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I. Answer the following questions:. What are the two main types of frying? 2. What is pan frying in the broad sense of the word?

What are the two main types of frying?

2. What is pan frying in the broad sense of the word?

How much oil does pan frying require?

What is the range of temperatures for deep frying?

What kind of products are usually deep-fried?

II. Find in the text the synonyms for the following words:

Kitchen utensils, to immerse, to remove, nearly, to control, to turn over, to resist

III. Fill the gaps in the following sentences:

1. Shallow frying is obviously a kind of … because, like some other … (e.g. searing), it is done in a pan or any other ….

2. Pan frying is a form of frying food … characterized by the use of … or … just enough to lubricate the pan.

3. After deep frying, foods must be … to eliminate as much … as possible before ….

4. Somemoisture is lost in pan frying because the food …, whereas with deep frying, the food is … when cooked.

5. With either method, food can be … by dipping it first in … and then … it in bread ….

IV. Fill in the table:

Criteria Method Amount of oil Temperature Time Result Typical foods
Deep frying
Pan frying

V. Match the words and their definitions:

1) oil; 2) to drain; 3) browning; 4) texture; 5) to soak; 6) chip; 7) to dip; 8) milk; 9) bread; 10) crumb.

a) to cause the water or other liquid in something to run out, leaving it empty or dry;

b) to put or let something down quickly or briefly in or into liquid;

c) any of various viscous liquids which are insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents and are obtained from animals or plants;

d) a small fragment of bread, cake, or biscuit;

e) to make or allow something to become thoroughly wet by immersing it in liquid;

f) an opaque white fluid rich in fat and protein, secreted by female mammals;

g) the feel, appearance, or consistency of a surface or a substance;

h) food made of flour, water, and yeast mixed together and baked;

i) a long rectangular piece of deep-fried potato;

j) the process or result of making something brown, typically by cooking or burning.

VI. Find the false sentences using the information from the text. Correct them.

1. Pan frying is the same as shallow frying.

2. Deep frying involves using minimal possible oil while in pan frying food is completely submerged into hot oil.

3. Somemoisture is lost in pan frying because the food is exposed to air.

4. Deep frying works better for bacon, potato pancakes and pork chops.

5. After deep frying, foods must be drained well to eliminate grease before serving.

VII. Translate the following words and word combinations:

· it stands to mention

· to lubricate the pan

· to be exposed to air

· approximately

· cheese sticks


· кухонная утварь

· обсушивать

· переворачивать

· панировать

· макать

VIII. Choose a recipe from the appendix illustrating one of the cooking methods from the text above and translate it into Russian.


1.2 Pan Frying: Sauté ing and Stir-Frying

Sauté ing and stir-frying are two similar cooking methods that make use of heating food items with dry heat. Sauté ing and stir-frying techniques are very popular in France and Chinese cuisines respectively. These two techniques have moved to the cuisines of the other parts of the world as well. The similarities are obvious with food items being heated in a pan containing some kind of cooking oil. However, there are differences between them.

Sauté ing

Sauté ing uses very high heat in a small amount of fat. The fat used in this cooking technique is clarified butter or oil. The reason for the use of clarified butter instead of plain butter in sauté ing is that clarified butter has a higher smoke point than plain butter and can withstand  the high heating procedure involved. On the other hand, plain butter does not withstand the high heating involved in the process and it gets burnt. At the same time, expert cooks use a good combination of both butter and oil too in the sauté ing procedure. Also, sauté ing does not need any kind of sauce or any kind of liquid for that matter to be added to the food while cooking. Of course, you can add a small amount of vinegar in the preparation of food by the sauté ing method. This will cause the pan to get deglazed.

Many types of food can be prepared in the French sauté method. You can prepare chicken cutlets or fish by the sauté method. You can nicely coat the fish with breadcrumbs and sauté. Similarly, vegetables can be used in sauté ing.

Sauté pan is used in the act of sauté ing. A sauté pan looks similar to a frying pan, but has sides that are vertical. That means the sides do not move outwards. A big skillet can also be used though. Ensure that the surface area is large in the pan. Pans used for sauté ing are generally made of cast iron. This is due to the fact that such a pan can conduct heat quickly and efficiently.


Stir-frying also uses a high heat, but more oil is used than in sauté ing. Also, stir-frying is comfortable with the use of oil without the addition of butter. Oil with a high smoke point should be used in the act of high heating. Oils such as peanut oil and sesame oil can be used in stir-fry cooking technique. Moreover, it is better to add soy sauce or any other sauce while you cook food by the stir-frying method. Stir-frying can be done when vegetables are cut into small pieces. These pieces should also be thin. Cutting the vegetables into pieces enables you to prepare food very quickly and comfortably. Also, this ensures that the food is coated nicely by the sauce. This kind of coating can cause the glazing of the food while cooking.

Stir-frying is done on woks. However, nowadays, there are stir-fry pans also available that will get the job done easily. These pans have slanting sides.

To sum it up, let us look at the following differences between the two methods:


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