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Diagnosis process (1)
Individual hardware components are supervised by small hardware supplements such as timer. Another usual method is to check all the hardware components, if possible, by test programs. Since large software packages are not free of faults, it is necessary to take supervisory measures within the software. Various algorithms and procedures are available for these. Statical diagnosis procedures use known fault patterns to find the appropriate cause of any faults and to initiate appropriate reactions. In this case, statical diagnosis procedures mean that already existing fixed arrangement between fault pattern and fault cause is used. Dynamical diagnosis systems are capable of automatically recording processes with the reference standards. Today automation systems are modularly structured, so that diagnosis is based on accessible signal components. There are several possibilities of realization. One method is the integration of the supervisory and diagnosis functions into the software already used during the development of the control functional units. Another method is to keep the monitoring and diagnosis separate from the real functions. A monitoring and diagnosis unit made for a special function or for different functions can receive the data of one of several functions via adequate interfaces. With the development of control functions, the diagnosis interface has to be considered as a separate phenomenon. The diagnosis function is separately coded and is therefore portable on to additional hardware. So one can say that the method mentioned first does not cover control-internal hardware fault sources. If the second method is used, faults of the control hardware can also be recognized and a certain standardization of the diagnosis component is possible. Furthermore, diagnoses become possible which can only be derived from an analysis of variables of the different function components.
8. Ответьте на вопросы. 1) How are individual hardware components supervised? 2) How are software components supervised? 3) What is the principle of functioning of statistical diagnosis procedures? 4) What is the first method of modular structurization of automation systems? 5) What is another method of modular structurization of automation systems? 6) What is the difference between these two methods?
Найдите в тексте слова того же корня, что и следующие. Переведите их. the supervision, to pack, the measurement, the separation, the derivation, recognizable, the reception, the accessibility, to realize, the addition, the module
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System engineering and the organization
A system is an organized whole, which means a plan according to which parts are interconnected to constitute a whole. Defined in this way, the term system covers a large spectrum of our physical, biological and social reality. To analyse this reality a theory has been developed – System Theory – that tries to deal with dynamic systems and the interactions in its parts. It is important to differentiate between open systems and closed systems. The open systems consider the interaction among its components and with its environment. In these systems there is a dynamic relationship with the environment, from which they receive various inputs, transforming them and sending the outputs back to it. They adapt themselves to this environment through internal changes to their structure and in the process developed by their parts. On the other hand, the closed systems consider the system under analysis as self-contained (самодостаточный).
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