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Королевский институт управления, социологии и экономики

Королевский институт управления, социологии и экономики

Кафедра иностранных языков

Учебно-практическое пособие

По английскому языку для специальностей

Финансы и кредит»

Экономика на предприятиях машиностроения»

Королев, 2011




Учебно-практическое пособие.

КИУЭС, Королев, Московской области, 2011.




Учебно-практическое пособие предназначено для самостоятельной работы студентов очного и заочного обучения по специальностям:

08010565 «Финансы и кредит», 08050265 «Экономика на предприятиях машиностроения»,

Учебно-практическое пособие составлено в соответствии с требованиями Государственного образовательного стандарта высшего профессионального образования, утвержденного Министерством образования РФ и на основании учебного плана КИУЭС.


Рекомендовано учебно-методическим советом КИУЭС,

Протокол № от 2011 года.


Цель настоящего учебно-практического пособия – предоставить студентам очного и заочного отделений КИУЭС дополнительный материал для чтения на английском языке.

Тексты, вошедшие в сборник, могут использоваться как на занятиях с преподавателем, так и при самостоятельной работе студентов по специальностям «Экономика и управление на предприятиях машиностроения», «Финансы и кредит», Тексты для чтения, перевода и обсуждения предназначены для студентов 3 курса дневного отделения или сильных студентов 2 курса заочного отделения.

Работая с данными текстами, студенты смогут расширить словарный запас по специальности на английском языке, что может пригодиться будущим специалистам при чтении специальной литературы и для участия в дискуссиях.

Учебно-практическое пособие состоит из 8 глав. Каждая глава состоит из 3 текстов и упражнений к ним. Первый текст может использоваться для изучающего чтения, второй текст – для ознакомительного и третий текст – для письменного перевода.


Unit 1

Text A

Starting a business


Accounting methods Метод бухгалтерской отчетности
Annual General Meeting Ежегодное собрание акционеров
Anticipated income Ожидаемая прибыль
Business owner Владелец бизнеса
Business plan Бизнес план
Capital expenditure Капиталовложения
Capital growth Рост капитала
Cartel Картель
Cash Наличность
Company’s assets Активы (имущество) компании
Cost of goods sold Стоимость проданных товаров
Dominant firm Господствующая фирма
Economic of scale Преимущества крупных экономических объектов
Entrepreneur Предприниматель
Expansion Расширение
Financial projections Финансовый прогноз
Financial statement Финансовый отчет
Fiscal year Финансовый год
Fund (v) business Финансировать бизнес
Get (v) a loan Получить ссуду
Income Доход
Investor Инвестор
Joint-stock company Акционерная компания
Limited liability company Компания с ограниченной ответственностью
Line of credit Кредитная линия
Market concentration Рыночная концентрация
Mismanagement Неправильное управление
Monopolistic competition Монополистическая конкуренция
Monopoly Монополия
Monopsony Монополия одного покупателя (монопсония)
Natural monopoly Естественная монополия
Oligopoly Олигополия
Operation capital Оборотный капитал
Outside capital Внешний (заемный) капитал
Perfect competition Идеальная конкуренция
Primary sector Первичный сектор
Return Доход, поступления
S-corporation (sole-corporation) Единоличная корпорация
Seasonal trend Сезонный тренд (сезонная составляющая)
Secondary sector Вторичный сектор
Shareholder Акционер
Slump (n) Резкий экономический спад, снижение спроса
Start-up Ввод в действие, запуск в производство
Tertiary sector Третичный сектор
True owner Действительный владелец
Undertaking Предприятие
Unincorporated partnership Единоличное товарищество
Venture capital Капитал, вложенный в новое предприятие
Venture capitalist Предприниматель, идущий на риск


I. Read and translate this text:


Money and Time Spent Planning is your First and Wisest Investment!

Every year more new businesses are started than the previous year, and every year more businesses fail… One of the most often asked questions is, “What do I do to start up a business? ’ Here are a few steps to take, and things to consider, before opening a business.

The First Phase: Making a Personal Commitment.

Most new businesses fail within two years. There are many reasons for this, but one fact is known about successful businesses. In order for a business to success it must be properly planned from the beginning. Many decisions need to be made before the announcement ‘Open for Business” is broadcast.

Successful businesses almost always start with a comprehensive business plan with special attention to accounting and finance. To be successful, entrepreneurs usually need the help of professionals to complete the large amount of paperwork and planning involved. An investment brochure, professionally made and distributed, is often the only difference between a well-funded project and one that fails, simply because sufficient operating capital was not available. The day of going into your local community bank and getting a loan from them based on ‘a good idea’ are long gone. If an entrepreneur needs to go somewhere other than a bank, good paperwork becomes even more important! Venture capital is money that is risked. Those who risk money to entrepreneurs want to know that every important consideration of a business has been made and documented properly.

