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Separate outwards on each side of the runway.
4 separate outwards to the right side only.
Вопрос 254 According to DOC 4444 (ICAO), a wake turbulence radar separation minima of 9.3 km (5.0 NM) shall be applied when
Ответы 1 HEAVY aircraft is crossing behind a HEAVY aircraft, at the same altitude or less than 300 m (1 000 ft).
2 MEDIUM aircraft is crossing behind a MEDIUM aircraft, at the same altitude or less than 300 m (1 000 ft).
3 LIGHT aircraft is crossing behind a MEDIUM aircraft, at the same altitude or less than 300 m (1 000 ft).
4 LIGHT aircraft is crossing behind a HEAVY aircraft, at the same altitude or less than 300 m (1 000 ft).
Вопрос 255 Which are the best conditions for wake turbulence to move to a nearby runway:
Ответы 1 Strong wind, strong tail wind and strong crosswind.
2 Strong wind, calm crosswind and strong tail wind.
3 Calm wind, strong crosswind and strong tailwind.
4 Calm wind, calm crosswind and light tail wind.
Вопрос 256 Wake turbulence category refers to aircraft which have a maximum certificated take-off mass
Ответы 1 136000 kg or more.
2 less than 27 000 kg but more than 5 700 kg.
3 less than 136 000 kg but more than 7000 kg.
4 Kg or less.
Вопрос 257 The wake turbulence is the most severe when the aircraft
1) slow
3) in a clean configuration
4) flying with a high thrust
The combination of correct statement is:
Ответы 1 1,2, 3,4
2 1,4
3 2, 3,4
4 1,2,3
Вопрос 258 Wake turbulence risk is highest:
Ответы 1 if just before landing a much lighter aircraft has landed at the same runway with heavy crosswind.
2 when a preceding aircraft has briefly applied reverse-thrust just prior to take-off.
3 following a preceding aircraft at high speed.
4 When a heavy aircraft hasjust performed a take-off at a closely situated parallel runway with a light crosswind.
Вопрос 259 How do the vortexes from an aeroplane wing act?
Ответы 1 They go from wing root to wing tip via the ailerons.
2 They go from upper surface to lower via the root.
3 They go from wing tip upwards around the wing tips.
4 They go out from the wing tips and downward.
Вопрос 260 According with DOC 4444 (ICAO), a wake turbulence non-radar separation minima of 3 minutes shall be applied to:
Ответы 1 MEDIUM aircraft landing behind a HEAVY aircraft.
2 LIGHT aircraft taking off behind a MEDIUM aircraft when aircraft are using the same runway.
3 LIGHT aircraft landing behind a MEDIUM aircraft.
4 LIGHT aircraft taking-off behind a MEDIUM aircraft from a parallel runway separated by less than 760 m (using whole
Вопрос 261 The greatest wake turbulence occurs when the generating aircraft is:
Ответы 1 small, light, at maximum speed in full flaps configuration.
2 large, heavy, at maximum speed in full flaps configuration.
3 Large, heavy, at low speed in clean configuration.
4 small, light, at low speed in clean configuration.
Вопрос 262 To avoid wake turbulence, when departing behind a larger aircraft, the pilot should manoeuvre:
Ответы 1 below and upwind from the larger aircraft.
2 Above and upwind from the larger aircraft.
3 below and downwind from the larger aircraft.
4 above and downwind from the larger aircraft.
Вопрос 263 When must wake turbulence be considered?
Ответы 1 A HEAVY aircraft landing in a strong crosswind.
2 A LIGHT aircraft landing in a light crosswind.
3 High rate of roll manoeuvres over the runway.
4 A HEAVY category aircraft landing with full lift enhancing devices employed.
Вопрос 264 In accordance with ICAO and PANS RAC procedures, which letter should be entered into a flight plan to denote an aeroplane which
has a weight of less than 136 000 kg but greater than 7 000 kg:
Ответы 1 M
2 H
3 L
4 S
Вопрос 265 The tip vortices circulate about each wing tip:
Ответы 1 clockwise.
2 counterclockwise.
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