Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

I. Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. It is night. 2. It is difficult to change the plan. 3. The method is good. It is effective. 4. It is possible to understand the text. 5. It is a difficult situation. 6. It is my book. It is very interesting. 7. What time is it? It’s half past ten. 8. It’s time to go home. 9. It was my birthday yesterday. 10. It’s three miles from our house to the city centre. 11. How far is it from London to Bristol? 12. Does it snow very often? 13. It rains a lot in autumn. 14. It’s nice to see you again. 15. It’s a nice day today. 16. It is easy to discuss this question. 17. It is necessary to boil water for our experiment. 18. It was important to solve this problem. It occupied all his thoughts for hours. 19. It is said that the lecture on physics was very interesting today. The professor illustrated it with many experiments. 20. It is dangerous to walk along the road. 21. It’s not our fault. You can’t blame us. 22. Physics is a science. It treats the properties of matter and energy. 23. It is quite impossible to name a scientific problem Lomonosov didn’t turn his attention to. 24. It was desirable to compare the results. 25. It is said that these substances have similar properties. 26. It is well known that one form of energy can be converted into another one.


II. Put in it is (it’s) or is it, it or there.

1. What time …? 2. … rains a lot in winter. 3. We must go. … is very late. 4. … was a strong wind yesterday. 5. … true that Bill can fly a helicopter? 6. … was a nice day yesterday. 7. “What day … today? ” 8. I was afraid because … was very dark. 9. … possible to phone you at your office? 10. “Do you want to walk to the City Hall? ” “I don’t know. How far …? ”. 11. … was a storm last night. Did you hear it? 12. … a long way from here to the nearest shop. 13. … very important to know a foreign language. 14. …is much snow in Arkhangelsk in winter. 15. “… so nice to see you again”. 16. … has been raining for two days. 17. “… quite a nice house but I’d rather …was a bit bigger”. 18. … was a very long journey. I was so tired after …! 19. … a nice morning. How about going for a walk? 20. … seems that Earth is the only planet which can support life. 21. … difficult to contact Sarah because she is not on the phone.

III. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

a) Pay attention to the expression “It takes (took) …”

1. It took him some months to solve this problem. 2. It took radio signals a little more than 11 minutes to cover the distance from the Earth to Mars and back. 3. It will take scientists much time to find effective methods of utilizing solar energy. 4. It takes Jupiter about 12 years to revolve round the Sun. 5. It took him much time to write the report.


b) Pay attention to the expression “It is(was) … who (that)…”

1. It is with the help of the radio that we receive most of the information from the satellites.

2. It was in 1869 that Mendeleev published his Periodic table.

3. It was the Russian scientist Lodygin who invented the electric lamp.

4. It was Yury Gagarin who started the era of cosmic flights.

5. It is the gravitation that makes the satellites move round the Earth.

6. It was Lomonosov who stated that heat phenomena were due to molecular motion.

7. It is the thermometer that measures the temperature of a substance.





Эти местоимения стоят перед существительным и отвечают на вопросы: какой? , когда определяют качество, и сколько? , когда определяют количество.


1. Местоимение some обычно употребляется в утвердительных предложениях и соответствует русским словам:

а) какой-то, некоторый – когда определяется качество.


He has some English book.

У него есть какая-то английская книга.

We had some problems.

У нас были некоторые проблемы.

б) несколько, некоторое количество – когда определяется количество.


He bought some English books.

Он купил несколько английских книг.

We have some invitation cards.

У нас есть несколько пригласительных билетов.

2. Местоимение any также может определять и качество, и количество и употребляется во всех типах предложений. Оно соответствует русским словам:

а) какой-нибудь, сколько-нибудь – если any употребляется в вопросительном предложении:


Do you have any English book?

У тебя есть какая-нибудь английская книга?

Do you have any money?

У тебя есть сколько-нибудь денег?


б) никакой, нисколько – если any употребляется в отрицательномпредложении, например:


I do not have any English book.

