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Broiling, Grilling and Barbecuing

Broiling is a cooking method very similar to grilling that can be achieved in the oven. Broiling consists of placing food very close to an intense heat source for quick cooking at a very high temperature of about 500 °F (260 °C) 550 °F (288 °C). The heat source for broiling is above food, as opposed to being beneath food when grilling. Most ovens only have one temperature setting for broiling and the amount of heat applied to the food is controlled by moving it closer or further away from the heat source.

Just as with broiling, grilling involves exposing food to a very intense heat source for a short amount of time. Unlike broiling, the heat source is below the food rather than above. The heat source for grilling can be direct flames from either gas or charcoal or radiant heat from charcoal briquettes.

Broiling vs. Grilling Benefits


1. Indoor compatibility. Broiling is done indoors in the oven. So, broiling is best for you if you cannot go outside due to any reason. We like it since it can be done right from the comfort of your own home. You do not have to run rounds of the outdoors. The convenience is better in the broil vs. the grill.

2. Lesser smoke. Although smoke does not necessarily harm the environment (since it is just carbon particles in the air), it can be deadly if left indoors. Which is why broiling is the better option if you do not want to use a grill or griddle inside. Smoke can be quite the menace for your neighbors too. Therefore, if you do not want to annoy anyone then broiling is best. Or you can go for a smokeless electric grill.

3. Affordability. A typical grill can cost you twice as much as an average broiling oven. The latter can be used for baking as well. However, grills are only good for grilling. So, you get a two-in-one for half the price of a regular grill.


 1. Smoky texture. A regular grill gives off a lot of smoke. This smoke mixes in with the surface of the food. Smoke gives that extra smoky flavour that most people crave. This smokiness is absolutely absent in broiling. So, if you really want to impress the hypothetical judges, then grill is your best choice.

2. Larger surface area. Grills provide a larger surface area as compared to broilers. While broilers may only accommodate up to 5 or 6 different steaks, a grill can accommodate up to 8. The surface area is generally larger in grills, so it can be recommended if you want to cook for parties or gatherings.

3. Higher temperature. One of the reasons why the “grilled” flavour is so unique and delicious is high temperatures. Most steaks are cooked at relatively astronomical temperatures. This amount of heat breaks down the compounds in the food. It gives the meat a delicate yet fiery taste that cannot be achieved by any old oven broiler. A charred taste and feel are better provided by the grill vs. the broil.

4. Lesser fat. When cooking meat, fat tends to melt off. In ovens, pans, or griddles, fat forms a pool at the bottom where it gets reabsorbed, leaving the steak extremely fatty and quite unhealthy. This never happens in grilling.


Barbecuing is a dry-heat cooking method which is very similar to grilling. At first sight, they look exactly the same, but the difference lies in cooking time and temperature. While grilling is a fast and extremely hot (usually 500 °F (260 °C) 550 °F (288 °C) ) cooking method, barbecuing is slow and is done at a lower temperature. Barbecuing is usually used for cuts of meat like ribs, pork shoulder, beef brisket, or whole chickens or turkeys. These types of meats tend to be tougher, and need the low, slow heat of a barbecue in order to get them good and tender. Barbecued food is cooked over very low heat (usually 225 °F (107 °C) or lower ) for a very long time ( hours, or even all day long ).



broiling ['brɔ ɪ lɪ ŋ ] метод кулинарной обработки, при котором продукт помещается непосредственно под нагревательным элементом (“broiler”) и готовится при очень высокой температуре; в русском языке термин отсутствует

grilling ['grɪ lɪ ŋ ] приготовление на гриле (от сущ. “grill” – решётка)

barbecuing ['bɑ ː bɪ kjuː ɪ ŋ ] барбекю

charcoal ['ʧ ɑ ː kə ul] древесный уголь

radiant heat ['reɪ dɪ ə nt hiː t] тепловое излучение

compatibility [kə mˌ pæ tə 'bɪ lə tɪ ] совместимость

environment [ɪ n'vaɪ ə r(ə )nmə nt] окружающая среда

carbon ['kɑ ː b(ə )n] углерод

griddle [grɪ dl] гридль (аппарат для приготовления мяса, рыбы и овощей, имеющий толстый сплошной лист железа или чугуна, нагреваемый углями, электричеством или газом)

menace ['menɪ s] угроза

affordability [ǝ ˌ fɔ ː dǝ 'bɪ lɪ tɪ ] доступность по цене

average ['æ v(ə )rɪ ʤ ] средний

to crave [kreɪ v] желать

judge ['ʤ ʌ ʤ ] судья

to accommodate [ə 'kɔ mə deɪ t] вмещать

to reabsorb ['riː ǝ b'zɔ ː b] повторно поглощать

rib [rɪ b] ребро

shoulder ['ʃ ə uldə ] зд. лопатка

brisket ['brɪ skɪ t] грудинка



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