важной составной частью производства свежих соков. Производители свежих соков знают, что соотношение параметров качества осуществляется путем пробоотбора каждой партии фруктов. III. Когда высокое качество фруктов уже определено, необходимо убедиться, что их обработка предотвратит заражение. Существует много условий для предотвращения заражения, причем чистота и гигиена оборудования являются одним из главных. IV. То, что эффективная сортировка фруктов зависит от опытности работников, является общеизвестным фактом. Производители понимают, что охлаждение сока помогает снизить рост микробов и заражение. TEXT B “FRUIT PREPARATIONS FOR THE FRUIT JUICE INDUSTRY” Прочитайте текст и составьте план. 2. Выделите ту часть текста, где говорится о требованиях, предъявляемых к качеству фруктов. 3. Кратко расскажите о технологии производства фруктовых препаратов. Notes apricot – абрикос plum - слива peach – персик raspberry – малина pineapple – ананас black berry - ежевика cherry – вишня black currant – черная смородина batch/ continuous process – циклический/ непрерывный процесс Fruit preparations are products meant for the production of dairy products which, as a rule, are produced from fruits or fruit constituents and various sugars, and also essences, flavours, colouring foodstuffs, thickening agents (загуститель) and adible acids, and preserved by suitable methods. Potential applications of fruit preparations are very broad. They can be used in fermented dairy products like yoghurt, sour milk, kefir, butter milk and fresh cheese, as well as in other milk products like pudding, creams, fruit milk and ice cream. Another application is their use in bakery. The quality requirements for fruits meant for processing are the following: the fruits should be healthy and fresh, unfermented, and have a ripeness grade suitable for processing. Fresh fruits or fruit constituents, also preserved by freezing or pasteurization, as well as concentrated fruit constituents can be used. Today, mainly deep-frozen raw material is used for the production of fruit preparations in order to accomplish an all-year supply. Canned fruits are only of importance in a few cases e.g. apricot, peach, pineapple and banana. Fruit juice concentrates, especially in fruit preparations which are based on juices are also processed. Juice added to give colour (e.g. cherry, grape or red beet juice) is not calculated as part of the fruit content. The fruit content is regulated and generally amounts 35%. However, in the case of raspberry, blackberry, plum and pineapple, the fruit content is at least 30%, for banana and black currant at least 25%. Fruit preparations are further processed by the enterprises into mixed products, and depending on the intended purpose, the dosage lies between 5 and 25%. The amount of fresh fruit in “fruit yoghurts” must be at least 6%. Whereas overripe and aged fruits are normally used for juice processing, only selected fruits with strictly defined qualities can be used for fruit preparations. The quality of fruit preparations is to a large extent already laid down by the choice of raw material. The preparation of the fruits before processing is also very demanding. The focus of attention is the removal of foreign bodies in the fruits. Apart from the inspection of the fruits on conveyor bands, other measures are necessary. For example, the fruits are passed through automatic detection systems (x-rays, magnets) as well as machines which turn fruit pieces over for the detection of remaining fruit kernels in apricots, seiving systems etc. Special attention is also given to the microbiological status of the raw material. Fruits to be deep-frozen are therefore, as a rule, washed. As for processing methods, principally, the production of fruit preparations is similar to the production of marmelades, whereby neat treatment is the essential processing step. It serves the thawing of frozen fruits, the dissolution of sugars, the controlling of dry matter, the inactivation of enzymes and the destruction of microorganisms. The production of fruit preparations can take place in a batch as well as continuous process. The final filling can be accomplished either by hot filling or aseptic filling, the latter being advantageous because of reduced thermal stress. TEXT C “MINIMAL PROCESSING OF PRODUCE” |
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