У меня нет никакой английской книги.

в) любой (из) – если any употребляется в утвердительном предложении, например:


Any of these books is interesting.

Любая из этих книг интересная.

3. Местоимение no является отрицательным и имеет значение:

никакой когда определяется качество,

ни один ( из) – когда определяется количество.


Следует помнить, что в английском предложении, в котором есть местоимение no, сказуемое имеет утвердительную форму, но в его русском варианте сказуемое должно иметь отрицательную форму (с частицей не ), например:


There were no books on the table.

На столе не было никаких книг.

No pupil knew answer to this question.

Ни один ученик не знал ответа на этот вопрос.

4. Местоимение every – используется перед одушевленными и неодушевленными существительными в единственном числе и переводится словами каждый, всякий , например:


Every player was on top form.

Каждый игрок был в лучшей форме.

Исключением является случай, когда за every стоит числительное с существительным во мн. числе.

I go to Paris every six weeks or so.

Я езжу в Париж каждые шесть недель или около того.


Производные от « some, any, no, every».

Местоимения some, any, no, every в сочетании со словами body (тело), thing (вещь), one (некто), where (где, куда) и how (как) образуют слова, которые используются самостоятельно, а не как определения перед существительными.

а) в переводе русские частицы -то ( some - какой-то), -нибудь ( any - какой-нибудь), и ни- ( no - никакой) сохраняются почти во всех производных.


б) производные от отрицательного местоимения no делают все предложение отрицательным.


Somebody telephoned.

Кто-то звонил.

Did anybody telephoned?

Кто-нибудь звонил?

I did not buy you anything.

Я ничего тебе не купил.

Someone must help me somehow.

Кто-то как-то должен мне помочь.

I can understand nothing.

Я ничего не могу понять.

Let’s go somewhere tonight.

Давай пойдем куда-нибудь сегодня вечером.

  Производные от some, any
  some какой-то any какой-нибудь
body (обозначает лицо) somebody кто-то аnybody кто-нибудь
thing (обозначает предмет) something что-то anything что-нибудь (вопрос. пр.) все (в утверд. предл.)
one некто someone кто-то anyone кто-нибудь (вопр. пр.) любой (утв.предл.)
where где, куда somewhere где-то, куда-то anywhere где-нибудь, куда-нибудь
how как somehow как-то, так или иначе anyhow как-нибудь
when когда once когда-то ever когда-нибудь
    Производные от no, every
  no никакой every каждый
body (обозначает лицо) nobody никто everybody каждый, все
thing (обозначает предмет) nothing ничто everything все
one некто no one, none никто ни один everyone каждый
where где, куда nowhere никуда, нигде everywhere везде, повсюду
when когда never никогда always всегда
how как nohow никак in every way всячески, по всякому



I. Put in “some” or “any”.

1. I bought _________ cheese but I didn’t buy _______ bread.

2. I’m going to the post-office. I need ________ stamps.

3. There aren’t __________ shops in this part of town.

4. Have you got _________ brothers or sisters?

5. There are __________ beautiful flowers in the garden.

6. “Would you like ________ tea? ” “Yes, please.”

7. When we were on holiday, we visited _________ very interesting places.

8. I didn’t buy _______ flowers.

9. I didn’t have ________ money, so I had to borrow_________.

10. I was too tired to do _______ work.


II. Complete the sentences. Use some or any + one of these words.


air cheese help letters photographs

batteries friends languages milk shampoo


1. I want to wash my hair. Is there _____?

2. This evening I’m going to write _____.

3. I haven’t got my camera, so I can’t take _____.

4. Do you speak _____ foreign _____?

5. Yesterday evening I went to the restaurant with _____ of mine.

6. Can I have _____ in my coffee, please?

7. The radio isn’t working. There aren’t _____ in it.

8. It’s hot in the office. I’m going out for _____ fresh _____.

9. “Would you like _____? ” “No, thank you. I’ve had enough to eat.”