Entrepreneurs must plan to have an adequate amount of money to fund their business. Start-ups usually require more cash than anticipated by even the most conservative expectations. A new business requires sufficient capital to endure unexpected hardships. Without sufficient funding to get the business off the ground, to persevere through business slumps, to carry receivables, and meet inventory and staffing needs, a business most certainly will fail.

Phase Two: Deciding the Form of Business Entity

Once one has an unshakable decision to start a business, the next step is to decide what type of business the entrepreneur should form. When setting up a business several choices are available. Many things should be considered when making the choices. Some of the most important considerations are the tax codes and laws governing the degree of personal liability an owner must assume for his business. Foe example a business can be set up as an unincorporated partnership, a proprietorship, or limited liability company (LLC). In all of these companies the tax responsibilities of the company pass through to the owner. A business also can be set up as a corporation, which has its own tax consequences, but limits personal liability of the owner. Additionally an s-corporation may be set up which passes the tax liability through to the owners, but protects them from personal liabilities in other areas.

Many small business owners choose the corporate form of operation because of the protection it affords an owner’s personal assets. LLCs also provide this protection.

Establishing the form of the business is often the first area in which an entrepreneur must seek outside consultation. A person going into business for the first time should consult a qualified business professional and then employ an attorney to finalize the decision and perform the required paperwork and filings.

Corporation (2), venture capital, unincorporated firm, limited liability

  1. An Italian …………has received the commission to build the new rail road station.
  2. I hadn’t enough capital, but I was able to persuade a …………firm to invest money in my company.
  3. The principals in an…………are liable jointly and unlimitedly, personal property included, for their debts.
  4. A single shareholder, called the sole owner, is enough to establish a one-person…………company.
  5. In a…….., the shareholders liability is limited to their investment.


V. Match up these words with the definitions below:

Text B

Business plan


Annual percentage rate Годовая процентная ставка
Asset Имущество
Balance sheet Балансовый отчет
Bank loan Банковская ссуда
Benefit (v) the customer Приносить пользу потребителю
Break-even analysis Анализ точки самоокупаемости
Break-even point Точка самоокупаемости
Cash flow statement Отчет о потоке наличности
Develop (v) a marketing strategy Разрабатывать маркетинговую стратегию
Direct debit Прямой дебет
Equipment Оборудование
Financial management Финансовый менеджмент
Fixed assets Неликвидные активы
Income statement Отчет о доходах
Interest-only payment Выплата только процентов
Lease (rent) agreement Договор об аренде
Legal regulations Правовое регулирование
Market Рынок
Operating costs Эксплутационные расходы
Operating expenses Операционные расходы
Pay (v) its own way Окупаться
Plan (v) a budget Составлять бюджет
Product Продукт
Profitability Доходность, рентабельность
Real value Реальная стоимость
Road haulage Грузовые перевозки
Security Обеспечение
Service Услуга
Solvent Платежеспособный
Start-up costs Издержки на открытые предприятия
Venture Коммерческое предприятие
Year of operation Год финансовой операции

I. Read and translate this text:


Any worthwhile endeavour requires planning. Thinking through and writing up a business plan will help you to chart a steady course for your new business.

If you don’t know where you are going, you will end up somewhere else.

The business plan is a written document that clearly defines the goals of a business and outlines the methods for achieving them. It serves as your company’s roadmap.

A business plan:

- Acts as the management and financial blueprint for a business start-up and profitable operation of a business venture.

- Explain specifically how a business will function and details how a business will be capitalized, managed and marketed.


Business description

In this section of your business plan, you should provide a detailed description of your business. In describing your business, an excellent question to ask yourself is: “What business am I is? ’ Describe your products, services and market. Be sure to include a through description of what makes your business unique.

The description of your business should clearly identify goals and objectives. It should clarify why you are, or what you want to be, in business.


Products and Services

In this section of your plan, describe what you intend to sell, what it does, why buying it will benefit the customer, and what makes it unique or special.

Try to describe the benefits of your goods and services from your customer’s perspectives. Successful business owners endeavour to understand what their customers want or expect from them.

Understanding the customer is most important in winning customer satisfaction and in building profits.


Sales and Marketing

One key to successful selling is to know your customer – their likes, dislikes, needs, and expectations. By identifying these factors, you can develop a marketing strategy that will allow you to understand and fulfill their needs.

