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Find these words in the text.

Расположен, основан, родной город, центр здоровья, вертолет, парк культуры и отдыха, церковь и мечеть, старая архитектура, институт, техникум, культурный центр, библиотеки, культурные места, центр торговли.

Просмотр компьютерной презентации «Памятники города Кумертау». Обсуждение.



Природа и человек.Погода. Окружающая среда.

Описание погоды Describing the Weather

лёгкий ветерок, бриз breeze

продуваемый ветром breezy

яркий; блестящий bright

светлый, ясный; безоблачный clear

облако; туча; cloud

облачный cloudy

влажный, сырой damp

мелкий дождь drizzle

моросящий drizzly

сухой dry

пасмурный, хмурый dull

туман fog

туманный foggy

градина hailstone

молния lightning

дождь rain

дождевая капля raindrop

осадки rainfall

дождливый rainy

ливень shower

дождливый, проливной showery

снег snow

снегопад snowfall

снежинка snowflake

снежный snowy

буря, гроза, ураган, шторм storm

штормовой stormy

солнце sun

солнечный sunny

солнечный свет sunshine

гром thunder

мокрый, влажный wet

ветер wind

ветренный windy

Температура The Temperature

холодный; прохладный chilly

холод cold

замораживающий freezing

жаркий hot

мягкий, тихий mild

палящий, жаркий, знойный scorching

тёплый warm

Глаголы Verbs

светиться, сверкать glow

замерзать, обледеневать freeze

идти (о граде) hail

лить (о дожде) pour (with ran)

идти, литься (о дожде) rain

светить, сиять, озарять shine

снег; идти (о снеге) snow


The naughtiest thing in the world is the weather. It's like a capricious woman who always does the opposite to what you ask her.

When you want to go for a picnic in the open air you ask the skies to remain clear and the day to be fine. Nervously you switch on the radio and listen to the weather forecast. You tremble with joy to hear that it'll stay warm and dry with bright sunshine, and moderate breeze. Your imagination draws a hot summer afternoon and your­self saying: “Nice weather we are having today! ” You take a lot of food and no warm clothes, go to the countryside but... do not get anything sunny.

You get it cloudy and cool with intermittent drizzle, which ends with a thundery shower. The sky is so heavily cast with clouds, the downpours follow one another with such frequency, the rumbling of thunder and flashes of lightning are so frightening that you've got no illusions left. You throw away the food and go back hungry and an­gry. And when you are already approaching your home soaked to the skin it suddenly brightens up. Oh, Goodness!

Each summer, every student survives through the best time of his or her life - an examination session. Then many students plead: “Please, weather, stay cloudy, chilly or even cold with brisk northerly wind and rain torrents leaving pools and puddles everywhere, espe­cially on the playground. And I'll be a good student.” The radio promises: “'Patchy light drizzle with showery outbreaks of rain.” But the “patch” is never in the right place. Instead the skies send heat and excellent weather for a sun tan. Everyone knows that sun tan never helps at exams.

And it is always like this. When you go skiing and want to have frosty weather with a lot of snow, it starts thawing and your skis sink in the slash. Instead of a snowfall and hoarfrost on the trees you get excellent sleet. The weather does not feel any pangs of remorse.

When you go in the car to the country, enjoying nice weather and a beautiful view of a rainbow in the blue sky, you pay no attention to some haze on the horizon. Some time later a thin mist in the distance turns into a thick fog and you spend a lovely two hours instead of one at the steering wheel.

When you plant some much-cared-for flowers in the garden, either a ground frost or a hail storm kills them. Digging muddy flowerbeds one feels exasperated: “What beastly weather we've had this week! And it keeps nasty! Wretched! ”

To tell the truth, sometimes the weather is ashamed and turns for the better. But not always. More often it sticks to its own pattern and after a short warm spell turns bad again. Why is it always like this? Maybe, because the weather likes surprises and wants to bring in adventures to our life, breaking the boring routine with marvellous happenings?


