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Conclusions and Summaries
1. We have seen two aspects of ... Our conclusions are summarized as follows: 2. I conclude with an example ... Still the problem of solving... remains an intriguing open question 3. In this paper I had described my point of view that... to shed some 4. A brief review is presented of recent theoretical and experimental 5. This paper sums up results of our work … Acknowledgements We would like to thank Dr. X for reading the manuscript critically for language corrections/for valuable general comments on ... for making some useful suggestions for organizational change/for all these contributions The author is grateful to… for… It is a pleasure to thank X for reading the manuscript and making many useful remarks. I am grateful to ... and other colleagues for pointing out errors and suggesting improvements in the original manuscript. The work described in this paper was done in collaboration with … Discussion. Asking and Answering Questions Asking questions: Let me ask you a question concerning… I have a question about… My next question relates to…. One more question… The last question is… Answering Questions: 1. Thank you, as to your question… 2. Thank you, I’m afraid I don’t have enough information to answer that… 3. Thank you, that’s a difficult question to answer… 4. It is not within the scope /beyond the scope of my research.
Expressing an opinion: To my mind…; in my opinion… As I see it…. As far as I'm concerned... Personally, I... My point of view is...
Expressing an opinion weakly : I'm inclined, to think that... I tend to think that..
Expressing an opinion strongly: I'm sure that... I'm certain that... I'm convinced that... I really do think that... I definitely think that... I absolutely convinced that... There's no doubt that...
Hesitating: Well, let me see…Oh, let me think for a moment... Well now... What do I think of the problem? Well... I've no idea, I'm afraid. I'm sorry, but I'm not the right person to answer that question. I can't answer that. I'll need some time to think about that if you don't mind.
Agreements: I completely agree. I agree entirely with your point of view. I'm exactly of the same opinion. I agree in principle, but...
Strong Disagreement: I totally disagree with you. I don't agree at all. I disagree entirely. I respect your opinion, of course, however... I don't completely agree with you that…
Asking for Confirmation: If I understood you correctly, you are saying that...Are you saying that...? Asking for Repetition: I'm sorry, but I didn't quite follow what you were saying about. I'm afraid I don't understand what you mean. Correcting Misunderstandings: I think you've misunderstood me. That isn't quite what I mean.
For Disbelief:
It's hardly likely that... It's not likely that... I’m afraid it contradicts the facts...
A Model for a report Thank you, Mr X. I am happy to have this opportunity to present my paper at this workshop session. The purpose of this study was to understand the mechanism of….. It is well known that some interesting research has been done in this field in recent years. Yet, it is not clear why …. So the aim of this work was to find an explanation for the…. We suggest an explanation in terms of …., which is confirmed by a model calculation. Now let me discuss in some detail the data we have obtained and the conclusions we have made. I would like to start by…. I'm afraid we'll have to skip some details, because we're short of time. Have a look at this diagram, please. It demonstrates the difference between (You can see a good agreement) the experimental data and the model calculations, This enables us to make the following conclusion… Experimental results agree with this theory and show that … In contrast with a previous interpretation, we attribute the phenomenon to … With this I would like to finish. If there are questions I'll be glad to answer them. Thank you. Appendix 2 Word formation: prefixes . Prefixes
1 Negative and positive prefixes:
2. Prefixes of location:
3. Prefixes: time and order:
4. Prefixes of size:
5. Prefixes of numbers: 6. Other prefixes
Appendix 3 Word formation: suffixes
1. Noun-forming suffixes:
3. Verb-forming suffixes:
4. Adjective-forming suffixes:
5. Adverb-forming suffix:
Appendix 4 Mathematical supplementary : solve решать solution решение to equal равняться to be equal to равняться equation уравнение equality равенство to add прибавить addition прибавление to subtract вычесть subtraction вычитание to multiply умножить to divide разделить to cancel сократить to substitute подставить fraction дробь decimal fraction десятичная дробь nominator числитель denominator знаменатель factor множитель, коэфф. ratio отношение, пропорция inverse ratio обратное отношение
How to read mathematical formulae: a = b a is equal to b a equals b
c = a + b c is equal to a plus b c equals a plus b c is a plus b c = a - b c is equal to a minus b c equals a minus b c is a minus b c = a x b c is equal to a multiplied by b c equals a multiplied by b c is equal to a times b c is equal to the product of a and b c = a/b c is equal to a divided by b a2 a sub two aj a j-th a sub j a > b a is greater than b a < b a is less than b a + b > c a + b is greater than c a + b < c a + b is less than c a/b = c/b the ratio of a to b is equal to the ratio of c to d a•b2 ⁄ d3 a times b squared divided by c equals d to the third power
a² a to the second power a squared a raised to the second power a - 10 a to the minus tenth power Ö b the square root of b R = Ö (a² + b²) R is equal to the square root of a squared plus b squared
dx the first derivative of x with respect to time dt d²x the second derivative of x with respect to time d²t n ò the integral between m and n m n ò (x+ b)/x2 dx the integral from m to n of x plus b m divided by x squared multiplied by dx b2= logac b squared is equal to the logarithm of c to the base a |
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