Know your competition. Consider their advertising and pricing strategies. If you understand why your competitors succeed, you can better position yourself to compete with them.

Plan your pricing strategy. Whether you price above or below your competition, first establish a policy. Then you can monitor prices and operating costs and adjust to ensure profitability.


Operating Requirements


In this section of your business plan, explain how the business will be managed on a day-to-day basis. Discuss hiring and personnel policies.

Discuss insurance, lease or rent agreements, legal regulations, and other operating requirements of doing business.

Account for any equipment necessary to produce your products or services. Describe the production process and delivery of those products and services.


Financial Management

Sound financial management is one of the best ways for your business to remain profitable and solvent.

To effectively manage your finance, plan a sound, realistic budget by determining the actual amount of money needed to open your business (start-up costs) and the amount needed to keep it open (operating costs).

In this section of your business plan, you need to prepare a sales forecast, cash flow projections, projected income statements, a break-even analysis, and a balance sheet.

Unless you are thoroughly familiar with financial statements, get help in preparing your flow and income statements and your balance sheet. Your aim is to understand the financial tools well enough to gain their benefits. Your accountant can help you to accomplish this goal.


Management Profile

The most important asset your business has is its people. It is important to identify the skills you need as well as those you possess, for any skills you lack will have to be hired.

This section of your business plan identifies the owners and key employees. It discusses the skills and experience they bring to the business.


II. Choose the right answer:

  1. Why is a business plan important?
  1. It is required by your bank
  2. It provides direction and focus for the business
  3. It is required to apply for an SBA Guaranteed Loan
  4. It acts as a blueprint for the business
  5. All of the above


  1. The Business Description section should answer the question:
  1. Who is my competition?
  2. How will my business be managed?
  3. What business am I in?
  4. What are my operating expenses?


  1. Becoming aware of the benefits of your goods and/ or service from the customer’s perspective helps to build:
  1. Company description
  2. Customer loyalty
  3. A good product price
  4. Sound financial management


  1. Identify your customers and their likes, dislikes, and expectations allows you to:
  1. Match your competition
  2. Operate your business more efficiently
  3. Anticipate business expenses
  4. Understand and fulfill customers’ needs


5.The following should be discussed in the Operating Requirements section:

  1. Insurance, lease or rent agreements and legal regulations
  2. A complete description of your products and services
  3. Your strategy
  4. The owners and key employees and their skills and experience


6.Financial Statements are very helpful for the new business owner because:

  1. They help to employ accountants
  2. Sound financial management is one of the best ways to remain solvent
  3. They make it possible to better define your product or services
  4. They help to determine employee policies


III. Read this letter and write an appropriate word below to fill each of the gap:

Text C

Getting a credit


I. Read and translate this text in a written form:

Bank Loans


A bank loan is an advance of a specified sum of money to an individual or a business (the borrower) by a commercial bank, saving bank, finance house or another financial institution (the lender). A bank loan is a form of credit which is of extended for a specified period of time, usually on fixed-rate term related to the base interest rate. The principle is usually repaid either on a regular installment basis or in full on the appoint redemption date. Alternatively, a bank loan may take the form of overdraft facilities under which the customers or borrowers can borrow as much money as they require up to a pre-arranged limit and are charged interest on outstanding balances.

In the case of business borrowers, bank loans are used to finance working capital requirements and are often renegotiated shortly before expiring, to provide the borrower with a revolving line of credit.

Depending upon the nature of the loan and of the degree of risk involved, bank loans may be unsecured or secured, the latter requiring the borrower to deposit with the bank collateral security (e.g. title deeds to a house) to cover against default on the loan. The lender may retain this security in the event of the default.

When a bank makes a loan, it is uncertain about whether the loan will be repaid. Low-risk borrowers default on their debts only for reasons beyond their control. High-risk borrowers take excessive risks with the money they borrow and frequently default on their loans. But banks have no sure way of knowing whether they are lending to a low-risk or high-risk borrower. Banks use various signals to distinguish between low-risk and high-risk borrowers and very often they ration or limit loans to amounts below those demanded.

In the case of individual borrowers banks use such signals as length of time in a job, ownership of a home, marital status, age.

If a firm is demanding a loan, the bank will use such signals as reliability of the firm, its credit worthiness, the purpose of the loan, the real value of the project, its recuperation period and many other factors, before it makes a decision if the loan should be provided.


Contents of Loan Agreements


Normally a loan agreement starts with a preamble, then very detailed articles of the agreement come, and finally a few annexes are given as a rule.

