Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Vicarious; caused; nuisance; familiarise; investigation; breach; negligently; confession; consideration; clause; hearsay

1. He does odd jobs for a __________. 2. The congressman was accused of a __________ of secrecy laws. 3. The goal of the experiment was to __________ the people with the new laws. 4. What __________ the accident? 5. People use the Internet as a __________ form of social life. 6. He is not very efficient and does his work __________. 7. A public __________ offends the public at large. 8. Much of what was reported to them was __________. 9. There was a congressional __________ into the scandal. 10. His __________ was extracted under duress (примус, тиск). 11. There is a __________ in his contract which entitles him to a percentage of the profits. 12. We are for a more equitable __________ of wealth.

B: Fill in the appropriate preposition or adverb where necessary.

1. The disruptive child was a nuisance ____ the class. 2. He ordered an investigation ____ the affair. 3. He made his confession ____ influence ____ liquor. 4. The firm was found guilty ____ breach ____ the contract. 5. What is the rationale ____ capital punishment? 6. He agreed to do it ____ a small consideration. 7. We familiarized ourselves ____ the new terms of the contract. 8. He was arrested after being kept ____ constant surveillance. 9. The system is not working ____ respect ____ training. 10. He gave his attention ____ the desperate state ____ housing in the province. 11. There’s a postage and packing fee ____ addition ____ the repair charge. 12. It involves the liability ____a firm’s owners ____ no more than the capital they have invested ____ the firm. 13. _____ the Constitution of the United States, no state can deny the right to vote ____the basis ____ gender. 14. The 19th Amendment ____ the Constitution gave women the right to vote.

8. Speaking Which of the courses in the excerpt are you required to take in the law degree programme you are enrolled in?

Reading 3: Law courses

Pre-reading task. Read the words. Mind the stress. A):

΄common                                com΄pare                termi΄nology                                                             

΄memo                               fru΄strating            uni΄versity

΄definitely                          a΄ssociated             re΄spective                                                      

΄system                              se΄mester               co΄rrection


B) Complete the word building table.

Noun                     Adjective Verb                 Noun
correction                            correction
                              associated                     to compare     
system to understand
                                 frustrating to present
                              practical to prepare
                              difficult to discuss
skill practice
                              important brief

C) Look through the following words to make sure that you know all of them and learn those that you don’t know.

associated [ ] 1. зв’язаний (з чим-небудь); викликаний, спричинений, обумовлений (чим-небудь); 2. об’єднаний, з’єднаний, поєднаний; приєднаний; 3. асоційований
respective [ ] відповідний
to be/get used (to) You’ll soon get used to it. I’m used to getting up early. звикати, звикнути; ви скоро до цього звикнете; Я звик рано вставати.  
frustrating [ ] який розчаровує, який викликає невіру у свої сили
terminology [ ] to use the legal terminology термінологія використовувати юридичну термінологію
common law [ ] загальне право
memo [ ] (memorandum)     explanatory memorandum меморандум, пам’ятна записка, пам’ятний листок; замітка; лист з нагадуванням; доповідна записка або письмова довідка пояснювальна записка
Supreme Court Верховний суд
to set up The journal was set up in 1924. засновувати Цей журнал був заснований у 1924 році.
case [ ] to decide a case, to settle a case to hear, try a case to lose case to win a case The court will not hear this case. (судова) справа, (pl.) судова практика; докази, аргументація у (судовій) справі; казус; судовий прецедент; винести рішення по справі; заслухати судову справу; програти справу, програти процес; виграти справу, виграти процес; Суд не буде розглядати цю справу.
brief [ ] короткий письмовий виклад справи
to compare [ ]   1. (with) порівнювати, проводити паралель; звіряти; 2. (to) порівнювати, уподібнювати

Most universities now offer language courses for lawyers, and in some countries these courses are compulsory. Some courses in legal English focus on the study of Anglo-American legal system and associated terminology. Others offer a more practical introduction to the language skills lawyers will need during their future careers.

You are going to read a discussion between two law students, Heidi from Germany and Pavel from Russia. They are each spending a semester studying law in England and are discussing the English courses they were required to take as part of the law degree programmes in their respective countries.

