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I. Answer the following questions:. What happens when a cold item is mixed with a hot one?

What is tempering?

What happens when a cold item is mixed with a hot one?

What other meanings does the word “tempering” have?

What is the purpose of tempering?

What kind of recipes require tempering?

II. Find in the text the synonyms for the following words:

additional, attribute, to coagulate, to release, mass, heat-resistant, to beat, noisette

III. Fill the gaps in the following sentences:

1. The term “tempering” is used in cooking when … needs to be stabilised, meaning its characteristics … and are not … in any way.

2. Tempering slowly increases the heat of the cold ingredient so its temperature … and … with the temperature of the hot ingredient.

3. The shock of a … suddenly turning hot can … and change …, making it cook too quickly, curdle, seize, break, lump up, or split.

4. If your recipe requires you to combine hot milk with eggs, you need to … the hot milk to the eggs and … until combined.

5. If you simply added the eggs to the … milk you would end up with … in milk

IV. Fill in the table:

Information you had known before reading the text Information you have known from the text Information you would like to know


V. Match the words and their definitions:

1) ingredient; 2) cream; 3) protein; 4) dairy; 5) chocolate; 6) spice; 7) cuisine; 8) ghee; 9) ice cream; 10) ladle.

a) milk and milk products collectively;

b) a style or method of cooking, especially as characteristic of a particular country, region, or establishment;

c) any of the foods or substances that are combined to make a particular dish;

d) a large long-handled spoon with a cup-shaped bowl, used for serving soup or sauce;

e) any of a class of nitrogenous organic compounds which have large molecules composed of one or more long chains of amino acids and are an essential part of all living organisms, especially as structural components of body tissues such as muscle, hair, etc., and as enzymes and antibodies;

f) a semi-soft frozen dessert made with sweetened and flavoured milk fat;

g) clarified butter made from the milk of a buffalo or cow, used in Indian cooking;

h) the thick white or pale-yellow fatty liquid which rises to the top when milk is left to stand and which can be eaten as an accompaniment to desserts or used as a cooking ingredient;

i) an aromatic or pungent vegetable substance used to flavour food, e.g. cloves, pepper, or cumin;

j) a food in the form of a paste or solid block made from roasted and ground cacao seeds, typically sweetened and eaten as confectionery.

VI. Find the false sentences using the information from the text. Correct them.

1. Tempering is one of the main cooking techniques.

2. When a hot liquid is mixed directly with a cold item like sour cream, the cold product will tend to curdle as the heat coagulates the proteins in the dairy.

3. A cooking technique used in the cuisines of South Asia is similar to tempering a cold item with a hot one.

4. Tempering gradually increases the heat of the cold ingredient.

5. Tempering is also possible when two ingredients have equal temperatures.

VII. Translate the following words and word combinations:

· supplementary

· to be altered

· to prevent from seizing

· to change composition

· pastry cream

· не следует путать

· кондитерское производство

· корень имбиря

· жаропрочный

· фрикаделька

VIII. Translate the recipe from the appendix illustrating tempering.




Deep Frying and Pan Frying

The general term frying means cooking food in hot fat or oil. Frying can be divided into deep frying and pan frying. It stands to mention that some sources maintain that there are two basic kinds of frying: deep frying and shallow frying. This classification seems quite debatable as shallow frying is obviously a kind of pan frying (in the broad sense of the word) because, like some other sub-methods (e.g. searing), it is done in a pan or any other similar cookware.

Deep frying is a cooking method in which food is submerged in hot fat or oil. In the strict sense, pan frying is a form of frying food in a pan characterized by the use of minimal cooking oil or fat just enough to lubricate the pan. This is how the term will be considered in this particular text. Further, it will be used in the broad sense, as a word describing any method utilizing cooking in a pan with hot oil or fat.

Difference between deep frying and pan frying:

Amount of Oil

Pan frying requires only a small amount of oil in the pan. Typically, the amount of oil used is enough to cover the food by about one fourth. In some cases, pan frying requires no oil at all, such as pan frying bacon. For deep frying, the food is completely submerged in oil which requires a lot of oil. Foods that are deep-fried cook much faster than those that are pan-fried because the food is not exposed to air.


When deep frying food, the oil is normally heated between 350 °F (176 °C) to 400 °F (204 °C). After deep frying, foods must be drained well to eliminate as much grease as possible before serving. Pan frying is done in oil that is approximately 350 °F (176 °C). It is harder to regulate oil in pan frying because it is a thinner layer.


Deep frying food gives food a crispy outside and juicy centre. Pan frying results in a browning of the food because it touches a surface. The food must be flipped at least once to evenly cook both sides. Some moisture is lost in pan frying because the food is exposed to air, whereas with deep frying, the food is completely covered in oil when cooked. When food is deep-fried properly, the moisture within the food repels the grease, which mitigates a greasy taste and texture. When food is pan-fried, if the temperature is not hot enough, the food will soak in the grease, leaving it tasting greasy and with an unpleasant texture.


Either method is used for most fried foods; however deep frying works better for onion rings, chips and cheese sticks. Pan frying is ideal for cooking bacon, potato pancake s and pork chops. With either method, food can be breaded by dipping it first in water, milk or egg and then placing it in bread crumbs.


frying ['fraɪ ɪ ŋ ] жарка

deep frying [diː p 'fraɪ ɪ ŋ ] жарка во фритюре

pan frying [pæ n 'fraɪ ɪ ŋ ] 1. в узком смысле – жарка на сковороде с минимальным количеством масла или жира; 2. в широком смысле – любой вид жарки на сковороде или подобной посуде для приготовления пищи

debatable [dɪ 'beɪ tə bl] спорный

cookware ['kukweə ] кухонная утварь

to submerge [sə b'mɜ ː ʤ ] погружать

to lubricate ['luː brɪ keɪ t] зд. покрывать дно тонким слоем

to drain [dreɪ n] обсушивать, удалять лишний жир с поверхности

grease [griː s] жир

serving ['sɜ ː vɪ ŋ ] подача

approximately [ə 'prɔ ksɪ mə tlɪ ] приблизительно

browning ['braunɪ ŋ ] подрумянивание

to flip [flɪ p] переворачивать

to mitigate ['mɪ tɪ geɪ t] уменьшать, смягчать

to soak [sə uk] впитывать

chips [ʧ ɪ ps] картофель фри (в американском английском используется french fries [frenʧ fraɪ z])

potato pancakes [pə 'teɪ tə u 'pæ nkeɪ ks] картофельные оладьи

pork chop [pɔ ː k ʧ ɔ p] свиной антрекот

to bread [bred] панировать

to dip [dɪ p] макать

crumb [krʌ m] крошка



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