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Прочитайте и переведите текст. FRESH JUICE PRODUCTION
FRESH JUICE PRODUCTION The production of fresh juice has become an important part of the citrus industry worldwide. The fresh juice product characteristics include a balance of fruity, fresh notes, giving the product a very desirable flavour and aroma. Fresh juice is described as juice that has not been subjected to a heat process designed to reduce the level of microorganisms. Thus, in order to make product that not only has an appropriate shelf life, but also is safe for human consumption, we need to insure strict sanitation practices in the production of fresh juices. The first area of importance is incoming fruit receiving. This area should be free of foreign materials that might contaminate fruit. Fruit receiving should be clean and free of standing water as well as free of dropped fruit or waste materials from processing. An additional requirement in this area is to keep incoming fruit stored under cover in order to reduce the exposure to environmental contamination. Fruit receiving is also the first point in controlling the quality of fruit that will enter the process. This is the first area where a fresh juice processor can control quality by sampling each load to determine not only the wholesomeness of the fruit, but quality parameters ratio. Once a fresh juice processor has determined that high quality fruit has arrived for processing it is necessary to make sure that the fruit is treated in a such manner that no contamination is added to the fruit. This requires several steps, first of which is making sure that the fruit unloading equipment is clean and sanitary. Next is the process of fruit cleaning, which is usually made with a brushwasher. The minimum requirements should be to insure the cleanliness of fruit for fresh juice processing. Fruit grading is an extremely critical area for fresh juice production. Fruit grading personnel must be trained and knowledgeable about removal of unwholesome fruit (drops, rots, splits, cuts) as well as foreign materials. It is extremely important that the grading table and all conveyance equipment must be kept in a clean and sanitary manner. Juice extraction is another critical area for fresh juice production sanitation. All juice contact surfaces must be cleaned and sanitized prior to and after production. Fresh juice requires chilling to 29-32 °F immediately after extraction. All juice tanks must be chilled. Added benefits will be achieved by refrigerated juice rooms. Refrigeration will help reduce microbial growth and contamination. The juice filling area must be protected from the outside environment by being enclosed. Further, added benefit will be gained by using a filtered air source in the juice filling room. Empty containers awaiting filling must be protected from contamination, if not used immediately, and as a general rule, at all times containers must be handled in a sanitary manner. ASSIGNMENTS 1. Назовите прилагательные, соответствующие данным существитель-ным. freshness, desire, safety, humanity, environment, wholesomeness, sanitation, cleanliness, emptiness, addition, knowledge. 2. Дайте английские эквиваленты следующих словосочетаний. свежий (несброженный) сок; желаемый вкус; безопасный для потребления продукт; экологическое загрязнение; здоровые (неповрежденные) плоды; санитарные условия; чистое оборудование; пустой (порожний) контейнер; дополнительное требование (условие); знающий персонал 3. Укажите номера антонимичных пар. 1. balance 2. appropriate 3. save 4. reduce 5. contamination 6. fresh 7. load 8. clean 9. removal 10. refrigerate 11. wholesome 12. benefitial 1. disinfection 2. addition 3. unload 4. heat 5. disequilibrium 6. harmful 7. increase 8. unfavourable 9. dangerous 10. spoiled 11. improrer 12. dirty 4. Пользуясь текстом, закончите мысль данных предложений. 1. The fresh juice product characteristics include a balance of … . 2. Fresh juice is described as juice that … . 3. Fruit receiving should be clean and free of … . 4. Fresh juice processor can control quality by … . 5. When high quality fruit has arrived for processing, it is necessary to make sure … . 6. The minimum requirements should be to insure the cleanliness of … . 7. Fruit grading is an extremely critical area for … . 8. Juice extraction is another critical area for … . 9. During chilling added benefits will be achieved by … . 10. Refrigeration will help reduce … . 11. The juice filling area must be protected from the … . 12. At all times containers must be handled in … . 5. Ответьте на следующие вопросы. 1. How can fresh juice be described? 2. What is necessary to insure for achieving an appropriate shelf-life of the product and its safety for human consumption? 3. What are main areas of fresh juice production? 4. What is the aim of fruit receiving? 5. How is the process of fruit cleaning accomplished? 6. Why is fruit grading an extremely critical area for fresh juice production? 7. What are the requirements for efficient juice extraction? 8. What does juice filling depend upon? 5. Расскажите: а) об основных процессах переработки фруктов и б) о необходимых условиях производства свежего сока высокого качества. |
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