Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Practice the dialogues. Change the words in bold, use the words in brackets.


1. A: How was your race? (race; game)

B: Awful! (great; not so good; very disappointing) I came in last. (come in first; draw 15to 15; lose 4 to 6)


A: Larry’s not a great football player. (outstanding skier; successful baseball player; splendid pilot; brilliant cyclist)

B: That’s true. But he is a pretty good swimmer. (terribly good skater; real good coach; exceptionally good team manager; awfully good gymnast)


3. A: Is beach volleyball (European football – American football; water polo - polo; tennis table – tennis) different from the volleyball you play in the centers?

B: Yes, it’s a very different game. Instead of six players on a team (a round ball; two teams of players on horse-back; rackets and a soft ball), it’s only two players. (an oval ball; two teams of swimmers; bats and a plastic ball)


4. A: Alex, since this is Sunday, I hope you don’t mind if we watch a football game on TV? (cricket game; baseball game; golf tournament)

B: Not at all, Bruce. I’ve been looking forward to watching one of your football games. (cricket games; baseball games; golf championships) As you know, football is not played in my country. (cricket; baseball; golf)


Role-play the following situations.


1. A Russian exchange student asks his / her American friend to give him / her some tips about recreation and sport at his / her host university. The Russian student used to do in his / her home country and would like to know if there are any sports facilities at the host university, what the registration procedure and fees are.

2. One of the roommates is an ardent athlete; another is a true “couch potato”. The athlete tries to persuade his roommate to take up sport. But the latter doesn’t like the idea of getting up at dawn, going to the swimming-pool or spending the weekend in the gym. His opponent tries to make him do at least his morning exercises.


3. The mother / father of a seven-year-old girl tries to persuade a tennis coach that his / her daughter is keen on tennis and is determined to be a tennis star. The coach warns the parent against the pressure of professional sport.


4. The mother and father of a seven-year-old boy are discussing what sport their son should take up. Each gives arguments for his / her favorite sport. The father wants their son to take up skiing or running as there are a lot of sport facilities and coaches in the city. But the mother would like their son to do tennis or basketball.


5. Two friends cannot come to an agreement about what to watch on TV. One insist on watching a boxing competition while there is a world figure-skating championship on another channel/ His / her friend wouldn’t like to miss it.


Speak about the role of sport in your life using prompts below.











Additive Anorexia Anorexic Avocado Bulimia Bulimic Butter Cancer to cause chubby Diet Carbohydrates Demand concern   to contain crisp Dietitian essential Fat fattening fertilizer fit Fizzy drinks fear food chain Junk food Health healthy, in good health to hide (past hid, p.p. hidden) income to improve to increase lack   to lead (past led, p.p. led) Modified food Nutrition Nutritional Nutrient Obese Obesity Pesticide plenty of plump Protein Rumor Saturated fat seed   семя, slim slimming Skimmed milk to solve Snack Sparkling mineral water Still mineral water Sugar free to slim down thin Tuna unhealthy unprocessed fat Vegan Vegetarianism a waste of time to weigh Weight Wholemeal bread to be good/bad for smb.   to depend on to be on a diet to be overweight to go on a diet to cut down on to eat healthily to get into the habit of to have a snack to lose weight to keep smth. up to put on weight   добавка анорексия анорексичный авокадо, аллигаторова груша булимия булимичный масло рак (онкология) быть причиной, вызывать\ полный диета* углеводы потребность интерес, участие, заинтересованное отношение содержать ломкий, хрупкий диетолог существенный, жизненно важный жир жиросодержащий удобрение в хорошей форме газированный напиток страх, боязнь, опасение пищевая цепочка консервированная еда здоровье быть здоровым прятать, спрятать прибыль улучшить увеличить недостаток, нужда; отсутствие чего-л. вести, приводить модифицированная еда питание питательный питательное вещество жирный ожирение пестицид, ядохимикат избыток чего-либо пухлый белок, протеин молва, сплетня жиры с высоким содержанием насыщенных жирных кислот семечко стройный способствующий потере веса обезжиренное молоко решать закуска, легкая закуска минеральная вода с газом минеральная вода без газа без сахара похудеть худой тунец вредный, болезненный, нездоровый необработанные жиры вегетарианец вегетарианство трата времени весить вес цельнозерновой хлеб быть полезным /вредным для кого-то зависеть от придерживаться диеты иметь чрезмерный вес сесть на диету уменьшить прием чего-л. правильно питаться взять за привычку перекусывать терять вес поддерживать набрать вес


*A person’s diet is the food they eat. It can be a balanced diet (all the right food the body needs) or a bad diet (too much of the wrong food). Some people diet / go on a diet which means eating less to lose weight.




A piece of cake To be full of beans A cup of tea In the soup As cool as a cucumber In a nutshell A hot potato An apple a day keeps the doctor away   A big cheese to know one’s onions Couch potato Apple of one’s eye Half-baked   Hard nut to crack     Make one’s mouth water Out of the frying pan and into the fire Sell like hot cakes Take something with a inch (grain) of salt Be like chalk and cheese пара пустяков энергичный, живчик любимое занятие, призвание в беде невозмутимый, спокойный вкратце, кратко, в двух словах злободневный вопрос Кто яблоко в день съедает, у того доктор не бывает важная персона хорошо разбираться в своей работе лежебока, увалень, лентяй “зеница ока” некачественный, неопытный, незрелый “Крепкий орешек”, трудная задача или человек, с которым трудно иметь дело “слюнки потекли” “из огня да в полымя” распродается как горячие пирожки сомневаться в   разные, непохожие, не имеющие ничего общего


Vocabulary Exercises


1. Insert the appropriate word or word combination from the box:





1. Rice is the staple … (= most important food) of many people in China. 2. I jog to keep …. 3. She's got a lovely … figure. 4. Regular exercise is good for your …. 5. I'm going on a … next week and hope to lose two kilos before Christmas. 6. There was a slight decrease in his … after a week of dieting.

7. … get all the protein they need from nuts, seeds, beans and cereals.

8. It’s so hard to ….

9. First of all … people must go to a psychologist.

10. I try to avoid ….


2. Look through the list of dishes and answer the questions:


1.Which dishes are suitable for vegetarians?


2. Which dishes are suitable for people on a slimming diet?

3. Which dishes are fattening?

4. Which dishes are junk?

5. Which dishes would you like to try?


3. There is a list of productsю. Divide them in two columns:

Divide them in two columns:




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