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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Before you start listening read the vocabulary.

worm– n, червеобразное животное

epigenome – n, эпигеном ( совокупность эпигенетических механизмов, которые решают, какие гены в клетке активны, а какие нет)

affect - v, влиять

see-through – adj, прозрачный, видимый насквозь

invertebrate – n, беспозвоночное

persist – v, упорствовать; настойчиво продолжать; выживать

offspring - n, потомство

retain –v, сохранять; удерживать

gene – n, ген; фактор

respond – v, отвечать; реагировать

Ex. 2 A. Decide which statements are true. Correct the wrong statements.

1. Weightlessness can cause bone loss, tiredness.

2. Worms are seldom used in medical studies.

3. 30% of worm DNA is the same as human DNA.

4. The epigenome are chemical markers that tell the DNA in the cells how to perform.

5. C. elegans are bacteria living in water

6. Scientists put the worms in a container with vacuum in order to study how they act in the weightless environment.

7. Scientists can find genes in the human genome similar to those in the worms that responded to microgravity.

8. Worms will be sent to Mars in two years.


Ex. 3 A. Multiple choice. Read the questions and choose the right answer.

1) Why are scientists experimenting with ​ C. elegans worms?

а)The worms have DNA that is similar to that of humans.

b)The scientists want to help future astronauts.

c) The worms have a short life span of only two weeks.

d) The scientists are using them for all of these reasons.

How did the scientists create a weightless environment for the worms?

a)The scientists sent the worms up in a rocket.

b)They put them into a container of water.

c)The scientists put the worms in a rotating container.

d)They sent them into the air on a plane.


What are the scientists looking for in their worm experiments?

a)Changes to the worms' epigenome.

b)Signs of the worms getting airsick.

c)Changes to the worms' social structure.

d)Changes to the worms' reproductive system.


4.How does ​ Chandran Sabanayagam hope to apply his research?

a) He thinks a medication can be developed from the worms.

b) Mr. Sabanayagam hopes to develop health tests for astronauts.

c) He hopes to find out how to grow worms in space.

d) Mr. Sabanayagam wants to change the astronauts' genome.


Ex. 4 Discoveries:

Students A stronglybelieve discoveries in space are very important;

Students B stronglybelieve they are not. Change partners again and talk about your conversations. Use the following phrases:

Space research is a waste of money. vs. Space research is money well spent.

Ex. 5 Read the title and subheading of the magazine article:

Over 18, 300 apply for 14 astronaut jobs (22nd February, 2016) A record number of people have applied to NASA to be part of its astronaut training program. NASA said it received over 18, 300 applications for just 14 jobs. Human resources officials at NASA will now spend the next 18 months looking at the applications to select the best ones. It plans to announce the successful applicants in the middle of 2017.

What do you think trainee astronauts have to do? Complete this table with your partner(s).

What they have to do
New skills

Lesson 4. Objectives –to revise/summarize grammar of the Module, to encourage students to speak on the topics of the Module.


Grammar Revision (Modal Verbs)

Ex. 1. Complete the sentences with the modal verbs in the box (some modal verbs can be used more than once)

can/cannot could may might must should ought to need be able


1. Gravity has an infinite range, although its effects _____ become increasingly weaker on farther objects.

2. Materials-science experiments on the space station _______ allow researchers to study processes that are important in the formation of alloys, ceramics, and other materials.

3. Complexity in the Universe __________be explained by Gravity.

4. Although the Kristall module failed to create absolutely pure chips, they were purer than those they ___________create within Earth's gravitational field.

5. You _____________see the gravitational waves with your eyes.

6. It was Einstein who said these gravitational waves __________ be observable.

7. Improvements in properties of materials in weightlessness __________ lead to the development of valuable drugs, high-strength, temperature-resistant ceramics and alloys and faster computer chips.

8. One _________ know that we`ll ________ a lot of specialists who will ________ to work and live in space for a long time.

9. It ____________ be hard to understand, but those gravitational waves expand and contract space and time as they move through space.

10. Astronauts __________ learn skills such as spacewalking, teamwork and operating spacecraft systems.

Ex. 2 Translate into English.

1. Производство новых сверхпроводящих и композитных материалов в космосеможет открыть перед учеными и инженерами новые возможности. 2. Благодаря невесомости они смогут развить новые свойства таких материалов. 3. Но космические системы должныобладать условиями глубокого вакуума и достаточно низкими температурами для производства таких материалов. 4. Новые материалы, возможно, найдут широкое применение в космических термоядерных энергетических установках (thermonuclear propulsion systems). 5. И в будущем нам больше не нужно будет (не придется) доставлять топливо в космос. 6. Космонавтам нужнообладать широкими знаниями в разных областях науки, чтобы реализовать такие проекты. 7. Сегодня никто еще не может ответить на вопрос: “Когда мы сможем наладить (set up) космическое производство? ”

Ex. 3 Make questions (? ) or negatives (-).