Among the articles of a standard loan agreement the following should be mentioned:

- amount of the loan

- use of proceeds of the loan

- disbursement

- repayment of principle

- interest, commitment charge and method of payment there of

- fees, expenses

- taxes, duties and other levies or charges

- payee and currency

- remedies

- cancellation

- particular covenants

- overdue payment

- waiver

- disclaimer

- arbitration

- evidence of authority

- collateral

- guarantee

- representations and warranties

- event of default

- assignment

- effectuation of agreement

- severability

- governing law

- language

- secrecy

- miscellaneous


As to annexes, the following can often be attached to loan agreements:


- confirmation of the loan by the lender

- letter of guarantee

- legal opinion

- amortization schedule

- disbursement procedure

- payment instructions and others.


II. Finish the sentences:

1. A bank loan is an advance…………….

2. A bank loan is a form of credit………..

3. A bank loan may take a form…………

4. Bank loans are used to finance……….

5. Bank loans may be unsecured………..


III. Match the equivalents:

1.Loan a) револьверная кредитная линия
2. To demand a loan b) документ, удостоверяющий право собственности
3. To grant/to allow/to make/ to provide a loan c) по частям
4. To repay a loan d) степень данного риска
5. A revolving line of credit f) просить кредит
6. Principle g) чрезмерный риск
7. Installment h) выплатить кредит
8. On an installment basis i) основная сумма кредита
9. Redemption j) ограничивать кредитование
10. Outstanding k) кредит
11. To negotiate a loan l) период окупаемости
12. Degree of risk involved m) давать кредит
13. Low risk n) не оплатить что-либо
14. Excessive risk/ high risk o) частичный взнос
15. Title deed p) страховать против неплатежа
16. To cover against default q) неоплаченный остаток
17. To default on smth r) получить кредит
18. To ration a loan to limit a loan s) погашение
19. Recuperation period t) малый риск


IV. Read the dialogue between a bank manager and one of her customer:

A: We’ve been short of space for some time now and finally we’ve decided we must move to bigger premises. We’ve looked at a number of properties in the area and come down in favour of this one in the centre of town.

B: How much are they asking for it?

A: $300, 000. But we think we’ll get it for $ 280, 000

B: I see. That’s a major investment for a firm of your size.

A: We realize that, but we see it as a valuable resource for the business which will help us to expand, and at the same time a sound investment.

B: I understand. Are you looking for a loan to cover the total price?

A: Well, we’ve considered that. We could raise $ 50, 000 by cutting back on management bonuses and one or two investment projects.

B: But ideally you’d like to borrow the full $300, 000

A: That’s right

B: What sort of term were you thinking of?

A: Well, either fifteen or twenty years. Could you give me a quote for both terms?

B: Yes, just a moment…I’ll check my tables. Well over fifteen years on fully fluctuating interest it’d be $ 3, 500 a month, that’s based on 2 per cent above current base rate. And over twenty years it’d be $ 3, 000 a month.

A: Well either fifteen or twenty years Could you give me a quote for both terms?

B: Yes, just a moment…..I’ll check my tables. Well, over fifteen years on fully fluctuating interest it’d be $3, 5000 a month, that’s based on 2 per cent above current base rate. And over twenty years it’d be $ 3, 000 a month.

A: Yes, that’s roughly what we calculated. I think we’d prefer the twenty year loan.

B: Right, let’s come back to that. Have you brought some up-to-date figures for me?

A: Yes, I have. As you can see, turnover is up on last year by about 20 per cent and profits look like being even better – about 25 per cent higher than last year. That means a net profit of abound $ 30, 000.

B: That sounds very healthy. Have you done any projections?

A: Yes, we have. As you know it’s difficult to forecast accurately in our line of business, but we reckon turnover should continue to increase at this sort of rate for the next five years and our margins, if anything, should get better.

B: Good, perhaps you can leave figures with me.

A: of course

B: What worries me is your cash flow-at present you’re operating at close to the limit of your $50, 000 facility – in fact, sometimes you are straying the wrong side of it. Do you see any improvement in that area?

A: Well, as you know, in our line of business, we’re always going to have a cash flow problem. As we expand, it’s difficult it’s difficult to avoid pushing up the need for working capital.

B: I realize that you’re thinking of taking on an additional major drain on cash. On the present figures, you may well have problems financing the payments.

A: We are confident we can get the sales to justify this investment. Also I’m sure you’ll find the security on the building is more than enough. We’ve had the property valued and been told is worth at least $350, 000. On top of that, our fixed assets stand at $ 75, 000 on the last balance sheet.