1. Read the discussion and tick what each student says he/she did on his/her legal course.

H: So, how are things going? Are you having any trouble with the lectures?

P: Well, I did at the beginning. I had to get used to the accents. It was very frustrating – people here speak very quickly, which makes it harder to understand! But now it’s much easier – I can understand almost everything.

H: I wish I could say the same. Sometimes I only understand half of what the lecturer says. I have trouble writing too. That’s more difficult for me than understanding what people say. But I can normally find someone to look at my work and make corrections.

P: Yes, I think writing’s the hardest thing to do in English. But we did do a lot of writing exercises in my legal English course at university. That definitely helped.

H: Writing exercises? We didn’t have any writing practice in the English course we took. We learned a lot of terminology, a lot about the common-law system, how things work in America and the UK.

P: Really? Our course was more practical – we worked on the language skills that lawyers need: writing, reading, even doing legal research in English. And we had to write lots of different things, texts that lawyers really have to write, like letters to clients, memos, that kind of things.

H: We had to give presentations about different institutions. I gave one about the US Supreme Court. We don’t really work on speaking or research skills, though; it was more important to present the terminology. I described how the US Supreme Court is set up and how it works.

P: We gave presentations, too, but our presentations were on more practical topics. We did need to learn some terminology for those. We had to present case briefs, or talk about our own legal systems.

H: We didn’t talk about the laws of our country at all – only about the USA or the UK.

P: We compared the laws of different countries quite a bit. We read as lot about other legal systems, other countries’ laws. But we mainly practised speaking about our own legal system, and talked about how things work in our country.

H: It sounds like your course was better than mine.

P: I don’t know if it was better, but it was certainly more language-based and more skills-based.

H: Well, it certainly looks like you’re better prepared than I am!


    Heidi’s course Pavel’s course
1. worked on writing skills for lawyers    
2. practiced legal research skills    
3. learned about other legal systems    
4. studied terminology    
5. gave presentations    
6. practiced speaking about own legal system    


2. Match the words with their definitions.

1. to compare with a. depriving of confidence or hope or enthusiasm
2. brief b. a) A short written statement outlining the terms of an agreement, transaction, or contract. b) A short note written as a reminder.
3. case c. a document containing all the facts and points of law of a case by which a solicitor instructs a barrister to represent a client
4. memorandum (memo) d. belonging or relating separately to each of several people or things
5. frustrating f. to describe as being similar to
6. respective g. a) An action or a suit or just grounds for an action. b) The facts or evidence offered in support of a claim.
7. to compare to   i. to be near in standard or quality


3. Fill in the appropriate preposition or adverb where necessary.

1. They found out they’d been associating ____ a murderer. 2. I am used ____ hitchhiking. 3. He set ____ the company four years ago. 4. Commentators compared his work ____ that of James Joyce. 5. 6. He just can’t compare ____ Mozart. 7. They offer tips ____ topics such as home safety. hulle kan nie vergelyk word nie يُوازي، يُشَبِّه уподобявам rovnat se måle sig med; tåle sammenligning; ikke tåle sammenligning vergleichen παραβάλλομαι, συγκρίνομαι compararse võrdlust (välja) kannatama قابل مقایسه بودن؛ در خور مقایسه بودن kestää vertailu se comparer לִדמוֹת मिलान može se uspoređivati sa felér vmivel, hasonlítható vmihez, vkihez menandingi standast samanburð við essere paragonato 似ている 비교하다 lygintis līdzināties tidak dapat dibandingkan vergelijken måle seg med, tåle sammenlikning med równać się comparar-se a se compara сравнить rovnať sa primerjati se porediti se jämföra[] เทียบเท่า kıyaslamak, kıyas kabul etmek 比得上 порівнятися سے قریب ، پہلو بہ پہلو đáng được so sánh 相比


4. Speaking Read the conversations again and then discuss with a partner which course (Heidi’s or Pavel’s) most resembles your experience of legal English so far.

Reading 4: Bodies of law

Pre-reading task. Read the words. Mind the stress. A):

'overview                           re'lationship           ,appli'cation

'framework               a'ttend                   su,peri'ority

'penal                                 in'sight                   im'prisonment

'punishment                       a'pproach               legi'slation

'precedent                          pro'vision               intro'duction


B) Complete the word building table.

