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Write out any terms that you did not understand in the reading. Look at its context, and try to figure out the meaning. Discuss these terms with your classmates.


Business depends on communication. People must communicate to plan products, hire, train, and motivate workers; coordinate manufacturing and delivery; persuade customers to buy. Indeed, for many businesses and nonprofit and government organizations, the " prod­uct" is information or services rather than something tangible. Informa­tion and services are created and delivered by communication. In every organization, communication is the way people get their points across and get work done.

Managers have three basic jobs: to collect and convey information, to make decisions, and to promote interpersonal unity. Every one of those jobs is carried out through communication. Managers collect relevant information from conversations, the grapevine, phone calls, memos, reports, databases, and the Internet. They convey information and decisions to other people inside or outside the organization through meetings, speeches, press releases, videos, memos, letters, and reports. Managers motivate organizational members in speeches, memos, conversations at lunch and over coffee, bulletin boards, and through " management by walking around."

Effective managers are able to use a wide variety of media and strategies to communicate. They know how to interpret comments from informal channels such as the company grapevine; they can speak effectively in small groups and in formal presentations; they write well.

Communication - oral, nonverbal, and written - goes to both internal and external audiences. Internal audiences are other people in the same organization: subordinates, superiors, peers. External audiences are people outside the organization: customers, suppliers, unions, stockholders, potential employees, government agencies, the press, and the general public.

In business we communicate for only one reason: to influence someone to think or behave in a particular way. For example, managers want to influence employees to understand, support, and work for business goals such as increasing productivity, sales, profits, and quality while reducing costs. To influence any audience, we must understand and relate to their interests and needs. Communication takes many forms: face-to-face or phone conversations, informal meetings, e-mail messages, letters, memos, and reports. All of these methods are verbal communication, or communication that uses words. Nonverbal communication does not use words. Pictures, computer graphics, and company logos are nonverbal. Interpersonal nonverbal signals include smiles, who sit where at a meeting, the size of an office, and how long someone keeps a visitor waiting.

Typically, effective communication is based on face-to-face interaction between people working to establish and maintain mutual trust and understanding. This interpersonal communication is often supported by the appropriate written, spoken, and broadcast communication material (memos, newsletters, news releases, speeches, videotapes, and other media). However, when we rely solely on these media, no matter how well crafted, we lose the ability that interpersonal communication provides to gauge if and how people respond to our communication. Essentially, we confuse merely disseminating information with interactive communication.

To increase the chances for success of any important business activity, develop a communication plan at the outset. The plan should articulate a clear purpose, the desired outcomes, and the messages and methods that will work best with audiences you need to reach. Without this kind of planned communication, the success of the activity and of the people involved is jeopardized unnecessarily.

Managerial communication is different from other kinds of communication. Why? Because in a business or management setting, a brilliant message alone is not sufficient: you are successful only if your message leads to the response you desire from your audience.

Comprehension_ __________________________________________________

Answer the following questions. Give extensive answers.

1. In what way does business depend on communication?

2. What basic jobs do managers have?

3. Why is communication important for those jobs?

4. What are effective managers able to do?

5. What audiences does communication go to?

6. What reason is for communication in business?

7. What is interpersonal communication supported by?

8. What risks could appear when we rely solely on the media communicating with our subordinates?

9. What should managers do to increase the chances for success of any important business activity?

10.Why is managerial communication different from other kinds of communication?

2. Determine which of the following statements are true and which are false. Then put T or F in the blanks. Rewrite false statements to make them true.

  1. __ Business depends on communication. In every organization, communication is the way people get their points across and get work done.
  2. __ Managers have three basic jobs: to collect and convey information, to make decisions, and to promote interpersonal unity.
  3. __ Managers cannot motivate organizational members at lunch and over coffee.
  4. __ The company grapevine is one of the formal channels.
  5. __ Internal audiences are people outside the organization.
  6. __ Nonverbal communication uses words
  7. __ When we rely solely on the media we lose the ability that interpersonal communication provides to gauge if and how people respond to our communication.
  8. __ To increase the chances for success of any important business activity, develop a communication plan at the end.
  9. __ In a business or management setting, only a brilliant message alone is sufficient.
  10. __ With planned communication, the success of the activity and of the people involved is jeopardized.


1. Say what you have learned about:

1. managers’ basic jobs and communication; 2. managerial communication; 3. internal audiences and external audiences; 4. communication plan.

Divide the text into logical parts. Give a title to each part.

Summarize the text.


Below is a list of terms that you could find in the text. Use this as a working list and add other terms that you figured out in the unit.

1. to hire - нанимать, предоставлять работу

2. manufacturing - производство

3. delivery - поставка, доставка

4. to persuade - убеждать ( that, of - в чем-л.)

5. customer - заказчик, покупатель, клиент

6. nonprofit organizations – некоммерческие организации

7. tangible - материальный, осязаемый

8. to promote - поддерживать

9. to convey - передавать

10. to make decisions – принимать решения

11. relevant - существенный, важный

12. grapevine - донос

13. to interpret - объяснять, толковать

14. database - база данных

15. response - ответ, отклик

16. variable - переменная ( величина )

17. internal - внутренний

18. external - внешний

19. audience - публика

20. subordinate - подчиненный

21. stockholder - акционер

22. employee – служащий, работающий по найму

23. superior - начальник, руководитель

24. to influence - влиять

25. to behave - вести себя, поступать, держаться

26. peer - равный

27. to support - поддерживать

28. to increase - возрастать

29. to reduce - понижать, сокращать, уменьшать

30. costs - затраты

31. to relate - реагировать (особ. положительно)

32. to establish - устанавливать

33. to maintain - поддерживать

34. mutual trust - взаимное доверие

35. appropriate - подходящий, соответствующий

36. solely - единственно, исключительно, только

37. to craft - мастерить

38. to provide - обеспечивать

39. to gauge - оценивать, измерять

40. to confuse - смешивать, спутывать ( with)

41. disseminating - распространение

42. outset - начало

43. to articulate – отчётливо представлять

44. purpose - цель

45. outcome - результат

46. to involve - втягивать, вовлекать ( in, with)

47. to jeopardize - подвергать опасности, рисковать

48. setting - окружающая обстановка, окружение

49. sufficient - достаточный, обоснованный

50. response - реакция

51. _____________________________________________________________

52. _____________________________________________________________

53. _____________________________________________________________

54. _____________________________________________________________

55. _____________________________________________________________




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