B: That’s true but what worries me is your current liabilities – to the bank and also your current creditors. According to these figures, that stands at nearly $90, 000


Complete the information according to the dialogue:

Reason for loan: ……………………………………………………………………………..

Amount of loan: …………………………………………………………………………….

Term of loan: ……………………………………………………………………………….

Interest rate: ………………………………………………………………………………..

Current installment: …………………………………………………………………………

Security: ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Type: ……………………………………………………………………………………….

Market value: ………………………………………………………………………………

Turnover: ………………………………………………………………………………….

Profits: …………………………………………………………………………………….

Assets: ……………………………………………………………………………………..

Liabilities: …………………………………………………………………………………


V. Answer the questions:

  1. How could the firm raise $ 50, 000 towards the cost of the property?
  2. What are the firm’s projections for turnover and profits?
  3. What is its current overdraft?
  4. Who does it owe money to?


VI. Match the words/expressions on the left with an appropriate combination on the right, to make am idiomatic phrase:

1. a short of a) figures
2. a major drain b) the wrong side
3. close to c) investment
4. our line of d) space
5. to come down e) business
6. a firm of f) calculation
7. to stray g) on cash
8. up-to-date h) in favour of
9. rough i) the limit
10. sound j) your size




Unit 2

Text A



Budgeting Составление бюджета
A cash with order Наличный расчет при выдаче заказа
Additional charge Дополнительная комиссия
Administrative costs Административные издержки
Advertising costs Расходы на рекламу
Advise Авизо
At sight По предъявлению, по первому требованию
Beneficiary Получатель
Bill of exchange Вексель
Bill of landing Транспортная накладная, коносамент
Budget table Бюджетная таблица
Budgeting period Бюджетный период
Cheque Чек
Commercial invoice Торговый счет-фактура
Confirmed letter of credit Подтвержденный аккредитив
Customs documentation Таможенные документы
Distribution costs Расходы на доставку
Documentary credit Документарный аккредитив
Draft Переводной вексель
Endorsed blank Индоссированный бланк, снабженный передаточной надписью бланк
Expiry date Истечение срока
Expiry place Место истечения срока
Explanatory statement Поясняющий комментарий
Financial results Финансовые результаты
Fixed costs Постоянные издержки
Herein Выше перечисленный
Insurance policy Страховой полис
Invoice value Стоимость согласно счету-фактуре
Irrevocable letter of credit Безотзывный аккредитив
L/c validity Срок действия аккредитива
Liquidity budget Бюджет ликвидности
Master budget Основной бюджет
Methods of payment Метод платежа
Open account Контокоррент
Opening bank Банк, выдающий кредит
Part shipment Частичная отгрузка
Payment against presentation of the documents Выплата по предъявлению документов
Production costs Издержки производства
Projected balance sheet Планируемый баланс
Results budget Итоговый бюджет
Selling costs Торговые издержки
Storage costs Расходы на складирование
Throughput Производительность, пропускная способность
To honour on presentation Оплатить по предоставлению
Transshipment Транзитная перевозка
Transport document Грузовой документ
Variable costs Переменные издержки


I. Read the text and translate it into Russian:


If a plan has been expressed in financial terms, we speak of the budget. Budgeting is the changing of operational plans (for example, for purchasing, production, research, or sales) into financial results. The budget shows the financial position the company will be in if all plans are executed. The possible financial results may be arranged as follows:

- A projected balance sheet: a balanced sheet for a date in the future.

- A results budget: a review of costs and revenues for a future period.

- A liquidity budget: a review of cash receipts and cash expenditures for a future period.

A projected balance sheet, results budget, liquidity budget, and explanatory statements are together described as the master budget. The master budget is prepared from, and consolidates, budgets for separate subunits of an organization (sales, production, distribution and finance) to give a single budget for the whole organization. The master budget is the keystone which demonstrates the overall position of the company if the plans are executed. If, on the basis of this projection, undesirable positions come to light, the management can readjust its policy. By trying out various scenarios, management can ascertain what the consequences of changes in its policy will be. Finally, the management makes its choice from the policy options so that the objectives will be realized to the maximum possible extent.

A budget fulfils various functions: it is both a tool and a compass for management. By periodically comparing the budget plan with the actual results (‘feedback’) company processes can be controlled. Control requires a set of goals (the budget) and feedback as to how well those goals are being met. Budgeting obliges the management to contemplate the future. The budgeting stages formally determine the internal cohesion and necessary harmonizing of company activities which may be functionally divided between various departments. In this sense, a budget is an important means of co-ordination.

