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Место наречия в предложении.

Наречия неопределенного времени always (всегда), often (часто), seldom (редко), already (уже), usually (обычно), sometimes (иногда), soon (скоро), never икогда) и т.д. ставятся перед смысловым глаголом.


We often make experiments.

Мы часто проводим опыты.


Когда сказуемое состоит из нескольких компонентов, наречие неопределенного времени ставится после первого глагола.


We have already made this experiment.

Мы уже провели этот опыт.


Но эти наречия ставятся после глагола “ to be ”.


He is always present at the lectures.

Он всегда присутствует на лекциях.


Наречия, являющиеся в предложении обстоятельством места или времени, стоят либо в начале предложения перед подлежащим, либо в конце предложения.


Tomorrow I shall go to the library.

Завтра я пойду в библиотеку.


Наречия, относящиеся к прилагательному, причастию-определению или другому наречию, обозначают признак или степень качества и всегда стоят перед словом, к которому относятся:


highly important problem

чрезвычайно важная проблема




I. Is the word order right or wrong? Correct ones that are wrong.


1. Everybody enjoyed the party very much.

2. Tom walks every morning to work.

3. Peter doesn’t like very much football.

4. I ate quickly the dinner and went out.

5. I phoned Tom immediately after hearing the news.

6. Sue was here five minutes ago. Where she is now?

7. I met on my way home a friend of mine

8. I fell yesterday off my bicycle.

9. Did you go late to bed last time?

10. Did you learn today at the university a lot of things?


II. Put the parts of the sentence in the right order.


1. the party / very much / everybody enjoyed

2. we won / easily / the game

3. quietly / the door / I closed

4. Diane / quite well / speaks / German

5. again / please don’t ask / that question

6. some money / I borrowed / from a friend of mine

7. here / make sure / you are / by 11 o’clock

8. spoke English / our guide / fluently

9. you’ll see / at the end of the street / on your left /

a supermarket /

10. to bed / really / shouldn’t go / you / so late


III. Complete the sentences. Put the parts in the right order.


1. (for a long time / have lived / in the same house)

They ____________________

2. (to the bank / every Friday / go) I ____________

3. (her car / drives / every day / to work)

Ann _____________________

4. (been / recently / to the cinema) I haven’t _______

5. (at the top of the page / your name / write )

Please ___________________

6. (her name / after a few minutes / remembered)

He ______________________

7. (some interesting books / found / in the library) We ____________

8. (opposite the park / a new hotel / are building) They ____________

9. (home / did you come / so late) Why ____________

10. (on Monday / to Paris / am going) I ____________


IV. Rewrite the sentences to include the word in brackets.


1. We were on holiday. (all)

2. We were staying at the same hotel (all)

3. We enjoyed ourselves. (all)

4. Catherine is very generous. (always)

5. I don’t have to work on Saturdays. (usually)

6. Do you watch television in the evenings? (always)

7. Martin is learning French. He is learning Italian. (also)

8. That hotel is very expensive. (probably)

9. It costs a lot to stay there. (probably)

10. I can help you. (probably)


V. Are the underlined words in the right position or not? Correct the sentences that are wrong.


1. Tom goes always to work by car.

2. We soon found the solution to the problem.

3. Steve gets hardly ever angry.

4. I did some shopping and I went also to the bank.

5. Jane has always to hurry in the morning because she gets up so late.

6. We all were tired so we all fell asleep.

7. She always says she’ll phone me but she never does.

8. I cleaned the house and I also cooked the dinner.

9. Your car probably has been stolen.

10. He even can’t boil an egg.


VI. Complete the sentences. Use the words in brackets in the correct order.


1. I _____ her name. (remember / never / can)

2. I _____sugar in coffee. (take / usually)

3. Mark and John _____ in Manchester.(both / were / born)

4. Our car _____ down. (often / breaks)

5. We _____ a long time for the bus. (have / always / to wait)

6. I _____early tomorrow. (probably / leaving / will / be)

7. My sight isn’t very good. I _____with glasses. (read / can / only)

8. If we hadn’t taken the same train, we _____each other. (never / met / would /have)

9. It’s difficult to contact Jane. She _____ at home when I phone her. (is / hardly ever)

10. Sarah and Jane _____ for the job. (applied / both / have)


VII. Put the adjectives in brackets in the correct position.


a beautiful table (wooden / round)

an unusual ring (gold)

a new pullover (nice)

an old house (beautiful)

an American film (old)

a long face (thin)

a metal box (black / small)

a big cat (fat / black)

a little village (old / lovely)

an old painting (interesting / French)

soup (vegetable / delicious / hot)

a man (young / tall)

a song (Russian / old)

a shirt (white / old / cotton)





В английском языке очень часто существительное (одно или несколько) употребляется в роли определения к другому существительному, образуя цепочку слов или группу существительного.


