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Referential Meaning and its Rendering in Translation


Lexical transformation which are practically always required in the rendering of referential meaning in translation are caused by various factors. They may be classed as follows:

a) different vision of objects and phenomena and different approach to them;

b) different semantic structure of a word in the SL and in the TL;

c) different valency or collocability;

d) different usage. Different vision.


a) This factor (different vision) usually presents little difficulty for the translator but it must never be overlooked, otherwise the translator may lapse into literal translation. The difficulty arises when such words are used figuratively as part of some lexical stylistic device, that is, when they fulfill a stylistic function, e.g.

Instant history, like instant coffee, can be remarkably palatable, at least it is in this memoir by a former Whitehouse side who sees L.B.J. as “an extraordinary gifted President who was the wrong man, from the wrong place, at the wrong time, under the wrong circumstances.

Современная история, так же как и такой современный продукт как растворимый кофе, иногда бывает удивительно приятна, по крайней мере это так в рецензируемых мемуарах бывшего помощника президента Джонсона, который характеризует его как «исключительно способного президента, который был неподходящим человеком, родом из неподходящего места, в неподходящее время, при неподходящих обстоятельствах».


One and the same product is named in the S and T languages according to its different properties: the English language stresses the speed with such coffee can be prepared whereas the Russian language lays special accent on the fact that it is soluble.


b) The semantic structure of polysemantic words.

A word in one Language may denote, due to different vision, a wider non-differentiated notion, while the same notion is, as it were dismembered in the other language, and, consequently, there are two or more words denoting it. For example, the Russian word часы corresponds to two English words; “watch” and “clock”. The Russian word город has two couterparts; “town” and “city”. And vice versa, one English word may correspond to two or more Russian words, e.g. “moon” – луна, месяц, “bell” – колокол, колокольчик, бубенчик, звонок, склянка, рында. The Russian language uses one word палец which is indiscriminately applies “to terminal members” of the hand and foot, while the English language discriminates between these members and has accordingly three different words: thumb, finger, toe.


Semantic correlation is not to be interpreted as semantic identity and one-to-one correspondence between the semantic structures of correlated polysemantic words in the two languages is hardly ever possible.

Such partial correspondence may be illustrated by the following analysis of the correlated words стол and table. Their primary meanings denoting the same article of furniture are identical. But their secondary meanings diverge. Other lexical semantic variants of the word table are: part of the machine-tool; slab of wood (stone); matter written on this; level area, plateau; palm of hand, indicating character of fortune, etc. Lexical semantic variants of the word стол are: еда, пища, (стол и квартира, диетический стол); учреждение, отдел в канцелярии (паспортный стол, стол находок) etc.


c) Words traditionally collocated tend to constitute clichés, e.g. a bad mistake, high hopes, heavy sea (rain, snow), etc. the translator is to find similar TL clichés, traditional collocations: грубая ошибка, большие надежды, бурное море, сильный дождь (снег).


d) Usage is closely linked with the history and development of the language, of its lexical system. Hence every language creates peculiar clichés, ready-made formulae.

Usage plays an important part in translating orders and instructions. 

Sometimes different usage is apparent in the use of semantically complete prepositions.

He wrote under several pseudonyms, many of his essays appearing over the name of “Little Nell”. (F.Johnson).

Он писал под разными псевдонимами, многие его очерки появлялись под подписью «Крошка Нелл»



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