A budget is also a means of authorization. The staff member responsible for a section of the budget is authorized to make expenditures to the extent given in the budget without the further consent of higher management. Thus, certain authority is delegated, and management is freed to direct its attention to the future. Intervention in the actual course of business is then only necessary if there are (significant) deviations in the actual results as compared to the plan. The budget makes ‘management by exception’ possible.

Although the budget is typically a reflection of the financial results to be expected from the planned activities, quantity budgets which are only concerned with the number of units produced can also be included in the total budget system. A quantity budget is also ultimately converted to financial consequences, so it can be integrated into the master budget, but the price effect is eliminated so far as the performance report on this function is concerned.

A good rule of thumb is to include in a budget only those elements which are controllable by the employee or manager concerned (controllability principle). Otherwise the budget would cease to be an accountability standard. An employee will generally not be accountable for changes in the general level of interest rates, to the extent that his or her strategic choices are to borrow long or short, to make a share issue, or to cover risks on the future market. Similarly at some levels and in some situations, wage levels are partially controllable by the personnel management. The most senior management is responsible for ‘the bottom line’, that is they are accountable for the end-result, be it profit or loss.


II. Put the terms into the box:

Labour costs, production costs, advertising costs, distribution costs, storage costs, selling costs, administrative costs;


Fixed costs Variable costs


III. Irrevocable Letter of Credit


Barclays Bank PLC

Manchester International Services Branch

Third floor, 51 Mosley Street, Manchester M60 2BU.UK

Phone: 061 228 3322 Telex: 667565 AnswerBK: Barman G



Nathan and Coles Limited Advice of

Nathan Road ( 1 ) Irrevocable Documentary Credit ( 5 )

London SE11 8JB Number: NJDC 603921

United Kingdom Date of Expiry: 31st August 2012 ( 2 )

Place of Expiry: United Kingdom

Amount: up to GBP 160, 000.00 ( 6 )

Up to one hundred sixty thousand

And 00/100’s pounds sterling

Our Advice Number: MADC 708447


Opening Bank: Applicant:

Barclays Bank of Canada Murray Corporation Limited ( 7)

PO Box 377 1052 Causeway Boulevard

Commerce Court Postal System Toronto

Toronto, Ontario

Canada 30th June 2011


Dear Sir(s)


This letter of credit is available with Barkley Bank PLC: by payment against presentation of the documents ( 8 ) detailed herein and of your drafts at sight drawn on Barclays Bank PLC, Manchester for 100 per cent of invoice value.

Documents required: ( 3 )

1- Commercial invoice in quadruplicate

2- Insurance Policy/ Certificate in duplicate covering marine and war risks for 110 per cent of the invoice value

3- Full set of clean o board blank endorsed port to port bills of landing marked notify Murray Corporation Limited, 1052 Causeway Boulevard, Toronto, Ontario


Covering the following goods:

16 – Printing machines Nathan and Coles model Caxton Excelsior 1470 ( 9 )

Cost, insurance and freight Toronto ( 4 )

Partial shipments: not allowed ( 10 )

Shipment from: UK port

No later than: 1st August 2012 ( 11 )

Foe transportation to: Toronto


Documents must be presented at place of expiration within 15 days of issue date of transport document and within the L/C validity.

Documents are to be accompanied by your drafts drawn on Barclays Bank PLC at sight marked ‘drawn under irrevocable letter of credit N TODC 603921 of Barclay Bank of Canada and quoting our reference number MRD 708447

Important: Please carefully check the details of this credit as it is essential that documents tendered conform in every respect with the credit terms. If you are unable to comply, please communicate with your buyers promptly in order that they may arrange a suitable amendment without delay. If documents are presented which differ from the credit terms, we reserve the right to make an additional charge.

We add our conformation to this credit and undertake that draft(s) and documents drawn under and in strict conformity with the terms thereof will be honoured on presentation.

This credit is subject to the uniform customs and practice for documentary credits (2010 revision), ICC Publication Number 500.


Yours faithfully


Specimen Specimen

…………… …………..

Authorized signature Authorized signature


IV. Look at the letter of credit. Read the explanations of the various sections below, and agree which explanation goes with which number in the document:

The Documentary Letter of Credit is a form of payment widely used in foreign trade. Most credits are similar in appearance and contain the following details:


  • The terms of contract and shipment (i.e. whether ‘EXW’, FOB’, ‘CIF’, etc.)
  • The name and address of the importer
  • Whether the credit is available for one or several part shipments
  • The amount of the credit, in sterling or in a foreign currency
  • The expiry date
  • A brief description of the goods covered by credit
  • The name and address of the exporter
  • Precise instructions as to the documents against which payment is to be made
  • The type of credit (revocable or irrevocable)
  • Shipping details, including whether part shipments and/or transshipments are allowed. Also recorded should be the latest date for shipment and the names of the ports of shipment and discharge. (It may be in the best interest of the exporter for shipment to be allowed ‘from any UK port’ so that a choice is available if, for example, some ports are affected by strikes. The same applies for the port of discharge.)
  • The name of the party on whom the bills of exchange are to be drawn, and whether they are to be at sight or of a particular tenor.


