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I. Answer the following questions:
What is broiling? What is grilling? What is barbequing? How does barbecuing differ from grilling? 5. What is the difference between grilling and broiling? II. Find in the text the synonyms for the following words: under, comfort, surrounding, speck, threat, meeting, puddle, extraordinarily III. Fill the gaps in the following sentences: 1. Most ovens only have one … for broiling and the amount of heat applied to the food is controlled by moving it … or … away from the heat source. 2. Just as with …, grilling involves exposing food to … for a … amount of time. 3. While broilers may only accommodate up to … or … different steaks, a grill can accommodate up to …. 4. In ovens, pans, or griddles, fat forms a pool at the bottomwhere it gets reabsorbed, leaving the steak extremely fatty and quite unhealthy. 5. While grilling is a … and extremely … (usually 500 °F (260 °C) – 550 °F (288 °C)) cooking method, … is slow and is done at a lower temperature. IV. Think of disadvantages of each method and fill in the table:
V. Match the words and their definitions: 1) intense; 2) charcoal; 3) grill; 4) carbon; 5) griddle; 6) party; 7) taste; 8) ribs; 9) brisket; 10) turkey. a) a social gathering of invited guests, typically involving eating, drinking, and entertainment; b) the chemical element of atomic number 6, a non-metal which has two main forms (diamond and graphite) and which also occurs in impure form in charcoal, soot, and coal; c) a series of slender curved bones of an animal with meat adhering to it used as food; d) the sensation of flavour perceived in the mouth and throat on contact with a substance; e) a large mainly domesticated game bird native to North America, having a bald head and (in the male) red wattles. It is a popular food on festive occasions such as Christmas and (in the US) Thanksgiving; f) a gridiron used for cooking food on an open fire; g) of extreme force, degree, or strength; h) a heavy, flat iron plate that is heated and used for cooking food; i) a porous black solid, consisting of an amorphous form of carbon, obtained as a residue when wood, bone, or other organic matter is heated in the absence of air; j) meat cut from the breast of an animal, typically a cow. VI. Find the false sentences using the information from the text. Correct them. 1. The heat source for broiling is beneath food, as opposed to being over food when grilling. 2. There are grills that do not produce smoke. 3. An average broiling oven can cost you twice as much as a typical grill. 4. Grills have a larger surface area thanbroilers. 5. While grilling is a fast and extremely hot cooking method, barbecuing is slow and is done at a lower temperature. VII. Translate the following words and word combinations: · intenseheat source · charcoal briquette · affordability · smoky texture · pork shoulder · тепловое излучение · в помещении · бездымный электрогриль · повторно поглощать · свиная лопатка VIII. Choose a recipe from the appendix illustrating one of the cooking methods from the text above and translate it into Russian. Barding and Larding Barding and larding are supplementary cooking methods applied together with other dry-heat methods of cooking. When meat is wrapped in strips of fat while it cooks, the practice is called barding. Barding helps to keep meat moist while it cooks, and also imparts flavour. Bacon and fatback are two cuts of meat commonly used as barding. Fatback is exactly what it sounds like; it is a fatty cut from the back of a pig. Any meat rich in fat will work as barding, however, with darker fats like goose and duck lending a distinct flavour to the meats they are cooked with. The barding is often seasoned as well, to further flavour the meat. The meat which is most often barded is poultry, because poultry tends to dry out during the cooking process. By wrapping the breast of a bird in bacon or fatback, the cook can ensure that the meat stays tender and moist. As the barding cooks, the fat will render out, trickling through the meat. In a sense, barding is an automatic basting system. When the meat is close to done, the barding is usually removed to allow the meat to brown. Other meats can also be wrapped in fatty cuts. Bacon wrapped meat is a popular grill item, for example, since grills can cause meat to dry out. The subject of barding also does not have to be meat. Bacon wrapped fruits and vegetables such as pears and artichokes are distinctly delicious. Barding can be used for grilling, roasting, and broiling on everything from fish to acorn squash. Larding is a culinary technique for preparing large cuts of meat in which long strips of fat are woven through the meat using a needle called a larding needle. Strips of pork fatback are commonly used for larding, which is how the technique gets its name (because lard is a form of rendered pork fat ). Basically, slabs of fat would be chilled on ice to make them firm, and then sliced into strips called lardoons. These strips would be threaded into the meat on the end of a long needle, sometimes using a piece of string to pull them through. Larding is a classical technique that dates back to a time when meat was much leaner and dryer than it is today, so it was necessary to add fat to the meat to make it moister and more flavourful. It is essentially a way of creating artificial marbling. Modern meat has much more marbling than in days of yore, so the technique is not really used much anymore. That said, larding can be useful for preparing game meat such as venison, which is much leaner than beef. VOCABULARY: barding [ ' b ɑ ː d ɪ ŋ ] 1. бардирование (в отличие от русского языка, где термин обозначает подготовительный этап приготовления, состоящий в оборачивании продукта полосками бекона или сала, в английском он применяется по отношению к вспомогательному методу тепловой кулинарной обработки); 2. полоски бекона и прочего жирного мяса, которыми оборачивают продукт перед тепловой обработкой larding [ ' lɑ ː d ɪ ŋ ] шпигование (в отличие от русского языка, термин относится к вспомогательному методу тепловой кулинарной обработки) strip [strɪ p] полоска fatback ['fæ tˌ bæ k] амер. англ. свиной хребтовый шпик distinct [dɪ 'stɪ ŋ kt] особый, индивидуальный to render out ['rendə aut] вытапливаться to trickle ['trɪ kl] капать, сочиться acorn squash [' e ɪ k ɔ ː n skw ɔ ʃ ] жёлудевая тыква to weave through [wiː v θ ruː ] зд. пронизывать larding needle [ ' lɑ ː d ɪ ŋ niː dl ] шпиговальная игла lean [liː n] постный slab [slæ b] тонкий плоский кусок artificial marbling [ˌ ɑ ː tɪ 'fɪ ʃ (ə )l 'mɑ ː blɪ ŋ ] искусственное придание мраморности мясу in days of yore [ɪ n deɪ z ə v jɔ ː ] в былые времена game [geɪ m] дичь venison ['venɪ s(ə )n] оленина EXERCISES: |
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