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Текст 2 О несамоуправляющихся территориях (ООН, 1999 г.)

Господин Председатель,

Прежде всего мне хотелось бы вновь поблагодарить органи­заторов семинара в лице постоянного представителя Сент-Лю­сии за гостеприимство и четкость в проведении этого важного мероприятия

Что касается оценки семинара как такового, то он, безуслов­но, служит полезной цели, которая состоит в проведении обсто­ятельного обмена мнениями с представителями несамоуправля­ющихся территорий В этой связи хотелось бы отметить весьма ценные с информативной точки зрения выступления представи­телей Гуама и Восточного Тимора

Наряду с этим вынуждены отметить, что некоторые из веду­щих экспертов были явно не готовы к разговору по существу, а выступления других скорее походили на чтение лекций, в кото­рых звучали откровенно азбучные истины.

Вместо этого, как нам представляется, следовало бы поду­мать о насыщении семинаров более содержательными идеями В качестве иллюстрации этого вывода хочу высказать предложение, что для участников семинара было бы куда интереснее ознакомиться с деталями хода урегулирования в Западной Сахаре и Восточном Тиморе Не сомневаюсь, что если бы мы запросили

подготовленные Секретариатом проект автономии для Восточ­ного Тимора или документы по подготовке референдума в За­падной Сахаре, то дискуссия на семинаре оказалась бы значи­тельно более приближенной к реалиям сегодняшнего дня

Убеждены, что при подготовке региональных семинаров мы должны проявлять больше творческих подходов.

В заключение хотелось бы изложить нашу позицию относи­тельно предложения об одобрении доклада семинара Мы счита­ем целесообразным придерживаться практики последних лет и принять к сведению материалы этого мероприятия Такой под­ход объясняется очень просто нам не хотелось бы, чтобы выво­ды и рекомендации такого рода мероприятий, в том числе идеи, высказанные экспертами и представителями неправительствен­ных организаций, получали статус полновесных рекомендаций после того, как соответствующий доклад нашего спецкомитета будет одобрен Генеральной Ассамблеей Нам следует весьма ос­торожно относиться к вопросу о переводе тех или иных доку­ментов из одного статуса в качественно другое положение

Вместе с тем мы готовы пойти навстречу пожеланиям тех чле­нов комитета, которые хотели бы обеспечить максимально ши­рокое распространение материалов семинара в Сент-Люсии В этой связи мы были бы готовы принять к сведению доклад се­минара и издать его в качестве приложения к докладу комитета Таким образом будут решены обе задачи, а именно сохранен официальный статус доклада семинара, и создана возможность для ознакомления с идеями, звучавшими на этом мероприятии

* * *

Mr President,

First of all I would like once again/once more to thank the organizers of the seminar, that is/I mean/namely/the permanent representative of St Lucia for the hospitality and superb organization shown us at/which characterized this important meeting/gathering

As regards our view of/an assessment of/to sum up the seminar, it clearly/obviously/unquestionably has served a useful goal/is very useful/that is/namely/of providing/to provide for/conduct a substantive/full/exchange of views with representatives of the non-selfgoverning territories Here/in this connection/therefore/I would like to mention/take note of/flag/refer to/indicate the highly informative statement/speeches by the representatives of Guam and East Timor

At the same time I/we would/should also/like to/must/point out that some of the leading/most important/outstanding/experts were obviously/clearly/evidently not prepared/ready for substantive talks/ discussion, and the statements of others were reminiscent of/resembled/smacked of lectures, filled with evident/obvious/well-known/simplistic/concepts/ideas/platitudes/self-evident truths/truisms.

Instead of that/in fact/indeed/as we see it/thought should have been given to/it would have been worth making/the seminars more substantive/worthwhile As an example, I would like to/may I/suggest that it would have been much more interesting for the seminar participants to learn about the details of the settlement process in the Western Sahara and in East Timor I have no doubt/it is clear to me/that if we had asked for/had we asked for/requested/the draft on autonomy for East Timor or the documents on the referendum in the Western Sahara prepared by the Secretariat, the seminar discussion would have been much more/realistic/in tune with today's realities/relevant to contemporary events.

We are convinced that in preparing the regional seminars we need to engage in more creative thinking/take a more creative approach.