V. Translate this letter of credit into English:

Заявление на открытие аккредитива

Номер……..от ………2011 года


Просим открыть безотзывный, трансферабельный, подтвержденный документарный аккредитив.

Название и адрес ………………………………………………………………………….

Название и адрес бенефициара……………………………………………………………

Сумма (цифрами и прописью)……………………………………………………………

Исполняющий банк ……………………………………………………………………….

Подтверждающий банк ……………………………………………………………………

Частичные отгрузки: разрешены запрещены

Перегрузка: разрешена запрещена

Срок действия: ………………………………………………………………………………

Истекает в……………………………………………………………………………………

Доставка из …………………………………………………………………………………

10% поправка на: ……………………………………………………………………………

Сумма аккредитива: ………………………………………………………………………..

Количество товара: …………………………………………………………………………

Доставка в……………………………………………………………………………………

Условия поставки: морем, воздухом, ж./д, смешанным транспортом

Описание товара: ………………………………………………………………………………

В соответствии с контрактом………………………………………………………………….

Аккредитив исполняется путем платежа/акцепта/негоциации в течение …..дней против предоставления следующих документов:

- тратта, в двух экземплярах, выписанная на ……….., на полную сумму счета (аккредитива)

- коммерческий счет в оригинале плюс ….копии

- упаковочный лист в оригинале плюс …..копии

- сертификат происхождения в оригинале плюс …..копии

- полный комплект чистого морского бортового коносамента, подписанного на…….с извещением……..и с пометкой «фрахт оплачен/взыскан» плюс ……копии.

Оригинал и ….копии транспортного документа: авианакладная/ автонакладная/ ж/д накладная с пометками………..

Страховой полис/ сертификат в оригинале плюс………копии с покрытием стоимости товаров плюс …..% против грузовых рисков (institute cargo clauses), военных рисков (institute war clauses) или/ и забастовочных рисков (institute strikes clauses).

Страхование оплачивается нами, страхового документа не требуется.

Дополнительные документы: ………………………………………………

Дополнительные условия………………………………………………….

Плата за обслуживание аккредитива:

- Инвестбанку: с нашего счета со счета бенефициара

- Всем другим банкам за пределами СНГ/России: с нашего счета, со счета бенефициара

Документы должны быть предоставлены в течение….дней после выписки отгрузочных документов, но в пределах срока действия аккредитива.

Просим покрытие аккредитива и комиссии банка списать с нашего счета номер……..


Генеральный директор……………………………………….

Главный бухгалтер …………………………………………..

Оттиск печати


Text B



Actuary Регистратор
Assessor Оценщик страховых убытков
Claim Иск о возмещении ущерба
Compensation Компенсация, пособие по несчастному случаю
Comprehensive Всесторонний, детальный, тщательный
Consequential Косвенный ущерб
Cover Перечень рисков, охватываемый полисом, страхование
Employers liability insurance Страхование ответственности работодателя
Estimate (v) Оценивать
Excess Излишек, превышение
Exemptory damages Освобождение от уплаты возмещения
Full-time employee Работник, занятый полный рабочий день
Goods in transit Транзитный груз
Indemnity Возмещение ущерба
Insurance broker Страховой брокер
Insurance policy|certificate Страховой полис (сертификат)
Insured Страхователь
Insurer Страхователь, страховое общество
Liability Ответственность
Life assurance/insurance Страхование жизни
Loss Ущерб
Loss adjuster Оценщик ущерба
Medical insurance Медицинское страхование
No-claims bonus Премия за отсутствие рекламаций
No-claim discount Надбавка за отсутствие рекламаций
Part-time employee Служащий, занятый неполный рабочий день
Policy Страховой полис
Policy holder Страхователь, держатель страхового полиса
Premium Страховая премия
Product liability Страхование ответственности за качество продукта
Professional indemnity insurance Страхование от ущерба в ходе профессиональной деятельности
Public liability Страхование гражданской ответственности
Punitive damages Штрафные убытки
Reinsurance Возобновляемая страховка
Relief Средство судебной защиты, возмещение
Risk Риск, страховая сумма
Schedule Прейскурант, шкала
Seasonal employee Сезонный работник
Temporal employee Временный работник
Term Аренда на срок
Term insurance Страхование на срок
Third party Третья сторона
Waiver Освобождение от ответственности
Wrongful employment Незаконное принятие на работу


