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The browning creates desirable flavours through the Maillard reaction .

The appearance of the food is usually improved with a well-browned crust.

The contrast in taste and texture between the crust and the interior makes the food more interesting to the palate.

4. It creates fond (brown bits stuck to the pan) for use in a sauce or braising liquid.

A common misnomer linked with searing meat is caramelization. Caramelization is a process that affects only sugars, or simple carbohydrates. The Maillard reaction, by contrast, involves reactions between amino acids and some sugars.

In reverse searing, the order of cooking is inverted. First the item to be cooked, typically a steak, is cooked at low heat until the centre reaches desired temperature; then the outside is cooked with high temperature to achieve caramelization. This technique is typically recommended for thicker pieces of meat, 1-1, 5 inches or thicker, allowing for consistent internal cooking temperature with only the outer portion becoming seared.

Successful searing involves the observance of some rules:

1. Use a conventional, rather than nonstick, skillet; it helps fond to develop.

2. Use high heat and preheat the pan properly; the oil should just start to smoke.

3. Do not move the food until a browned crust develops.


shallow frying ['ʃ æ l ə u 'fraɪ ɪ ŋ ] вид жарки на сковороде в достаточно большом количестве масла (наиболее соответствующим термином в русском языке является “пряжение”, однако в настоящее время он практически не используется)

searing [' s ɪ ə ɪ ŋ ] обжаривание до корочки

flour ['flauə ] мука

batter ['bæ tə ] кляр

patty ['pæ tɪ ] 1. пирожок; 2. котлета

Maillard reaction [ maɪ ˈ jɑ ː r r ɪ 'æ k ʃ (ə ) n ] реакция Майяра

shortening ['ʃ ɔ ː tnɪ ŋ ] кулинарный жир

to overcrowd [ˌ ə uvə 'kraud] переполнять

to reduce [ r ɪ ' dju ː s ] уменьшать

soggy ['sɔ gɪ ] зд. пропитанный жиром

batch [bæ ʧ ] партия

soluble ['sɔ ljə bl] растворимый

intact [ɪ n'tæ kt] нетронутый

data ['deɪ tə ] мн. от datum ['deɪ tə m] данные

circulatory system [ˌ sɜ ː kju'leɪ t(ə )rɪ 'sɪ stə m] сердечно-сосудистая система

preliminary [prɪ 'lɪ mɪ n(ə )rɪ ] предварительный

poultry ['pə ultrɪ ] домашняя птица

crust [krʌ st] корочка

tuna ['tjuː nə ] тунец

scallop ['skɔ lə p] морской гребешок

to exceed [ɪ k'siː d] превышать

toasting [tə ustɪ ŋ ] обжаривание (обычно хлеба) с двух сторон, как правило, при помощи тостера; масло используется редко

internal [ɪ n'tɜ ː n(ə )l] внутренний

nonetheless [ˌ nʌ nð ə 'les] тем не менее

fond [fɔ nd] фонд (основа для соусов из приставших к сковороде частиц мяса и мясного сока после обжаривания)

misnomer [mɪ s'nə umə ] неправильное наименование

carbohydrate [ˌ kɑ ː bə 'haɪ dreɪ t] углевод

observance [ə b'zɜ ː v(ə )n(t)s] соблюдение

conventional [kə n'ven(t)ʃ (ə )n(ə )l] обычный


I. Answer the following questions:

How much oil is needed for shallow frying?

What is the Maillard reaction?

What is the final result of overcrowding a pan?

What effect is achieved by searing?

What is reverse searing?

II. Find in the text the synonyms for the following words:

Plane, pasty, mastery, corn, fat, to overfill, against, look

III. Fill the gaps in the following sentences:

1. Shallow frying is usually used to cook … pieces of meat or fish that are generally covered in …, or some type of ….

2. Maize, canola and sunflower … have a high …, meaning they can withstand high heat before they ….

3. Quick cooking with shallow frying leaves food with its … intact, although this method can reduce the … of some vegetables.

4. Searing is a cooking method often used as a … to further cooking, in which the surface of the food is cooked at … until a … forms.

5. Searing has been demonstrated to result in a greater … of moisture versus cooking to the same … without first ….

IV. Fill in the table:

Criteria Method Amount of fat Type of fat Technique Temperature Downsides
Shallow frying


V. Match the words and their definitions:

1) flour; 2) batter; 3) canola; 4) soggy; 5) batch; 6) intact; 7) disease; 8) scallop; 9) nut; 10) fond.

a) unpleasantly wet and soft;

b) the browned bits and caramelized drippings of meat and vegetables that are stuck to the bottom of a pan after searing, sauté ing or roasting;

c) a powder obtained by grinding grain, typically wheat, and used to make bread, cakes, and pastry;

d) a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury;

e) oilseed rape of a variety developed in Canada and grown in North America, which yields a valuable culinary oil;

f) an edible bivalve mollusc with a ribbed fan-shaped shell;

g) a fruit consisting of a hard or tough shell around an edible kernel;

h) not damaged or impaired in any way; complete;

i) a semi-liquid mixture of flour, egg, and milk or water, used for making pancakes or for coating food before frying;

j) a quantity of goods produced at one time.

VI. Find the false sentences using the information from the text. Correct them.

1. In shallow frying, the pan is filled 2\3 of the way with oil so that the food will be only partly immersed.

The food should not be overcrowded in the pan while searing, because it may lead to sogginess and greasiness.

Experts generally agree excessive oil in any fried foods can positively affect the circulatory system.

Caramelization is a process that affects only sugars, or simple carbohydrates.

Reverse searing is typically recommended for thicker pieces of meat.

VII. Translate the following words and word combinations:


· partly submerged

· presentation side

· soluble nutrients

· to seal in the juices

· simple carbohydrates

· кулинарный жир

· содержание антиоксидантов

· румяная корочка

· прилипать к сковороде

· антипригарный


VIII. Choose a recipe from the appendix illustrating one of the cooking methods from the text above and translate it into Russian.

Pan Frying: Sweating

In culinary terms, the definition of the word “sweat” means to cook something over low heat in a small amount of fat, usually in a covered pan or pot. The word sweating is often used to describe the way aromatic vegetables such as onions, carrots, and celery are cooked before adding other ingredients.

The objective in sweating vegetables is to soften them and release the moisture in them, not to brown them. This release of moisture is how the term “sweat” gets its name.

Sweating is usually a preliminary step in preparing vegetables to add to a dish, ensuring they are not still raw and they have the desired texture when a crunchy vegetable is not wanted in the finished dish.

It may also be known as “butter-steam”, especially because butter is a commonly used fat for the sweating step of a recipe.


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