Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Ex6a: Match the pictures with the words in the box.

Pants-trousers 1                   football-soccer 8

Lift-elevator  3                  subway-underground 4

Flat-apartment 5               lorry-truck 7

Cookies-biscuits 9             garbage-rubbish 6

Candy-sweets   10           sidewalk-pavement 2

Ex6b: Write the words from ex 6a in the correct list. Then listen to Morgan and Janie and check your answers.

Grammar Present perfect simple, already and yet

Ex7a: Look at the examples. Underline other examples of present perfect simple in the text on page 34. Then complete the rule.

RULE: We from the present perfect simple with the verb have and the past participle form of the main verb.

Use already in positive sentences. Use yet in questions and negatives.

Use already between have and past participle. Use yet at the end of the sentence or question.

Ex7b: Write the statements and questions. Use the present perfect simple and yet or already.

III. Бекіту

Listening: Dan is on holiday in New York. Listen to his conversation with Maggie. Tick the things he has already done. Put a cross next to the things he hasn’t done yet.

IV.Ү йге тапсырма

Exercise: 9a, b




Оқ у ісінің мең герушісі: _______________________

Date: 23, 11, 16     Form: 9 а

Сабақ тың тақ ырыбы: New girl

Сабақ тың мақ саты

1) Educational: Presentation of the lesson aboutNew girl

-to train new words and discussion an English language

 2) Developing: To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech,

-to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills.

 3) Bringing-up: to bring up love and interest to the subject,

-to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

Сабақ ә дісі: training, explanation, demonstration

Сабақ типі: presentation, integrative

Кө рнекілігі: diagrams on the tasks, pictures, computers

Пә н аралық байланыс: Kazakh, English, geography

Сабақ барысы:

I.Ұ йымдастыру

  А) амандасу

Б) жоқ тарды белгілеу.

II. Сабақ тың тақ ырыбымен, мақ саттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “New girl”

Read and listen

Ex10a: Look at the photo story? There is a new student at school. Where is she from? What is unusual about her? What do Joel and Pete think about her? Read and listen to find the answers.

Ex10b: Answer the questions.

1. What makes Debbie go on the internet?

2. How does Joel’s opinion about Natsumi sleeping in class change, and why?

Ex11. Find the expressions 1-6 in the story. Who says them? How do you say them in your language?

1. You’re not supposed to….

2. …in the middle of…

What do you reckon?

4. …the kind of thing…

5. Have a look…

6. No wonder….

Complete the dialogues with the phrases 1-6 in ex 11a.

Have a look

In the middle of

No wonder

The kind of thing

What do you reckon

You’re not supposed to

III. Бекіту

Discussion box: 1. What do you think about Joel and Pete’s initial reaction to Natsumi falling asleep during a lesson? 2. What your reaction to the information Debbie finds on the internet? 3. What’s the minimum amount of sleep you need every night?

IV.Ү йге тапсырма

Exercise: 12, 13



Оқ у ісінің мең герушісі: _______________________

Date: 24, 11, 16 Form: 9 а

Сабақ тың тақ ырыбы: Email about a holiday

Сабақ тың мақ саты

1) Educational: Presentation of the lesson aboutEmail about a holiday

-to train new words and discussion an English language

 2) Developing: To develop the pupils habits of the oral speech,

-to develop pupils creative and logical abilities, reading and writing, grammar and lexical skills.

 3) Bringing-up: to bring up love and interest to the subject,

-to respect each other, to create an English atmosphere in the classroom

Сабақ ә дісі: training, explanation, demonstration

Сабақ типі: presentation, integrative

Кө рнекілігі: diagrams on the tasks, pictures, computers

Пә н аралық байланыс: Kazakh, English, geography

Сабақ барысы:

I.Ұ йымдастыру

  А) амандасу

Б) жоқ тарды белгілеу.

II. Сабақ тың тақ ырыбымен, мақ саттарымен таныстыру.

Our theme in our lesson is “Email about a holiday ”



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