I. Read the advertisement of an insurance firm and translate it into Russian:

Liability Insurance


1) Standard coverage


Broad definition of insured includes full-time, part-time, seasonal and temporary employees, as well as insured entity and any subsidiary (as defined)

Broad definition of wrongful employment act includes discrimination, harassment (including sexual), wrongful termination, constructive discharge, wrongful failure to hire, wrongful demotion, retaliation, misrepresentation, infliction of emotional distress, defamation, invasion of privacy, humiliation, wrongful evaluation, and breach of an implied contract.

Bodily injury exclusion includes carve out for emotional distress, mental anguish defamation (including libel and slander), invasion of privacy, or humiliation.

Duty to defend policy language

Broad definition of claim includes written demand or assertion for monetary or non-monetary relief, including civil, criminal, administrative, or arbitration proceedings.

Loss includes punitive exemplary damages up to the limit of liability, where insure; most favourable jurisdiction language applies.

Automatic coverage for subsidiaries created or acquired during the policy period whose assets are less than 25% of the insured entity.

EEOC (or state equivalent) charges are covered

No international acts exclusion

No downsizing exclusion

No copyright/ patent exclusion

Full prior acts coverage

36 month extended reporting period is available if the named insured cancels or if the insurer or named insured refuses to renew

Non-cancelable by insurer, except for non-payment of premium

Worldwide coverage

No co-insurance

Limits of liability up to $5.000, 000

Deductibles available from $5, 000


2) Additional


Coverage enhancements for:

Co-defendants liability

Third party liability

Additional insured, including coverage for leased employees, independent contractors, volunteers, and spouses.

General partnership coverage including failure to make partner language

Costs of defense in addition to the limit of liability

Waiver of deductible (if a ruling of no liability is obtained)

Modification of ‘hammer clauses’ (50%/ 50% or 70%/ 30% co-insurance)

Choice of defense counsel

Risk Management Services:

Loss Prevention Manual

Guidelines for Reducing Exposure to

Employment Lawsuits

Toll-free Employment Practices Loss Prevention Hotline


3) Target Markets:


White Monitor is pleased to underwrite any sized account and most types of companies,

its target market can best be described as follows:

Companies employing up to 2, 000 employees. Companies with dedicated human resource professional or department.

Companies that already publish an employee handbook or written employee policies and procedures.

Coverage is not currently available to risks in the following industries:

Automobile dealerships

Credit reporting services, Educational services

Employment agencies ‘Professional employer organizations’. Government entities.


Hotels/ hotel management

Labor organizations

Political organizations

Real estate companies/ Real estate management

Temporally employment agencies

Tobacco companies

Strength and Stability

As part of the W.R. Berkley Corporation, Monitor has the size and financial strength to provide stability for our clients,

Expert Claims Handling:

Monitor lays a dedicated team of professionals, including attorneys, with experience in employment-related litigation. Their experience can provide comfort to anxious insureds when a claim arises.

Special Expertise:

Monitor has developed extensive relationships with experts and consultants who specialize in aspects of employment issues. These independent relationships allow us to develop loss prevention services to meet the specific needs of our insureds while keeping premium costs in balance.


II. Complete the words below to match the given meanings:

  1. Payment made by an insurer
  2. A document which is evidence that someone has insurance
  3. Covered by insurance policy
  4. Possibility that something might happen
  5. The amount charged for insurance
  6. Payment to help someone who has suffered loss or injury
  7. Insurance protection
  8. A small part of the total loss which should be paid by the insured person when he/ she makes an insurance claim
  9. A type of insurance which pays out on the death of the insured, or at a specific pre-determined time.
  10. A type of insurance to meet hospital costs after an accident or injury
  11. A person whose job to find appropriate insurance at an appropriate price
  12. S description of what happened and a request to an insurer to meet the costs resulting from the event.
  13. Someone other than the insured who suffers loss or injury in an accident
  14. A document issued by an insurance company describing the type of insurance offered and requesting payment
  15. A document describing an insurance agreement
  16. The period for which an insurance policy is effective


III. Mr. Smith has sent a claim form to his insurer after a fire at his restaurant. He receives the reply below. Complete the text with appropriate words from the box:

Claim cover legal costs policy



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