Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

XIII. Подготовьте устное высказывание о своей будущей специальности (10-15 предложений).

XIV. Выполните письменный перевод текста на русский язык. Выпишите из данного текста термины социальной работы



Social Workers can be based within residential settings, such as children’s homes, hostels and care homes, or in a field-based capacity working within the community. Either way, their role is very similar and involves providing counseling, advice and support to vulnerable adults or children, including offenders. The clients they work with may be drug or alcohol dependent, suffering from a long-term illness, experiencing mental health problems or the subject of some form of abuse. The role of the Social Worker is to assess their needs and the subsequent level of social and emotional support that they may require.

Residential Social Workers who work with children are responsible for ensuring that their clients are provided with a safe, secure and friendly environment and will organize various activities for them aimed at developing their life skills to enable them to live independently in the future. With adults, their responsibilities may also include helping them with the daily running of their lives including handling finances and benefit claims. Social Workers with elderly clients will be responsible for ensuring that their clients live a dignified, safe and comfortable life within their residential setting.

Community-based Social Workers work closely with a variety of clients including families where children are considered to be at risk. They advise on drug and alcohol issues, support offenders and help people with terminal illnesses adjust to their situation.

Social Workers form a vital part of an extensive support network which can include doctors, teachers, police and other health care professionals. They are required to demonstrate excellent counseling skills and the ability to develop positive relationships with their clients while remaining professionally detached. Acting on behalf of a caseload of clients necessitates good time management and the flexibility to be able to respond to the needs of a client whenever required.

It is not possible to practice as a Social Worker without a degree or postgraduate qualification approved by the General Social Care Council (GSCC), after which you can apply for professional registration. The degree can often be achieved through part-time study while also gaining practical experience in the field.

XV. Бренда Браун решила подать заявление на должность социального работника. Прочитайте её резюме. Как вы думаете, где должны располагаться следующие заголовки?

Don’t forget a Curriculum Vitae (CV) is often all a prospective employer has to judge you on, so creating the right first impression is absolutely vital.

Curriculum Vitae

Personal profile Personal Details Education References Other achievements and interests Voluntary work experience


Brenda Brown

17, High Close


CF18 7TL

Phone: 0325 491 0372


Energetic, open minded and resourceful.

I'm optimistic, have a good sense of humour and get on easily with people of all ages.

My long term aim is to train as a Social Worker but I would like to get several years practical experience before returning to study for a professional qualification.



Oldhill School, Cardiff


Central Sixth Form College, Cardiff



English Language B

English Literature B

Design Technology B

French B

Biology B

Maths C

History C

A Levels


Psychology C

Sociology D


2008 and 2009

Volunteer play worker on the Rosehill Estate's summer play scheme for 5 - 11 year olds. My involvement was helping organize and supervise a range of activities, including:

Volleyball competition

Day trips to farms, museums and swimming baths

Poetry writing competition

Girls rugby tournament


School Community Service Project with Alzheimer's Society


Swimming, hockey and golf

Scenery construction and painting for the Youth Drama Group

Pony trekking


Brenda Williams

a qualified professional social worker

the Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC)

XVI. Напишите своё резюме.


В заданиях I–IIустановите соответствие между английскими и русскими терминами.


1. schoolsocialwork a) геронтологическая социальная работа
2. medical socialwork b) социальная работа в психиатрии
3. police social work c) социальная работа в полиции
4. psychiatricsocialwork d) социальная работа в школе
5. gerontological social work e) медицинская социальная
  f) работа социальная работа на производстве


1. abuse a) болезнь, расстройство
2. adjustment b) поведение
3. assessment c) лечение уход
4. support d) приспособляемость, привыкание
5. behavior e) нищета, нужда
6. community f)недостаток
7. disability g) нетрудоспособность, инвалидность
8. disorder h) поддержка
9. treatment i) сообщество
10. distress j)злоупотребление
  k) оценка

В заданиях III–Vвыберите термин, являющийся синонимом подчеркнутому


psychiatric social work1. clinical social work

2. independent social work

3. medical socia l work


occupational social work1. industrial social work

2. international social work

3. school social work



2. disorder

3. disfunction

В заданиях VI–Xвыберите термин, который нужно поставить в предложение

VI … provides people with workplaces through employer-funded programs.

1. radical social work; 2. independent social work; 3. occupational social work

VII … is oriented to helping people who live in agricultural areas.

1. independent social; work; 2. rural social work; 3. youth social work

VIII … works closely with women and children to identify their needs.

1. school social worker; 2. family support worker; 3. voluntary worker

IX … helps students make satisfactory adjustments.

1. psychological social work 2. school social work 3. child care work

X … is professional social work practice to provide a variety of social services to victims of crimes, and their families.

1. police social work; 2. psychological social work; 3. preventive social work



I. Прочитайте и выучите новые термины и терминологические сочетания

almoner 1.ист.раздающий милостыню (должностное лицо при дворе или религиозной организации); 2.уст. работник сферы социального обслуживания

hospital almoner уст.работник сферы социального обслуживания, ведающий оплатой лечения и бытовым обслуживанием больных

medical almoner уст. работник сферы социального обслуживания, ведающий оплатой лечения и бытовым обслуживанием больных

aged престарелый

alms милостыня

assistance помощь

charitablework благотворительная работа

guardian опекун, попечитель

law закон

PoorLaw ист.закон о бедных

orphan сирота

overseer надзиратель, надсмотрщик

poor бедный

ист.guardian of the poor попечитель бедных

ист.overseerofthepoor попечитель по призрению бедных

poverty бедность

official должностное лицо, служащий

sick больной

unemployed безработный

welfare благополучие

welfareofficer работник по вопросам социального обеспечения

welfarestate государство всеобщего благосостояния

II. Установите соответствия между следующими терминами социальной работы на русском и английском языках

1) assistance 2) official 3) unemployed 4) overseer 5) alms 6) orphan 7) welfare 8) guardian 9) poor 10) poverty a) надзиратель, надсмотрщик b) сирота c) помощь d) благополучие e) милостыня f) опекун g) бедный h) бедность i) отсутствие работы j) должностное лицо, служащий

III. Прочитайте следующие интернациональные слова и переведите их на русский язык

act Europe facts financial industrial information monastery organization organized parliament problem reform revolution shocking system

IV. Прочитайте текст и выполните задания к нему




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