Words and word combinations to be remembered

1. to be awake - проснуться

2. bud - почка

3. toblossom - цвести, расцветать

4. todig - копать, рыть

5. todrizzle - моросить

6. tofade - вянуть, увядать

7. forget-me-not - незабудка

8. harvest - уборка урожая

9. lily of the valley - ландыш

10. piercing - пронизывающий

11. toripen - зреть, созревать

12. ripe - спелый, зрелый

13. tosow - сеять

14. snowdrop - подснежник

15. shower - ливень

16. violet - фиалка

17. to yield - уступать


Conversational Formulas

I am chilled to the bone. – Я продрог до костей.

I am drenched through. – Я вымок до нитки.

I am freezing. – Мне холодно.

I feel hot. – Мне жарко.

It’spouring. – Льет как из ведра.

Theweatherisfine (warm, dry, cool, nasty, windy). – Погода прекрасная (теплая, сухая, прохладная, ненастная, ветреная)

The weather keeps nice. – Стоит хорошая погода.

Read, translate and retell the text:


March, April and May are spring months. Spring has come, and everything is awakening from its winter sleep. The fields and meadows are dressed in green. There are buds on the trees, and the wild flowers once more begin to peep forth. The white snowdrop is one of the first flowers of spring. How lovely it is! Then forget-me-nots, lilies of the valley and violets make their appearance.

Birds sing their songs among the trees and begin to get their nests ready for summer. The gardeners dig the ground and sow seeds in the gardens. The days are warmer, for the bright sunshine has come again. Everything is full of life and joy. Soon the soft spring showers will water the earth and make the seeds grow.

In June summer sets in. June, July and August are summer months. June is one of the most pleasant months of the year. The days are the longest, as the sun rises early and sets late in the evening. The trees are in leaf, roses begin to blossom and their sweet perfume fills the air.

Then July begins. It is the warmest month of the year. Summer is in full beauty. The sky is blue. The sun is bright and hot.

Sometimes dark clouds gather in the sky. How fast they move along. See, they have hidden the sun. There is no blue sky at all. It is all black with clouds. It is dark like night. It will rain soon.

Now the rain begins. What large drops! Now the rain is over. It was only a shower. The flowers smell sweet, the sun shines brightly, and the birds sing. The hot sun ripens corn and fruit. Everything is ready for the harvest.

In September summer yields to autumn. The days become shorter and the nights longer. Apples, pears, plums and nuts are now ripe and may be picked. The grain crops have ripened and harvest time begins. Most birds go away to warmer countries.

The green leaves are fading. They begin to fall off. Some have fallen off from the trees and are lying dead on the ground. The leaves are no longer green, they ate red, yellow and brown. People go to the forests to pick nuts and berries or to gather mushrooms.

It often rains. The rain doesn't stop, it is drizzling. The weather is nasty, a piercing wind is blowing. It is more pleasant to stay indoors. It is bitterly cold at times. It is muddy, there are many pools of rainwater in the streets. Sometimes it is foggy, and the fog is very thick.

Winter has come at last. There are no flowers now in the gardens and the leaves have gone from the trees. The snow lies thick upon the ground, and the birds hop about looking in vain for food.

Snowflakes are falling thick and fast. Snow lies on the ground, on the bare branches of the trees, on the roofs of the houses. All the rivers and lakes are frozen; everything around looks so beautiful covered with ice and snow.

Children make snowmen and build snow-huts, play snowballs throwing them at one another. When the weather is fine children and grown-ups go skiing and skating or sliding down the snow covered hills.

Weather Forecast

Read the weather forecast and compose a forecast of your own for the region you live in.

Weather: England and Wales will start cloudy with outbreaks of rain. However, brighter, showery weather already over Scotland and Northern Ireland will slowly spread South and East throughout the day. The showers will be heaviest and most frequent in the North, falling as sleet or snow over hills and mountains, with drifting occurring in places. It will feel cold in the blustery and strong westerly wind.

Outlook: Sunny intervals and showers are expected. Feeling colder than of late in the north-westerly wind.

(“Daily Express”)






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