10. I can do this job alone. I don’t need _____.


III. Complete the sentences. Use “some” or “any”.

1. Ann didn’t take any photographs but, _____ (I / take).

2. “Where’s your luggage? ” “______” (I / not / have).

3. “Do you need any money? ” “No, thank you _____” (I / have).

4. “Can you lend me some money? ” “I’m sorry but _____”(I / not / have).

5. The tomatoes in the shop didn’t look very good, so _____ (I / not / buy).


IV. Complete the sentences with some- or any- + body / -thing / -where.

1. I was too surprised to say _____.

2. There’s _____ at the door. Can you go and see who it is?

3. Sally was upset about _____ and refused to talk to _____.

4. This medicine is very easy to use. _____ can learn to use it in a very short time.

5. There was hardly _____ on the beach. It was almost deserted.

6. I’m going out now. If _____ phones while I’m out, can you tell them I’ll be back at 11.30?


V. Complete the sentences with “something”, “anything”, “nothing” or “everything”.

1. _____ is all right, the patient is much better today.

2. Is there _____ interesting in the programme of the concert?

3. I couldn’t see _____: it was quite dark.

4. I saw _____ near the wood that looked like a tent.

5. Give me _____ to read, please.

6. I don’t know _____ about your town. Tell me _____.

7. I understand _____ now. Thank you for your explanation.

8. Is there _____ that you want to tell me?


VI. Open the brackets.

1. We haven’t _____ black stockings (no, any).

2. I don’t want _____ today, thank you (nothing, anything).

3. Didn’t you buy _____ potatoes yesterday (any, no)?

4. I didn’t see _____ in the street when I went out (anybody, nobody).

5. There is _____ at home (anybody, nobody).


VII. Complete the sentences with no, none or any.

1. There aren’t _____ pictures on the wall.

2. The weather was cold but there was _____ wind.

3. I wanted to buy some oranges but they didn’t have _____ in the shop.

4. I couldn’t make an omelette because there were _____ eggs.

5. “How many eggs have we got? ” “_____. I’ll go and buy some from the shop”.

6. We cancelled the party because _____ of the people we invited were able to come.


VIII. Complete the sentences. Use nobody/ no-one/ nothing/ anybody/ anyone/ anything.

1. That house is empty. _____ lives there.

2. Jack has a bad memory. He can’t remember _____.

3. Be quiet! Don’t say _____.

4. I didn’t know about the meeting. _____ told me.

5. Jenny was sitting alone. She wasn’t with _____.

6. I’m afraid I can’t help you. There’s _____ I can do.

7. The museum is free. It doesn’t cost _____ to go in.

8. She spoke very fast. I didn’t understand _____.


IX. Translate the following sentences into Russian.


1. Is there any ice in the fridge? 2. She said something to me but I didn’t understand it. 3. I didn’t take any photographs but Ann took some. 4. You can have some coffee but I don’t want any. 5. It’s a nice house but there’s no garden. 6. Did you meet anybody interesting at the party? 7. He hasn’t got anybody to talk to. 8. There is nowhere to go in this town. 9. “What’s that letter? ” “It’s nothing important.” 10. Someone is here to see you. 11. If anyone has any questions, I’ll be pleased to answer them. 12. Anyone who wants to do the exam must give their names today. 13. There were no shops open. 14. Nobody tells me anything. 15. None of the shops were open.

X. Translate the following sentences into English.


1. В библиотеке есть кто-нибудь? 2. В нашей библиотеке есть кое-какие книги на английском языке. 3. На другой день мой брат знал всех.

4. Расскажите нам все о вашем путешествии. 5. Под столом есть кто-нибудь? 6. Никто об этом ничего не знает. 7. Я никого не знаю в этом городе. 8. Дай мне, пожалуйста, что-нибудь поесть. 9. Он где-то в саду. 10. Кто-нибудь знает его адрес?




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