Noun                     Verb Verb / Noun           Adjective
introduction introduction
legislation legislation
imprisonment application
application provision
provision punishment
punishment approach
relationship superiority
                               to attend        precedent

C) Look through the following words to make sure that you know them, learn those you don’t.

introduction [ ] introduction to a book передмова; вступ, вступне слово; вступний курс; передмова до книги
overview [ ] загальне уявлення (про який-небудь предмет); загальне враження
source [ ]   source of law / legal source 1. джерело, основа; початок, (першо)причина; джерело інформації; 2. письмове джерело, документ; джерело права
relationship [ ] відношення, взаємовідношення; зв’язок, взаємозв’язок
to attend [ ] to attend a lecture to attend school to attend a meeting   to attend to one’s own business 1. відвідувати, бути присутнім відвідувати лекцію; відвідувати школу; бути присутнім на зборах; 2. (to) приділяти увагу, бути уважним приділяти увагу своїм власним справам; 3. (to) піклуватися (про що-небудь); пильнувати, наглядати (за чим-небудь); (часто on, upon) доглядати, піклуватися (про хворого)
framework [ ] framework of society within the framework of smth 1. загальна схема (якої-небудь діяльності); 2. структура, будова; композиція; 3. рамки, межі; основа суспільний лад; у рамках, межах чогось
insight [in´sait]   And it was that last phrase that gave MPs a clear insight into the prime minister's current frame of mind. розуміння; проникнення в суть, інтуїція; проникливість, ознайомлення; Та саме ця остання фраза допомогла членам парламенту ясно зрозуміти нинішній настрій прем’єр-міністру.
to deal [di:l] with (dealt , dealt [delt]) e.g. There are many difficulties to be dealt with when starting a new business. Head Office deals with all complaints. мати справу з, розглядати; Коли починаєш нову справу, доводиться стикатися з багатьма труднощами.   Головна контора розглядає всі скарги.
application [æpli´kei∫(ə)n] new applications for old remedies   to file / make / submit an application application form 1. застосування, використання; нове застосування старих засобів; 2. заява, прохання подати заяву бланк заяви
approach [ə´prəut∫] (to) scholarly / scientific approach to take a judicious approach to a problem підхід, ставлення до справи науковий підхід, розумно підійти до вирішення проблеми
superiority [ ] 1. старшинство; перевага; 2. переважне право; 3. верховенство
penal [´pi:n(ə)l] to make penal penal law кримінальний, карний, штрафний, каральний, оголосити кримінально карним кримінальне право; пенітенціарне право
case law прецедентне право
breach [bri:t∫] breach of contract breach of covenant [ ] порушення порушення контракту; порушення угоди
punishment [ ] capital punishment cruel / harsh / severe punishment light / mild punishment corporal punishment to administer punishment to smb to escape punishment to impose, inflict punishment on покарання, кара; смертна кара, найвища міра покарання;  суворе покарання; м’яке покарання; тілесне покарання; застосовувати покарання; уникнути покарання; накладати покарання 
e.g. to fine / fine heavy, stiff fine fine for illegal parking The motorist was fined for dangerous driving. штрафувати; штраф; великий штраф; штраф за паркування в забороненому місці; Автомобіліста покарали за небезпечне керування автомобілем.
imprisonment [ ] imprisonment for life = life imprisonment тюремне ув’язнення; позбавлення волі довічне ув’язнення  
bound [ ] зобов’язаний, змушений; неодмінний, обов’язковий
precedent [ ] without precedent there’s no precedent for this to set / create / establish a precedent to invoke a precedent (судовий) прецедент; безпрецедентний, що немає прецеденту; це безпрецедентний випадок; створити прецедент; посилатися на прецедент
provision [ ] treaty provision положення, умова (договору, закону); постанова постанови договору; умови або пункти договору
ruling [ ] постанова, рішення (суду, голови зборів)
legislation [ ]     to adopt / enact / pass legislation to veto legislation 1. законодавство, законодавча діяльність; 2. закони; 3. законодавча ініціатива; 4. законопроекти, які знаходяться на розгляді законодавчого органу; прийняти закон; накладати вето на законопроект
to codify [ ] кодифікувати; систематизувати; класифікувати

1. Read the excerpts below from the course catalogue of a British university’s summer-school programme in law and answer these questions.