In conclusion I would like to state our position regarding the proposal for approval of the seminar report We find/deem/believe it advisable/expedient/to follow/maintain/keep to/stick to/the practice of/the tradition of/to do/what we have done in/previous years and to take note of the materials used at the seminar Such an approach is simple/there is a simple reason for this/the reason for this is clear we would not like the conclusions and recommendations of this kind of activity/project, including the ideas expressed/voiced by experts and representatives of NGOs to be given the status of full-fledged recommendations following/after the adoption of our report/of the report of our special committee/by the General Assembly We should act with great care/restraint/be extremely cautious/in regard to/regarding the issue of changing the qualitative status of any documents

At the same time, we are ready to go along with/satisfy the wishes of/accommodate/those members of the committee, who wish to/wishing to ensure/provide/arrange for the broadest possible distribution of the materials from the St Lucia seminar Therefore/For this reason we would be ready to take note of the seminar report and to issue/publish it as an addendum/annex to the report of the committee This will resolve both issues/questions retaining/maintaining/keeping the official status of the seminar report and providing an opportunity to learn of/see/become familial with/spread the ideas expressed/discussed/heard at this meeting/gathering



1) прежде всего — can be rendered as " first of all, " " above all, " or, more
formally, " first and foremost " In this case it in fact means " at the outset"
or " here and now."

2) в лице — does not require translation In fact, an attempt to interpret
it could lead to a very clumsy sentence " In the person of is unnecessary
The idea is that the speaker wishes to thank the main person responsible,
i e the permanent representative

3) четкость — here does not translate as ' accuracy" or " precision " The
speaker is referring to the good/superb organization of the seminar

4) безусловно — does not require a literal translation such as
" unconditionally " What is meant is " clearly, obviously."

5) в этой связи — is not always best translated as " in this connection "
To save time, " here" is often quite sufficient, it can also mean
" therefore."

6) в которых звучали откровенно азбучные истины — these are
platitudes, truisms, or self-evident ideas or facts.

7) содержательными идеями — the interpreter is well advised to forget
about the literal meaning of " content" in this word, as " contentfull" is not
an English expression " Substantive" or " informative" are what is meant

8) ознакомиться — the literal meaning of " get to know, " " get acquain­
ted with" often does not work, particularly when the subject is a
document " Read, " " get" or if necessary " familiarize themselves with" are
better choices

9) хода урегулирования " ход" here means progress, though it can also
be course, development, path or flow, depending on context " Урегулиро­
is nearly always " settlement" rather than " regulation "


10) более приближенной к реалиям сегодняшнего дня — this means
" more to the point, " " more realistic" rather than literally " closer to

11) проявлять больше творческих подходов — translating the verb
literally is asking for trouble, as in English one takes an approach — and
an approach in the singular

12) целесообразный — presents constant problems for interpreters
" Advisable, " " expedient" or " to the point" usually work " Purposeful" has
a narrower range of applications but may occasionally fit the sentence,
anything involving " goals" should be avoided

13) мы считаем... целесообразным придерживаться — you can, of
course, interpret this as " We find it advisable to keep to/maintain, " 01 any
other of the verbs suggested here If the speaker is going fast, however, the
simplest solution is to say " we find it advisable to do what we have done
in previous years, " saving a good number of words in the process The
interpreter should always keep in mind the short and strong verbs " make,
do, go, " which often provide far better and simpler translations than do
lengthy verbal constructions

14) такой подход объясняется очень просто — no need to translate the
verb literally The point is not that the explanation process is simple, but
that the reason for it is simple

15) такого рода мероприятий — " activities" or 'projects" are much more
idiomatic than " undertakings "

16) пойти навстречу — can often be simply rendered as " to
accommodate " " To meet halfway"
sometimes works, " to compromise"
may be too strong and have a nuance of giving in or giving up one's

17) в этой связи — see № 6

18) приложение — can be " addendum" or " appendix, " depending on the
specific organization involved and how it chooses to label such

19) будут решены обе задачи Задача is often not best rendered as
" task, " which can sound like doing the dishes " Issue, " " question, "
" problem, "
or even " goal" can work (" two goals will have been
achieved" )

20) на этом мероприятии — see № 14 What is meant here is the specific
meeting/seminar, not an " undertaking" of some sort



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