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Translate the words and expressions.

a) commercial distribution, stainless steel, plastic pipelines, flexible plastic pipelines;

b) added flavours, frozen product, processing plant, flavouring and colouring matter, receiving station;

c) milk sugar, truck driver, farm tank, stainless steel pipelines, skim milk fraction, discharge pipe, fat content, butter-type flavour.


Choose the Russian sentences equivalent to the following.

1. Milk is pasteurized to kill bacteria.

а) Пастеризованное молоко не содержит бактерий.

б) Молоко пастеризуют для того, чтобы уничтожить бакте­рии.

2. То make butter cream is churned.

а) Для того чтобы получить масло, сбивают сливки.

б) Процесс получения масла из сливок называется сбивани­ем.

Match each sentence on the left with an expression on the right.

1. A product made from curd with or without added cream. 2. A dairy product which is churned from cream. 3. A frozen product made from a combination of milk products, eggs, water and sugar with flavouring and colouring matter. 4. A product similar to butter but made of hydrogenated fats with added butter-type flavourings and colouring. 5. Milk products fermented by bacteria. 1. Сливочное масло   2. Мороженое 3. Сыр     4. Кисломолочные продукты   5. Маргарин


Read and translate the text.


Most raw milk collected at farms is pumped from stainless steel tanks into tank trucks for delivery to processing plants.

Collection and intake

The truck drivers are required to check flavour, temperature and volume of milk in the farm tank and to collect a sample of raw milk for analysis before pumping the milk into the truck. At the re­ceiving station of the processing plant the milk in the farm truck is weighed and pumped into the plant through flexible plastic and stainless steel pipelines.

Separation and clarification

The actual processing of raw milk begins with either separation or clarification. These machines are essentially similar except that in the clarifier the cream and skim milk fractions are not separated.

Separators have two discharge pipes, one for cream and one for skim milk. Clarifiers have only one pipe for whole milk. Separators have a device called cream screw by which the fat content in the cream is regulated. This screw allows more or less cream to pass out through the discharge pipe.


Complete each sentence using a suitable word from below.

1. Fluid milk for commercial distribution is usually....

2.... is churned from cream.

3. Ice cream is the... product.

4. Cheese is the product made from....

5. Industry processing milk is called... in­dustry.

6. After separation whole milk is separated into two fractions: ... and....

7. Clarifiers have one pipe for... milk.


1. curd; 2. pasteurized; 3. whole; 4. cream; 5. butter; 6. dairy; 7. skim milk; 8. frozen

Read the text and write a logical plan to it.


The value of heat for the preservation of foods has been known for thousands of years, but it was not realized until the 19th century that a very mild heat treatment, far below the boiling-point, made liquid foods such as milk keep much longer. The discovery followed the work of the French scientist Pasteur on wine and beer. The process, called after him " pasteurization", is a carefully controlled mild-heat treatment. It was found that the process served two pur­poses: it prevented the souring of milk, and it destroyed the danger­ous disease germs which occur in some samples of milk.

Milk is rendered free of pathogenic bacteria by pasteurization. Milk is heated to a specified temperature and held at that temper­ature for a specified time. (145° for 30 min when milk is pasteur­ized in a vat or at least 161°F for 15 sec when milk is pasteurized continuously).

Pasteurization on a batch operation requires a jacketed vat where steam or hot water can circulate and heat the milk. This treatment requires the longer times at lower temperatures to accom­plish pasteurization (LTLT pasteurizer). Modern methods of process­ing milk and milk products utilize the high-temperature short-time (HTST) pasteurizer.

In Europe and to a limited amount in the United States milk and milk products may be ultra-heat-treated UHT). This process may use equipment similar to that used for HTST. The UHT pro­cessing requires a minimum heat treatment of 280°F for 2 sec. UHT dairy foods have extended shelf-life because all of the bacteria that would survive even HTST pasteurization have been destroyed.


Match each sentence on the left with the abbreviation on the right.

1. Кратковременный метод при высокой температуре. 2. Тепловая обработка молока при сверхвысокой температуре. 3. Метод длительной тепловой обработки молока при температу­ре. 1. LTLT 2. HTST   3. UHT  


Read the text and make up a summary of the text.


Many fermented or cultured products are produced from milk. These fermentations require the use of bacteria that ferment lactose or milk sugar.

Cultured buttermilk

Skim milk or low-fat milk is pasteurized at 180°F for 30 min, cooled to 72°F, and inoculated with an active starter culture. The mixture is incubated at 21°C and cooled when acidity is developed to approximately 0.8%. This viscous product is then agitated, pack­aged and cooled. The desired flavour is created by volatile acids.


One of the oldest fermented milks known is yogurt. Historically the people of the Middle East relied on yogurt as an important food item. Later consumption increased rapidly in Europe. Yogurt is prepared using whole or low-fat milk with added non­fat milk solids. The milk is heated to approximately 180°F for 30 min, homogenized, cooled to 115°F, inoculated with an active culture, and packaged. The product after inoculation is incubated until ap­proximately 0.9% acidity has developed and then cooled.

In the United States, greater sales are realized in yogurts that contain added fruit than in the unflavoured product. Three types are marketed: fruit mixed throughout, fruit on top and fruit on bottom. Yogurt is a custard like food and is generally eaten with a spoon.


Translate into English.

1. Что обычно делают перед перекачиванием молока из ав­тоцистерны на перерабатывающее предприятие? 2. В чем со­стоит основное различие между процессами сепарации и очи­стки молока? 3. Какова роль бактерий, используемых в производстве кис­ломолочных продуктов? 4. Какова кислотность сквашенной пахты? 5. Для чего добавляют в пахту летучие кислоты? 6. Где раньше начали употреблять в пищу йогурт: в странах Среднего Востока или в Европе? 7. Кислотность какого продук­та выше: сквашенной пахты или йогурта? 8. Какая разновид­ность йогурта популярна в США?


Read the text and talk about concentrated milk products.


To reduce costs of transportation and handling, either part or all of the water is removed from milk. Moreover, the partly dehydrated milk can either be sterilized of dried to permit unrefrigerated storage for prolonged periods. Many different milk products are produced for these specific reasons.

Nonfat dry milk is the product resulting from the removal of fat and water. In the dry form, nonfat dry milk can contain no more than 5% water and not over 1.5% fat.

Dry whole milk is the result of removing water from whole milk until the dry product contains no more than 4% water and not less that 2.6% fat.

Evaporated milk is the product that results from removing moisture from whole milk so that the final product contains no less than 7.9% fat or 25.9% total milk solids.

Sweetened condensed whole or skim milks contain not less than 8.5% fat and 28% total milk solids or 24% total milk solids. Enough sugar is added to prevent spoilage, usually 42 - 45%.

Condensed milks are the result of removing some water from the fresh fluid product. The concentration of milk solids is generally requested by the food manufacturer.

Translate the words and expressions.

milk by-products, low-cost replacement, because of, food fat product, contains not less than, water-in-oil, oil-in-water, specialized processing equipment, are finding increasing use.




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