1. Who is each course intended for?

2. Which course deals with common law?

3. Which course studies the history of European law?

A LAW 121: Introduction to English law This course provides a general overview of English law and the common-law system. The course will look at the sources of law and the law-making process, as well as at the justice system in England. Students will be introduced to selected areas of English law, such as criminal law, contract law and the law of torts. The relationship between the English common law and EU law will also be covered. The course is designed for those international students who will be studying at English universities later in the academic year. Other students with an interest in the subject are also welcome to attend, as the contact points between English law and civil law are numerous. The seminars and all course materials are in English.
B LAW 221: Introduction to civil law More individuals in the world solve their legal problems in the framework of what is called the civil-law system than in the Anglo-Saxon case-law system. This course will introduce students to the legal systems of Western Europe that have most influenced the civil-law legal systems in the world. It aims to give students an insight into a system based on the superiority of written law. The course will cover application and development of Roman law in Europe to the making of national codes all over the world. The course is intended to prepare students who are going to study in a European university for the different approaches to law that they are likely to face in their year abroad.

2. Match these bodies of law (1-3) with their definitions (a-c).

1 civil law a. area of the law which deals with crimes and their punishments, including fines and/or imprisonment (also penal law)
2 common law b. 1) legal system developed from Roman codified law, established by a state for its regulation; 2) area of the law concerned with non-criminal matters, rights and remedies
3 criminal law c. legal system which is the foundation of the legal systems of most of the English-speaking countries of the world, based on customs, usage and court decisions (also case law. judge-made law)


3. Match the words with their definitions.

1. legislation a. a judicial decision that serves as an authority for deciding a later case
2. provision b. the quality of being higher
3. ruling c. the act or process of making laws; enactment; the laws so made
4. precedent d. a decision of someone in authority, such as a judge
5. application f. ideas or actions intended to deal with a problem or situation
6. superiority g. a demand, condition, or stipulation formally incorporated in a document;
7. approach h. using smth for a particular purpose; a verbal or written request for assistance or employment or admission


4. Fill in the appropriate preposition or adverb where necessary.

1. His introduction ____ International Legal English could have been easier. 2. The preface [΄prεfɪs] ____ the book is a historical overview ____ the welfare state. 3. We’ll attend ____ that problem later. 4. He will attend school ____ till he is sixteen. 5. They work ____ the framework ____ federal regulations. 6. The talk gave us some insight ____ the work they were doing. 7. The committee will deal ____ this complaint. 8. He advocated the application ____ statistics ____ the problem. 9. She submitted the application ____ leave. 10. His approach ____ every problem is to draw ____ a list ____ pros and cons. 11. I was fined ____ parking ____ the wrong side ____ the street. 12. If convicted he faces a fine ____ one million dollars. 13. She was sentenced ____ imprisonment ____ life. 14. The trial could set an important precedent ____ similar cases. 15. In the contract, there is a provision ____ existing regulations to be reviewed. 16. All members are bound ____ an oath of secrecy.

5. Complete the text below contrasting civil law, common law and criminal law using the words in the box.

based on      bound by           codified           custom           disputes legislation          non-criminal              precedents          provisions      rulings

The term ‘civil law’ contrasts with both ‘common law’ and ‘criminal law’. In the first sense of the term, civil law refers to a body of law 1).........................written legal codes derived from fundamental normative principles. Legal 2).......................... are settled by reference to this code, which has been arrived at through 3)........................... . Judges are 4)..........................the written law and its 5)........................... In contrast, common law was originally developed through 6).........................., at a time before laws were written down. Common law is based on 7).......................... created by judicial decisions, which means that past 8)..........................are taken into consideration when cases are decided. It should be noted that today common law is also 9).........................., i.e. in written form. In the second sense of the term, civil law is distinguished from criminal law, and refers to the body of law dealing with 10)..........................matters, such as breach of contract.


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