В начале группы существительного может стоять:

1. артикль

2. местоимение

3. числительное

4. существительное в притяжательном падеже

5. предлог


В предложении может быть несколько групп существительного. Главным словом в такой группе является последнее, а все предшествующие ему слова являются определением к нему.


Существительное в функции определения переводится:


1. прилагательным:

Room temperature – комнатная температура

Limit pressure – предельное давление

2. существительным родительного падежа с переносом направо:

Grain export – экспорт зерна

A physics teacher – учитель физики

3. существительным с предлогом:

Atomic energy conference – конференция по проблемам атомной физики.


I. Translate into Russian.

A tennis ball, a London doctor, a wine glass, the sea temperature, a road accident, income tax, a television camera, a table tennis table, the hotel reception desk, work problems, my credit card, a seat belt, garden vegetables, a vegetable garden, health problems, a stomach ache, a weekend, a headache, the city centre, a well-known football club, the World Hockey Championship.

II. Complete the sentences using two of the following words each time.

accident belt card credit editor forecast newspaper

number road room seat shop weather window


1. This can be caused by bad driving. A roadaccident.

2. If you are staying at a hotel, you need to remember this. Your ____________

3. You might stop to look in this when you’re walking along the street. A____________

4. If you want to know if it’s going to rain, you can read or listen to this. The___________

5. This person is a top journalist. A ___________

6. You can sometimes use this to pay for things instead of cash. A ___________

7. You should wear this when you are in a car. A ____________


III. What do we call these things and people? Use the structure “noun+noun”.


1. A ticket for a concert is ____________

2. A magazine about computers is ____________

3. Chocolate made with milk is ____________

4. Somebody whose job is to inspect factories is ____________

5. The results of your examinations are your ____________

6. A hotel in central London is ___________

7. A question that has two parts is ____________

IV. Complete the sentences using one of the following:

15 minute(s) 60 minute(s) two hour(s) five day(s) two year(s)

six mile(s) 20 pound(s) ten page(s) 450 page(s)


1. It’s quite a long book. There are ______

2. It’s only a ______ flight from London to Madrid.

3. A few days ago I received a _____ letter from my friend.

4. I didn’t have any change. I only had a _____ note.

5. There are _____ in an hour.

6. We went for a _____ walk in the country.

7. At work in the morning I usually have a _____ break for coffee.

8. Mary has just started a new job. She’s got a _____ contract.

9. I work _____ a week. Saturday and Sunday are free.




1. Mножественное число имен существительных обычно образуется с помощью окончания –s, которое прибавляется к основе единственного числа.


Например: book – book s

mаp – map s

  -s / -sh / ch / -x / bus – buseschurch – churches dish – dishes box - boxes
-y baby – babiesparty – parties dictionary – dictionaries     but -ay / -ey / -oy / day – days monkey – monkeys boy – boys  
-f / -fe /shelf – shelves knife – knives wife – wives  

2. Ряд существительных образуют множественное число, меняя свою корневую гласную.


Например: foot – feet

Tooth – teeth

Man – men

Woman – women

Mouse – mice


3. Некоторые имена существительные, заимствованные из греческого и латинского языков, сохранили форму множественного числа этих языков.


Datum (данное число) – data (данные)

Phenomenon (явление) – phenomena (явления)

Crisis (кризис) – crises (кризисы)



  1. II. Однородные члены предложения могут отделяться от обобщающего слова знаком тире (вместо обычного в таком случае двоеточия), если они выполняют функцию приложения со значением уточнения.
  2. XII. Неударяемые конечные гласные в наречиях и предлогах
  3. Административное расследование: задачи, место и сроки проведения.
  5. Ваше постоянное место жительства. Адрес. Телефон.
  6. Виды медицинской помощи – определение, место оказания, оптимальные сроки оказания различных видов, привлекаемые силы и средства
  7. Выбор месторасположения трансформаторной подстанции, количества и мощности трансформаторов
  8. Геометрическое место точек. Теорема о геометрическом месте точек, равноудалённых от двух данных точек, в геометрической и аналитической формах.
  11. Глава 8. Место США в системе геополитических отношений
  12. Гражданская оборона (ГО), ее организационная структура, роль и место в общей системе национальной безопасности России. Гуманитарная направленность ГО

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