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Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии |
From the underwing towards the upper side of the wing.
4 from the upper side of the wing towards the underwing.
Вопрос 266 When taking-off behind a heavy aircraft, with the wind coming from the left side, you adopt, whenever possible:
Ответы 1 a different flight path from the preceding aircraft, by remaining to the right of and under its path.
2 an identical flight path to the one of the preceding aircraft.
3 A different flight path from the preceding aircraft, by remaining to the left of and above its path.
4 a different flight path from the preceding aircraft, by remaining behind it and under its path.
Вопрос 267 Under what conditions is a radar separation of 5 NM required for wake turbulence spacing?
Ответы 1 LIGHT following a HEAVY.
2 MEDIUM following a HEAVY.
3 HEAVY following a MEDIUM.
4 HEAVY following a HEAVY.
Вопрос 268 At a given configuration, the wake turbulence of an aeroplane is greater when the aeroplane is:
Ответы 1 Heavy at low airspeed.
2 heavy at high airspeed.
3 light at low airspeed.
4 light at high airspeed.
Вопрос 269 Wake turbulence is created by:
Ответы 1 The wingtips of heavy aircraft during the take-off and landing.
2 Cumulonimbus clouds.
3 Wind forces greater than 50 kts.
4 Behind high buildings less than 300 m from the runway.
Вопрос 270 Aeroplane wake turbulence during take-off starts when:
Ответы 1 the take-off roll commences.
2 slats and flaps are extended only.
3 out of ground effect.
4 The nose wheel lifts off the runway.
Вопрос 271 When taking-off behind a heavy aircraft, with the wind coming from the right side, you adopt, whenever possible:
Ответы 1 a different flight path from the preceding aircraft, by remaining behind it and under its path.
2 an identical flight path to the one of the preceding aircraft.
3 a different flight path from the preceding aircraft, by remaining to the left of and under its path.
4 A different flight path from the preceding aircraft, by remaining to the right of and above its path.
Вопрос 272 For the purpose of wake turbulence separation, what is the minimum separation time that is permitted when a light aircraft is
taking off behind a heavy aircraft from an intermediate part of the same runway?
Ответы 1 5 minutes.
2 2 minutes.
3 Minutes.
4 4 minutes.
Вопрос 273 When landing behind a large aircraft the effect of wake turbulence are likely to be worst in conditions of:
Ответы 1 light wind down the runway.
2 strong wind down the runway.
3 Light crosswind.
4 strong crosswind.
Вопрос 274 What should a pilot do if his/her aircraft is subject to an act of unlawful interference and contact to an ATS unit cannot be
Ответы 1 Proceed at a level which differs from the cruising levels normally used for IFR flight by 150 m (500 ft) in an area where a Vertical separation minimum of 300 m (1 000 ft) is applied.
2 never attempt to broadcast warnings on the VHF channel (e.g. 121.5 MHz).
3 proceed at a level which differs from the cruising levels normally used for IFR flight by 200 m (600 ft) in an area where a
vertical separation minimum of 600 m (2 000 ft) is applied.
4 proceed in accordance with applicable special procedures for in-flight contingencies, where such procedures have been
established and promulgated in the Regional Supplementary Procedures (Doc 7130).
Вопрос 275 When you have been unlawfully interfered with, the state in which you land is required to inform:
1) State of the Operator.
2) ICAO.
3) State of registration of aircraft.
4) EASA.
Ответы 1 1,2, 3,4
2 2,4
3 1,2
4 1,2,3
Вопрос 276 What must be included in the security and training procedures created by the operator?
1. Specific aircraft type checklists
2. Detection and removal of a bomb
3. Discovery of a suspicious package
4. Sabotage procedures
Ответы 1 2, 3,4
2 1,3,4
3 1,2, 3,4
4 1,4
Вопрос 277 In case of a serious threat based on the presence of a bomb on board a pressurized aircraft and disregarding any fuel
Ответы 1 You descend to the flight level corresponding to the indicated cabin altitude or the safety altitude if higher and take |
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