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Phrasal Verb: Look Forward To

· Other phrasal verbs with this verb?

look away, look through, look to, look at, look over

· Literal, figurative, idiomatic meaning?

Literal: To look at something in the front (not used often)

Figurative: To eagerly anticipate

· Separable or Inseparable?


· Example sentences:

I look forward to seeing you soon.

Susan looks forward to her vacation in July.

Phrasal Verb: Put Off

· Other phrasal verbs with this verb?

put on, put over, put up, put through, put away

· Literal, figurative, idiomatic meaning?

Figurative: to postpone something

Idiomatic: to make someone not like

· Separable or Inseparable?


· Example sentences:

Let's put the meeting off until next week.

Her attitude put me off.

Phrasal Verb: Make Out

· Other phrasal verbs with this verb?

make to, make through, make up, make off

· Literal, figurative, idiomatic meaning?

Figurative: to see in the distance

Idiomatic: to kiss a lot

· Separable or Inseparable?

Figurative: Separable Idiomatic: Inseparable (does not take an object)

· Example sentences:

Can you make the island out in the distance?

They made out for thirty minutes. It was disgusting!

Phrasal Verb: Take Off

· Other phrasal verbs with this verb?

take up, take over, take to, take in

· Literal, figurative, idiomatic meaning?

Literal: to disrobe - take clothing off your body

Figurative: to be successful

Idiomatic: to not go to work, take leisure time

· Separable or Inseparable?

Separable (Figurative: Inseparable)

· Example sentences:

I took my coat off and entered the room.

The new products took off. We sold more than 300, 000 in just one month!

I need to take some time off work.

Irregular verbs


Infinitive Past Simple Participle 2 Participle 1 Translation
to be was/were been being быть, находиться
to beat beat beaten beating бить
to begin began begun beginning начинать (ся)
to bend bent bent bending гнуть
to blow blew blown blowing дуть
to break broke broken breaking ломать
to bring brought brought bringing приносить
to build built built building строить
to buy bought bought buying покупать
to catch caught caught catching ловить
to choose chose chosen choosing выбирать
to cut cut cut cutting резать, рубить
to dive dived/dove dived diving нырять
to do did done doing делать
to draw drew drawn drawing рисовать, тащить
to drink drank drunk drinking пить
to drive drove driven driving вести
to eat ate eaten eating есть, кушать
to fall fell fallen falling падать
to feel felt felt feeling чувствовать
to fight fought fought fighting бороться, драться
to find found found finding находить, выяснять
to fly flew flown flying летать
to forbid forbade forbidden forbidding запрещать
to forget forgot forgotten forgetting забывать
to forgive forgave forgiven forgiving прощать
to freeze froze frozen freezing замораживать
to get got got getting получать, становиться
to give gave given giving давать
to go went gone going ехать, идти
to grow grew grown growing расти, выращивать
to hang hung hung hanging висеть, вешать
to have had had having иметь
to hear heard heard hearing слышать
to hit hit hit hitting удалять
to hold held held holding держать
to hurt hurt hurt hurting повредить
to know knew known knowing знать
to lay laid laid laying накрывать
to lead lead lead leading вести
to leap leapt/leaped leapt/leaped leaping прыгать, скакать
to leave left left leaving покидать, оставлять
to lend lent lent lending давать взаймы
to let let let letting позволять
to lie lay lain lying лежать
to light lit lit lighting зажигать
to lose lost lost losing терять
to make made made making делать
to meet met met meeting встречать(ся)
to pay paid paid paying платить
to put put put putting класть, ставить
to read read read reading читать
to ride rode ridden riding ехать(верхом)
to ring rang rung ringing звонить, звенеть
to rise rose risen rising поднимать
to run ran run running бежать
to say said said saying говорить, сказать
to see saw seen seeing видеть
to sell sold sold selling продавать
to send sent sent sending посылать, отправлять
to shake shook shaken shaking трясти
to shine shone shone shining светить, сиять
to shoot shot shot shooting стрелять, снимать
to show showed shown showing показывать
to sing sang sung singing петь
to sink sank sunk sinking тонуть
to sit sat sat sitting сидеть
to sleep slept slept sleeping спать
to speak spoke spoken speaking говорить, разговаривать
to spend spent spent spending тратить, проводить
to stand stood stood standing стоять
to steal stole stolen stealing воровать, украсть
to stick stuck stuck sticking прилипать
to strike struck struck striking бить, ударять
to sweep swept swept sweeping мести, подметать
to swim swam swum swimming плавать
to take took taken taking взять, брать
to teach taught taught teaching учить, учиться
to tear tore torn tearing рвать
to tell told told telling сказать, сообщать
to think thought thought thinking думать
to throw threw thrown throwing бросать, кидать
to wake woke woken waking будить, просыпаться
to wear wore worn wearing носить
to weep wept wept weeping плакать
to win won won winning побеждать





1 Коллектив авторов Универсальный справочник СПб.: ИД Весть 2002

2 Т.Г.Шелкова Деловой английский. М: Вече, 2000

3 Stuart Redman: English Vocabulary in Use (second edition) Cambridge 2009

4 Н.А.Бонк Учебник английского языка М.; Деконт+ 2002

5 R. Murphy: English grammar in use (elementary) Cambridge 2006

6 R. Murphy: English grammar in use (intermediate) Cambridge 2006

7 Robert O’Neill: New Success at first certificate Oxford 2005

8 Jan Bell: Matters. China 2004

9 Encyclopedia: Kazakhstan. Almaty 2000

10 Liz& John Soars ‘Headway’ Elementary Oxford 2004

11 Liz& John Soars ‘Headway’ Pre-Intermediate Oxford 2003

12 Liz& John Soars ‘Headway’Intermediate Oxford 2003

13 Liz& John Soars ‘Headway’ Upper-Intermediate Oxford 2004

14 Tom Hutchinson ‘Life Lines’ Oxford 2001

15 L.A.Hill Intermediate stories for reproduction Oxford 2002

16 E. Уолкер. New Grammar Practice Longman. Elementary 2000

17 E. Уолкер. New Grammar Practice Longman. Pre-Intermediate 2000

18 C.E. Eckersley Essential grammar M.: “Дело” 1992

19 Speak English’ журнал изд. Маршалл Кавендиш 2004 №11, 4, 7

20Steve Winder, Joseph CarrRadio and RF Engineering 2002

21 Anil K.Maini Digital Electronics, 2014

22 Internet recourses



Text 1 What design is and why it matters………………….........................................................  
Text 2 Design as a process…………………………………
Text 3 Approaches to design………………………………
Text 4Methods of design…………………………………...  
Text 5 Designer: definition and types………………………  
Text 6 Graphic design……………………………………..  
Text 7 Interior design………………………………………  
Text 8 Kinds of interior…………………………………….
Text 9 Why is furniture design so important? Furniture and accessories……………………………..
Text 10 Fashion design…………………………………….  
Text 11 A history of fashion………………………………..  
Text 12 Types of fashion…………………………………..
Text 13 (Environmental) Sustainable Design………………
Text 14 Design in the XXIst century……………………….
Text 15 Urban design……………………………………….
Grammar exercises………………………………………….
Grammar references…………………………………………
Irregular verbs……………………………………………….

S.K.Rustemova R.Zh. Babzhanova


Sent to the publication 03.07.2015: Signed for the publication 07.07.2015

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