Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
Third Type – Situational or Factual Equivalence.
The content or sense of the utterance is conveyed by different grammatical and lexical units.
Situational equivalence is observed when the same phenomenon is described in a different way because it is seen from a different angle, e.g.
The police cleared the streets - Полиция разогнала демонстрацию.
Unemployed teenagers are often left without means of gaining food and shelter - Безработные подростки часто оказываются без средств к существованию.
Hold the line - Не кладите трубку.
The Commonwealth countries handle a quarter of the world’s trade - На страны британского содружества приходится четвертая часть мировой торговли. This type of equivalence also comprises the translation of clichs, orders, warnings and notices, phraseological units and set expressions, formulae of politeness, etc.
There were no survivors - Все погибли.
Fragile – осторожно, стекло;
Keep off, wet paint – не садиться, окрашено;
Many happy returns of the day – поздравляю с днем рождения.
In this way, the third type of equivalence conveys the sense, the meaning of the utterance without preserving its formal elements.
7. Grammatical problems of translation. 1. Analytical character of English and synthetical character of the Russian language (no inflections in English): 2. Wide usage of auxiliary verbs. 3. A great number of structural parts of speech which corresponds to inflections in Ukrainian. 4. Strict, rigid and inflexible word order. Each part of the sentence has its definite place and changing the word order speaker changes meaning of the whole sentence. 5. Wide usage of impersonal constructions with participle and gerund which is not typical in our language.
At the grammatical level, a translator is expected to have a thorough knowledge of the grammatical rules of the target language. In fact, a translator does not have to know the grammar of the language for just the sake of it, he should be well versed in comparative grammar of the two languages involved in translation and the similarities and dissimilarities in them. The translator should be able to distinguish between the obligatory and the optional forms in target language. Grammatical differences between two languages can be of various types, depending on the languages, their relationship and the distance - both physical as well as cognitive. Cognate languages may not differ much grammatically although it also depends on the physical distance between the linguistic regions. Languages belonging to different language families but sharing geographical regions may share some features due to the process of convergence. The major differences between two languages are related to different gender, number, derivational systems, honorifics, tenses etc. One of the major grammatical differences between languages is their gender systems. Languages have different gender systems - grammatical and natural, etc. Some languages have two-way gender system - masculine and feminine, and others have three genders - masculine, feminine and neuter. Hindi and some other Indo-Aryan languages have to two-way pattern with a grammatical gender and so has German. A number of in Hindi have natural sex distinctions but for others it is arbitrary, and therefore, quite confusing, for a non-Hindi speaker and a translator. Dravidian languages have different gender systems, compared with Hindi and its sister languages. These differences across languages need not necessarily be because they belong to different families, although this is a determining factor. This is possible in cognate languages as well, because each language group has its peculiar ways of perceiving and classifying the same notional reality. German and English although related languages, also have their own differences. The seasons in English are neuter, but in German they are perceived as masculine. In Hindi, however, they are both feminine and masculine depending on the vocabulary, register and the style. In Hindi “ritu” is feminine, but 'mausam' meaning both season and weather is masculine. This is due to the fact that these two words have come to Hindi from different sources. Hindi adjective is inflected to denote gender, number and case. The English adjective is invariable whatever its function in the sentence. Hindi and some other Indian languages have number gender concordance. It is absent in English. Forms of address and honorifics also differ from language to language. while English does not distinguish between familiar and polite “you”. Indian languages have atleast two to three distinctions, and these are all grammatical. The same is the case with honorifics. Languages differ in terms of tense and aspect as well. Most languages are accustomed to three basic tenses - present, past and future with some tenses of relative time - past perfect, future perfect, etc. Some languages are peculiar with a series of temporal gradations of either past or future or both. In terms of their range they vary from few minutes to a year and a more, such as past time of “a few minutes ago” or of “earlier in the day”, etc. These temporal aspects have bearing on the grammar and the sentences structure as a whole. The nature of the grammatical differences between a pair of languages varies from language to language. A comparative and contrastive analysis of the grammars of two languages, is essential before a translators ventures to take up the job of translating. These grammatical differences pose problems to the translator as it not only involves analysis of the differences but also finding accurate or proper and approximate correspondences in the target language, for effective transfer of the message.
8. Lexical problems of translation Different languages use different sets of semantic components, that is, elements of meaning to describe identical extra-linguistic situations. She is not out of school yet - Она еще не закончила школу
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