1. In the nearest future China will be able to become the leader in space exploration. (-)

2. We will have to live in space one day. (? )

3. The astronaut profession is considered to be one of the riskiest in the world. (? )

4. Living in space would be crazy. (-)

5. Engineers could carry out complex tasks to apply new technologies. (? What….)

6. Special spacesuits must be used by astronauts for working in outer space. (-)

7. In accordance with the space programme cosmonauts are to study the properties of materials in space. (? )

8. Astronauts can use hot water to make hot meals that are tasty and nutritious. (? Who…)




Ex. 4. Debate these fun arguments for just two minutes each. Student A agrees with the first argument, Student B, with the second. Use the following expressions:

In my opinion, ….. From my point of view….. I believe…… In the future, I think….

I don`t agree with you… I don`t really think… I`m afraid I can`t agree with that idea…


Living in space would be crazy. vs. Living in space would be awesome.

b. Weightlessness would be wonderful. vs. Weightlessness would be boring.

c. Being on Earth is more beautiful. vs. Looking at the earth is more beautiful.

d. An astronaut is the best job in the world. vs. There are better jobs.

e. Living in space is bad for your health. vs. Living on Earth is bad for your health.

f. A holiday in space would be exciting. vs. A holiday in space would be stressful.

g. We will have to live in space one day. vs. We will always be able to live on Earth.

h. China will be the leader in space exploration. vs. Russia will always be first.

i. Space research is a waste of money. vs. Space research is money well spent.

Ex. 5. With your partner, take turns to ask each other questions.

STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

1) What springs to mind when you hear the word 'space'?

2) How interested are you in space?

3) What do you think about what you read about gravitational waves?

4) What do you know about Einstein?

5) What do you know about Einstein's General Theory of Relativity?

6) What do you want to know about space?

7) Do you think there is life on other planets?

8) Would you like to research in space?

9) Did you like reading articles of this Module? Why/not?

STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

10) What is the most important discovery ever?
11) What is the most important invention ever?
12) What questions are there about our universe?
13) Will everything in science fiction movies come true?
14) Would you be a good scientist?
15) Do you think we will find something in space we won't like?
16) What did you like about science at school?
17) What will space research be like in 100 years from now?
18) What questions would you like to ask the scientists?

Ex. 6 Make presentations in Power Point on the topic “Advances in Space Research”. (Use the texts “Creating Materials in a Weightless Environment” and “Gravitational Waves Detected, Einstein Is Right”, and your own findings). The following websites might be helpful:

http: //www.nasa.gov National Aeronautics and Space Administration

http: //www.esa.int - European Space Agency

http: //www.federalspace.ru/ Russian Space Agency

http: //space.skyrocket.de/

http: //www.planet4589.org/space/

http: //www.spacefacts.de

http: //www.space.com

http: //spaceflight.nasa.gov

http: //www.spacelist.org

http: //www.russianspaceweb.com/

Ex. 7[10] Translate into English using grammar and vocabulary of the Module.

1. Изменение физических свойств материалов можно изучать на борту космической станции.

2. В результате экспериментов в условиях невесомости ученые должны найти способы устранения примесей в материалах

3. Громоздкие (bulky) конструкции не нужно доставлять с Земли, так как их следует изготавливать на борту станции.

4. Компания “ Made in Space” смогла создать технологию 3Д печати, которая может быть использована для замены поврежденных деталей непосредственно на МКС

5. Иногда космонавты вынуждены изготовлять деталь вне МКС в вакууме космоса.

6. Новая технология позволила производить инструменты на борту, что необходимо для длительных (long term) космических полетов.

7. Тестирование, которое пришлось проводить в вакуумной камере (chamber), подтвердило, что механические свойства полученного материала отличаются от свойств материала, произведенного в земной атмосфере.

8. В соответствии с международной научно-образовательной программой специалисты российского сектора МКС смогли использовать отслуживший (retired) космический скафандр Орлан-М для создания мини-спутника.

[1] https: //www.youtube.com/watch? v=FLmwRKlcuv8 (file 1.1)

[2] http: //learningenglish.voanews.com/content/kelly-and-kornienko-land-on-solid-ground/3215118.html (file 1.2)

[3] http: //www.bbc.co.uk/science/space/universe/questions_and_ideas/gravity

http: //www.bbc.co.uk/science/space/universe/questions_and_ideas/general_relativity#default

[4] This activity could either be as a class activity or as a home assignment

[5] http: //learningenglish.voanews.com/media/video/everyday-grammar-tv/3137097.html? z=0& zp=1 (file 2)

[6] По материалам http: //www.scienceclarified.com/scitech/Space-Stations/Research-and-Experiments.html#ixzz40M3Pi5Z7


[7] http: //learningenglish.voanews.com/content/everyday-grammar-may-might-must-modals-certainty/2887387.html (file 3)

[8] http: //learningenglish.voanews.com/content/eistein-is-proven-right/3188629.html (file 4.1 or 4.2)

[9] http: //learningenglish.voanews.com/media/video/2673596.html

[10] This exercise can be set as homework after the test for a strong group.



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